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League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!

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I think all the champions in the game are viable... though Mundo is so bad he's practically in a tier of his own. Player skill has more to do with winning than what champion you pick, but that doesn't mean there aren't differences in champion effectiveness.


There's a difference there. I believe Sivir is only strong in the sense that if the player behind her is a lot better than the opposition, then she can dominate, but the same player would probably be able to roll the game playing any other champion as well. The player skill is more important than the viability of the champion in this scenario.

However, if the skill level is more or less equal across the board, Sivir would just end up being a liability, whereas good but hard to play Champions like Orianna, Cassiopeia etc. would still be very strong.

Looking at the larger picture though, I suppose it doesn't matter that much because skill levels are all over the place in matchmaking, so pretty much every champion is viable when you're comfortable with playing them.


Hell, I've been told that my character sucked more than once, because I wasn't racking up enough kills (with Janna) or that I wasn't doing enough damage (top damage dealer with Anivia).

You can get some pretty darn stupid people on that game. However, some random people are actually quite nice and will understand when you mess up, and will offer to help you if you start falling behind.

Others will complain about feeding and will let you all alone against a foe that got 1 lucky kill, used that lead to kill you once or twice more and now is 4 levels ahead of you.

Posted (edited)
I think all the champions in the game are viable... though Mundo is so bad he's practically in a tier of his own. Player skill has more to do with winning than what champion you pick, but that doesn't mean there aren't differences in champion effectiveness.

Mundo's not bad, I don't think. People just don't know what to do with him.

Going full tank on him really cuts his usefullness. His E gives him 100 AD at rank 5, and has almost 100% uptime. That's crazy, that's slightly more than two BF swords, and no one builds to take advantage of that. Every Mundo I see either goes full tank or stacks Warmog's, and as a result spends the entire game derping around and being useless.

Edited by Dexie
Orianna is one of the more complex heroes to play -- compare the difficulty of positioning her ball to Annie's direct target, fire-and-forget spells.

Actually, Annie only has one direct target "fire and forget" spell.

Actually, Annie only has one direct target "fire and forget" spell.

And two AoEs, one of which is quite large and can follow people around.

Even if only one of her spells is direct target, she's still got a pretty low skill cap.


So what you guys are saying is that Annie has one direct target, and two AoEs, while Orianna also has one direct (friendly) target and three AoEs. Both champs share a target area AoE. Orianna can also just Q-R to activate her second AoE, which Annie cannot do. There is a very small difference in targeting mechanics between the two.

In either case, I'm not seeing how this comparison relates in any way to how Annie is "easier" to play than Orianna. I think we can all agree that the targeting mechanics of their skills are all pretty easy to use. Literally hit a button, point, and click.

Have you ever played Orianna?


it's a combination of knowing how to keep the right distance (which is a general caster skill) and having keys mapped to smart cast

once you've got those it's pretty much q then r then w then e and then walk away until your cooldowns are done


The difference is that all your skills are tied to the positioning of an object other than yourself. So, you have to manage your position relative to the ball, and the ball's position relative to who you want to hit. Since the ball doesn't travel instantly, this also requires some leading. If you need to shield an ally, you're potentially disrupting your offensive capability unless that ally also happens to be exactly where you want to attack. Likewise, unlike other casters, you can't use your Q to nuke an area way in front and then your W to nuke one way in back. You have to think about things a little more.

Posted (edited)

Annie's two 'skillshots' have pretty much instant cast/travel time, making them laughably easy to land.

Orianna's Q is a slow-traveling skillshot that comes out from positions that usually aren't even centered on your champion.

Her W hits a small AoE that is dependent on you properly positioning the ball with Q first.

Her E is yet another skillshot as far as the damage aspect is concerned, except the target has to be you or an ally.

The usage for any of these skills is not something that carries over from other champions and it definitely takes some time to get used to.

Not to mention that the combo potential is pretty crazy, and you're forced to make a lot of on the fly decisions about the skill order based on the situation. I'm gonna say that if you think Orianna is easy to pick up and play then you haven't played her to her true potential.

Edited by Tensei
Annie's two 'skillshots' have pretty much instant cast/travel time, making them laughably easy to land.

Orianna's Q is a slow-traveling skillshot that comes out from positions that usually aren't even centered on your champion.

Her W hits a small AoE that is dependent on you properly positioning the ball with Q first.

Her E is yet another skillshot as far as the damage aspect is concerned, except the target has to be you or an ally.

The usage for any of these skills is not something that carries over from other champions and it definitely takes some time to get used to.

Not to mention that the combo potential is pretty crazy, and you're forced to make a lot of on the fly decisions about the skill order based on the situation. I'm gonna say that if you think Orianna is easy to pick up and play then you haven't played her to her true potential.

The damage on the shield spell is the hardest part, imo. Especially since you often have to choose between the ideal shield target (your initiator) and the ideal damage line from one point to another...which is rarely the same target.

These are choices Annie never has to make, since her shield is fire-and-forget. Tibbers is also much simpler to use than Orianna's ult, which I see far too many players using to fling opponents to safety by launching them the wrong direction.

i laughed at the second part.

doesn't shurelya's and sivir's ult speed tibbers up, too?

No idea. That be would be worth testing, since he's so damn slow.


i was just part of my first sweep; i was sivir, with sona bot kass mid and irelia top, lee sin jungling. we won 13/0, no deaths whatsoever, and it wasn't even because they were retarded or getting steamrolled running through dumb places, we just crushed.

it was awesome

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