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League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!

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I got from bronze 3 to silver V in a secondary account playing 90% of the games as Leona, so its certainly possible to get out of there even if playing only supports. In my main account I mostly play junglers, my favorite champ is Vi and I have a 60% win ratio with her if I remember correcly, then I play other junglers like j4 and sejuani. If I get to play mid I pick karthus or fizz. I'm a very good Fizz, it's one of my most successful champions.

For some reason I'm a terrible adc and can't carry with those most of the time. On top I go even most of the time.

Heh, for whatever reason my jungle winrate is like 15%... it always SEEMS like I'm doing really well with ganks and farm but we just end up losing. I dunno.

ADC I'm pretty strong, usually around 60% winrate.. of course I don't get that role all the time! The most frustrating thing is getting your team to not give up so easily. I actually had a team where I was drastically ahead on CS + kills in bot lane, but we lost our first teamfight (like 24 minutes in) and my team surrendered. Like.. wtf? We hadn't even lost a single tower.

Heh, for whatever reason my jungle winrate is like 15%... it always SEEMS like I'm doing really well with ganks and farm but we just end up losing. I dunno.

ADC I'm pretty strong, usually around 60% winrate.. of course I don't get that role all the time! The most frustrating thing is getting your team to not give up so easily. I actually had a team where I was drastically ahead on CS + kills in bot lane, but we lost our first teamfight (like 24 minutes in) and my team surrendered. Like.. wtf? We hadn't even lost a single tower.

i see the same thing a lot. i'll often jungle vi, and i can be stomping only to have a team of trainwrecks, or a support vayne, or something equally weird. it's very frustrating. hence, more ARAMs =)

Heh, for whatever reason my jungle winrate is like 15%... it always SEEMS like I'm doing really well with ganks and farm but we just end up losing. I dunno.

ADC I'm pretty strong, usually around 60% winrate.. of course I don't get that role all the time! The most frustrating thing is getting your team to not give up so easily. I actually had a team where I was drastically ahead on CS + kills in bot lane, but we lost our first teamfight (like 24 minutes in) and my team surrendered. Like.. wtf? We hadn't even lost a single tower.

ah but see, the point of jungling at low ELOs is not to help your team. It's to feed yourself into an unstoppable monster :)

Really, you have to be selfish to win in those elos, I generally feed myself the kills from ganks. As Vi after you are 2 kills up you can pretty much gank any lane for a guaranteed kill. Of course, after a sucessful gank you ALWAYS must force your team to go for objectives be it dragon or a turret. Ping that shit like crazy until they go. I think I'm much more successful as a jungler, support and mid because I can take a leading role over the team.

I only give out kills from ganks if I notice that the laner is particulary good (has a cs advantage over the other laner, has traded well and reacts quickly to my gank)


Is anyone else fed up with solo que matchmaking system? Frankly, I think it should be reworked in some fashion.

The description says "you'll be competing against all opponents of your skill level in the League of Legends community". So yeea... In other words, you'll randomly be fighting against platinum players while your team consists of silver players.

I actually have decent stats in ranked and perform consistently well, but it's a damn lottery about what kind of team I get, and most of the time it doesn't matter at all how well I'm playing. On top of that, I lose more league points from a defeat (-20...-22lp) than what I get when I win (+17...20lp). I've actually mailed a Riot worker about it because my friends haven't experienced the same. How about you people?

Is anyone else fed up with solo que matchmaking system? Frankly, I think it should be reworked in some fashion.

The description says "you'll be competing against all opponents of your skill level in the League of Legends community". So yeea... In other words, you'll randomly be fighting against platinum players while your team consists of silver players.

I actually have decent stats in ranked and perform consistently well, but it's a damn lottery about what kind of team I get, and most of the time it doesn't matter at all how well I'm playing. On top of that, I lose more league points from a defeat (-20...-22lp) than what I get when I win (+17...20lp). I've actually mailed a Riot worker about it because my friends haven't experienced the same. How about you people?

Funny you should mention this. Me and a couple of friends started a ranked time a while ago, and we've been struggling to get out of the bronze division, even though we've been playing the game for years now.

Every time we're eligible to rank up, we get pitted against a team which is trying to rank up to either gold, or a level in gold (if we're lucky). We decimate the teams getting to the final match in our bracket, but when we get there we're always matched up against uneven odds, and stumble down again.

Funny you should mention this. Me and a couple of friends started a ranked time a while ago, and we've been struggling to get out of the bronze division, even though we've been playing the game for years now.

Every time we're eligible to rank up, we get pitted against a team which is trying to rank up to either gold, or a level in gold (if we're lucky). We decimate the teams getting to the final match in our bracket, but when we get there we're always matched up against uneven odds, and stumble down again.

Exactly. My enemies themselves have sometimes said at the end of the game things like "gold 1 at last" when I'm struggling to get to silver 2. It's bullshit


That is how it works people. In order to rank up you need to defeat people oh a higher league than you. It doesn't make sense that you beat people of your own level in order to progress to a higher league, you need to show you can beat people on the league you're going to e promoted.

Sometimes it isn't as simple as that, and you may be pitted against a team who has a platinum player wihle you're at silver level. This only means that he's probably duo-queing with a lower level than you, and also the other members of the team are lower level.

If you find yourself unable to rank up after hundreds of games, it means you belong at the level you're at.

That is how it works people. In order to rank up you need to defeat people oh a higher league than you. It doesn't make sense that you beat people of your own level in order to progress to a higher league, you need to show you can beat people on the league you're going to e promoted.

Sometimes it isn't as simple as that, and you may be pitted against a team who has a platinum player wihle you're at silver level. This only means that he's probably duo-queing with a lower level than you, and also the other members of the team are lower level.

If you find yourself unable to rank up after hundreds of games, it means you belong at the level you're at.

see sometimes that's true but the issue being that statistically it is possible for you to get put on 6 or 7 teams in a row that *should* lose, which is equivalent to losing one or two ranks in your league. if you then win 60 to 65% of your games from then on out it'll take you 20-25 games to get that amount of LP back, or longer if you don't win your advancement series.

i was steadily advancing through silver, was at the top of silver 3 about to go into my series, and got 12 losses in a row, 8 through afk, 4 through just plain not very good teams dropped all the way to the bottom of silver 5. is that riot's fault? technically no. is it realistic or fair? also no.

also that's not how duos work in low leagues. duos are routinely just as bad (if not worse) than their teammates, and because it improves the hidden elo of the opposing team it's rarely an advantage. i legitimately can't remember the last game i was in where i had a stated duo on my team and won.

see sometimes that's true but the issue being that statistically it is possible for you to get put on 6 or 7 teams in a row that *should* lose, which is equivalent to losing one or two ranks in your league. if you then win 60 to 65% of your games from then on out it'll take you 20-25 games to get that amount of LP back, or longer if you don't win your advancement series.

i was steadily advancing through silver, was at the top of silver 3 about to go into my series, and got 12 losses in a row, 8 through afk, 4 through just plain not very good teams dropped all the way to the bottom of silver 5. is that riot's fault? technically no. is it realistic or fair? also no.

also that's not how duos work in low leagues. duos are routinely just as bad (if not worse) than their teammates, and because it improves the hidden elo of the opposing team it's rarely an advantage. i legitimately can't remember the last game i was in where i had a stated duo on my team and won.

Yes but here's the thing. The same stuff that you experience, everyone else does as well. The lose streak because of afkers, the bad games, etc. It applies to everyone. What is equal is not an advantage, and the proof that the system works is that platinum/diamond players create smurf accounts only to climb up to their level of play again.

As I said, some games will be unwinnable. That's just fact and its part of the statistics. But if you win the games that CAN be won, you will definitely rise.

About Duos: if you are platinum and you duo with a bronze, the system will average the level of the players it needs to make the match fair, and so the platinum/bronze duo will end up with people of adequate level for the people they will be against. If they are against silver players, you bet the duo team will get bronze players as teammates. This has been explained by the devs several times, the system will always try to average the odds. I wasn't talking about the quality of the people you find that are duo'ing, I was talking about how the matchmaking works.


About Duos: if you are platinum and you duo with a bronze, the system will average the level of the players it needs to make the match fair, and so the platinum/bronze duo will end up with people of adequate level for the people they will be against. If they are against silver players, you bet the duo team will get bronze players as teammates. This has been explained by the devs several times, the system will always try to average the odds. I wasn't talking about the quality of the people you find that are duo'ing, I was talking about how the matchmaking works.

i get that. i'm just pointing out that duos often average the odds inaccurately when low-level players are involved.


Also remember 'leagues' mean nothing. You have a hidden MMR that is exactly like the old Elo system. That's what is actually used. It is possible to stay in Bronze V (by dodging your promotion series) and eventually raise your MMR to the point where you are matched against Platinum players - people have done this and it is concrete proof that the League system has no impact on who you get matched against.

on other news, sejuani remake is FUCKING SICK

as a long time sejuani player i agree with you but they really didn't change that much at all except the duration of w, the fact that the ability itself gets frost, and if r doesn't directly hit anyone it just slows.

as a long time sejuani player i agree with you but they really didn't change that much at all except the duration of w, the fact that the ability itself gets frost, and if r doesn't directly hit anyone it just slows.

The knock-up on her Q is a HUGE help. I feel that this change alone made her much more viable. After I tried Sej in Beta she automatically replaced chogath on my favorite junglers trio (Vi, J4, Sej). The changes to her W and E made it much easier to keep people slowed. It's just great now, and really fun.

vi is a machine in the jungle. she's just so good, and she's one of my favorite characters to play.

Absolutely. She's my favorite character in the entire game and my favorite female videogame character design EVER. She's just too cool. The moment I started punching people in the face with HUGE bionic arms I fell in love.

For me she's one of those characters that I don't mind losing with because either way I have tons of fun.

Posted (edited)
Also remember 'leagues' mean nothing. You have a hidden MMR that is exactly like the old Elo system. That's what is actually used. It is possible to stay in Bronze V (by dodging your promotion series) and eventually raise your MMR to the point where you are matched against Platinum players - people have done this and it is concrete proof that the League system has no impact on who you get matched against.

Wow, that's an interesting piece of information, and also explains a lot.

I'm still sick of losing more lp points from a defeat than what I get from a victory, though... I'm in silver 3, dammit... cut me some slack.

Talking about Sejuani, my friend started using her after rework and I freaking loved her ganks when solo laning. The rework made her very much equal with other initiator tanks.

... And now they're nerfing her hard. "Northern winds Bonus maximum Health ratio reduced to 10% from 16%." Kind of a BIG hit along with the duration of her CC reducing. Is it really called for? What do you think? Was she not underused before, let alone now?

Edited by RiverSound

... And now they're nerfing her hard. "Northern winds Bonus maximum Health ratio reduced to 10% from 16%." Kind of a BIG hit along with the duration of her CC reducing. Is it really called for? What do you think? Was she not underused before, let alone now?

that drastically realigns her use now

now she's just an ap alt tank because building straight tank means she does zero damage instead of some damage


What do you guys think of Zac currently? From a kit and skillset perspective, I love his design, but I can never seem to get to a point where I feel like I'm doing good with him, I have really bad games, or games where.. I'm doing okay.. but almost never do I have a 'good' game with him.

Tips? Advice? I mainly keep to the jungle when I play him.

What do you guys think of Zac currently? From a kit and skillset perspective, I love his design, but I can never seem to get to a point where I feel like I'm doing good with him, I have really bad games, or games where.. I'm doing okay.. but almost never do I have a 'good' game with him.

Tips? Advice? I mainly keep to the jungle when I play him.

I played Zac, and kinda had a little bit of fun with him, but I found he lacked a bit of impact in his abilities. His arm stretching thing is pretty underwhelming, as well as the body explosion thing (I'm talking about how it feels to me, not about how good they are numbers-wise) and the way he gets tiny when he takes damage just adds to the feeling of not being awesome.

I prefer champions where you can feel awesome using their abilities and aside from his slingshot (and his ulti, a bit) I felt he wasn't much fun.

Gameplay wise I had success with him because his slingshot is ridiculous. Ganks are a no-brainer really. With Vi, J4 and Sej I have to plan very carefully how I'm going to approach the enemy for a gank because he'll have a second or two to react when I come out of fog of war, and even then I can always miss my q or j4's flag+q combo.

With Zac the enemy has less than a second to react and you can gank from so far away and it's so easy to evade wards that it takes almost no skill. If you ping your teammate and he's not a total noob you WILL get a kill no matter what, and at the very least a flash burn. Also due to his passive you can turret dive and get away with it easily.

His sustain and clear speeds are really, really good too. His ulti is very good on teamfights, overall he's a very, very good pick.

Some tips I can give, but that apply to any jungle, is to watch what items the enemy top/mid start with. If you see they bought a ward and still haven't placed it after you get your double buff, its a piece of cake to gank. Just sit on a brush (preferably slightly behind them) and slingshot away. If you see they bought a ward and placed it, try to go around it and slingshot from the fog of war. It's very very easy to get a good position with Zac.

I really recommend zac for people who want to learn to jungle because it's SO easy, and it's a very very good champ as well.

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