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POST TO ENTER! Meet Uematsu! Win VGM! (July 29th deadline!)

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Certainly one of the greats. If anyone should have recognition in the industry for their music, he's certainly one of the strongest contenders with so many classics under his belt.


I played FF8 when I just was just 11 years old (11 years ago now!) and it was the first video game I couldn't stop playing and even to this day there aren't many of those =D

I loved every aspect of FF8 and the music especially, I went and bought the OST a few years later and found out that Nobuo was the genius behind it! I've been listening to his music ever since and I've definitely not regretted it, I even learned a few of the FF8 tracks on keyboard! By the time I learned of the Distant Worlds Tour coming to London in November it was already too late for me to buy a ticket to go there and see the performance! I hope I win! I reeeeally reeeeally want that swaaaag!

Cheers OC remix and most of all, thank you for directing my attention to the official Uematsu fan page on Facebook, never could find it myself. Nice one guys'n'gals =)

EDIT: You can go to London with the two VIP tickets right? =O I hope so!


FFVIII was my first, so unlike many friends, VIII reigns in my mind over VII, and always shall. After that, I went back, played VII, got X when I upgraded consoles, and then went back to play V, VI, and I'm just playing through IV now! Uematsu's music has always inspired me, and I look forward to any work he puts out!

I also fell in love with some of the remixes of "Maybe I'm a Lion" that first came out on OC Remix years ago. Always had great work on here, lots of talent. :P


I love Nobuo with all my heart, he is the biggest inspiration to me. I listen to his work religiously and I would just die for a chance to see him live. <3


Well... remember me? I bet you don't, I haven't been here in forever, I'm too busy being obsessed with KoL these days. I may not be as involved in the community, though, but that doesn't mean I've stopped enjoying vgmusic, and Uematsu is still pretty high up there on the list of awesome vgmusic composers.

So, anyway, consider me posted, I guess.

Edit: hah. I still have over 5 posts a day, and it's been like 4 years since I've been particularly active here. That's just hilarious.


That's right. I declare my victory now. I will win the "Distant Worlds" contest. And if I don't win...well there's always retirement and bridge at the senior center to look forward to in another 40 years as my soul slowly crumbles away to dust... :<


Heard about this contest from the OCR Youtube channel and of course I had to enter! My roomie and I used to plunk out Final Fantasy music on the piano when we were in college. It would be an honor to see the famous man behind the music!


I have been a fan for well over 10 years of Nobuo Uematsu! Going to try to see him for the second time here soon with Distant worlds, but VIP tix are a little out of my price range >< Heres hoping! Good luck to everyone else as well!!!


Woo! Uematsu is awesome :) I've seen Distant Worlds twice, and he was at one of them, but I wasn't able to do meet and greet, sadly. I'm in it to win it! :D :D :D


I haven't seen Nobuo Uematsu or a Final Fantasy concert since "Dear Friends" in Chicago 2005...which was, at the time, a 13-hour drive. Now that I'm in St. Louis, the 2012 show is only three miles from my house! Hoping I can make it, kupo...

- SweetNES


FF VI is still one of my favorite OSTs of all time, and I always enjoy good remixes of any of the songs. Nobuo Uematsu is still my favorite composer of any video game!


FFVI is my favorite bit of music he's done (FFIV is a close second). I played it back in the 90's and i still love hearing the music. the victory fanfare is my text message sound.


I've been to Dear Friends Chicago, all of the Distant Worlds concerts in Chicago over the years and one up in Michigan. Definitely a big fan of Uematsu-san and would love to win the meet and greet. Thanks for the contest!

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