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POST TO ENTER! Meet Uematsu! Win VGM! (July 29th deadline!)

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Oh my gosh, I love Uematsu. Our first and second children are named Nobuo. He has shaped my career and family life. I liked the OCRemix and Official Dog Ear Records facebook pages and hope to win!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guest Chibi_Ma

I'm a HUUUUUUUGE fan of Nobuo :)

/indicated that I was a fan


I'm a huge fan of Uematsu. Final Fantasy VI will always hold a special place in my heart for having a #^@%ing OPERA (and a good one, at that!) in the middle of the game.

And I'd love to meet him personally, just so that I could talk shop with him, one musician to another. So yes, I'm in it to win it.


this will be hard to win, but meeting Nobuo is my 1st thing on the "do before die" list

He wasn't in Poland...so London...here I come!

And I'm his fan o facebook since his day 1 :)


Uematsu music has the ability to bring me right back to moment in the game where it started playing every time, regardless of where I hear it. It made the hundreds of hours playing Final Fantasy games even more enjoyable.


My iPod is literally FILLED with Uematsu's work, especially his Final Fantasy pieces. Unlike movie soundtracks, video game music is normally not something that I'd go all crazy about. However, Uematsu's work is not like that. It is not only some of the best music composed for a video game, but it is some of the best music composed, PERIOD!

Here's to winning!!!


Nobuo is my hero. He's the reason I'm aspiring to be a video game musician within the game industry. Shaking his hand would be the equivalent of a video game musician baptism! I swear if I had that chance, I would strive to be nothing less than greatness so I can say to my fans "I was blessed by a god."

I'm in to win even if I don't feel worthy at my current level, but I would want to honor him by becoming great enough to spread his influence.


After hacking through FB Uematsu fan pages, I thought i found the right one... I didn't as it turns out :( But here OCR comes and tells me which one is the real one :) Mistake corrected! That made my day right there... but there is more... and given a chance at meeting the legend who has changed and influenced games and lives alike... well i just had to make a post and add my name to the bucket for the win.

Thanks OCR and Good luck to everyone else :-D


always happy to help, love his music, starting with chrono trigger. (I even hummed the song playing when Chrono wakes up in the beginning...while I was getting up and opening my shades in my room one day. Didn't even think about it, it just happened!) But I love the music in the final fantasy games, too, especially 6.


Have been a fan for many years... would love to catch a concert, I've seen many videos online and I love how they combine with the video feed. Thanks in general for this Ocremix, similar to many others, I didn't even know there was a problem with the FB fanbase until you brought it up. Much love.


Always have enjoyed Uematsu's genius and musical prowess - from the beginnings of FF to the works of the Black Mages, he is incredible and inspiring even to a new generation of composers.


I had no idea that the Nobuo Uematsu that I had liked on facebook was the wrong one! Thank you for letting me know. I would LOVE to see Distant Worlds and get a chance to meet Uematsu-san. That would be such a dream come true for me! Thanks for pointing me in the right direction OC!


Uematsu makes deep music that really immerses you in the game, so much to the point where hearing his music can bring you back to the the feeling you had at a particular point in the game. :)


As a matter of fact, I am in it to win it!

Not sure if I could make it to one of the concerts, but it would be awesome to win at least the VIP music pack!


Uematsu is an amazing composer! I am astounded at the lack of fans he has on facebook. I did my part to help and will try to spread the word.

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