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POST TO ENTER! Meet Uematsu! Win VGM! (July 29th deadline!)

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Without a doubt, every single one of Uematsu-sensei's works is a masterpiece. I've collected playable versions of every Final Fantasy, and the music in each one really stands out a core piece of the game! If I win this contest, my friend and I will be ecstatic :-D


How could I NOT want to be a fan of the man who kept me playing piano for so long? Seriously, I would have stopped playing piano a long time ago had it not been for the FFVII piano book that I used for my lessons instead of the boring other "traditional" books. One of my recital pieces was Cait Sith's theme leading into Still More Fighting halfway through the second play.


I've been a fan of Nobuo Uematsu ever since Final Fantasy 1, his music is grand, beyond grand really. If I could afford it I'd have CDs of his music but at least there's youtube, I know I suck v.v. Nobuo gave us great music and you could say he gave us Final Fantasy since his music was in big part of making Final Fantasy.:-D


This man, his music work and Final Fantasy in general, has been my inspiration so many times in my life.

- I went to an audition by singing "Eyes on Me" (FF8)

- His soundtrack from FF9 has inspired my group of musicians to play music to accompany a full theatrical play.

- I confessed my love to an important person by playing Uematsu-san's pieces on the piano

- and more

The Final Fantasy games are ALWAYS gonna be my favorites. Especially those for which our beloved Nobuo has created the massive soundtracks.

Distant Worlds is a dream coming true

OC remixes is a God-sent blessing to gamers everywhere

and I'm here to WIN!!! :D

Good luck everyone!!!!!!!!!!! ^_~


I missed him last time when Distant Worlds was at my city, but this time I'm soo happy that i'm going to meet him!!!!!!!!!!!!

and i am in it to win it :grin:


Oooooh nice, he is a genius and I dreamed about meeting him for ever. Unfortunately all the tickets for londons performance are sold out and I cant go even though I soooo would love to.

It would be amazing to win this contest to see his work live =D Event of the decade ^^


In it to win it and for the love of his music <3

Meeting Mr. Uematsu is actually something that is on my list of magical opportunities to strive for, unfortunately as I am still a student it is hard to save up for these concerts. I have almost gone to SF (love the bay area) but again budget gets in the way. This year I am very close to LA and might actually be able to save up for the September concert, ganbarimasu!

I have always been enchanted by this composer's beautiful melodies and playful romanticism ever since I was a little girl playing the FF games. Although I am no longer a music major anymore I am extremely inspired by him for life in general and one day want to just tell him so. I am sure he gets a lot of people saying this kind of thing to him but I have the dire urge to at least give him a few words of deep gratitude and respect. Also, The Black Mages kick butt!

If I can't make it this year my career and interests are going to lead me to Japan so one day maybe I can see a concert there ^ ^ ... Good luck everyone and hope you get to go in some capacity!


I'm certainly a fan of Nobuo Uematsu! I had been "liking" a fake all thee years until I was shown the error of my ways.


I posted on the Facebook page before and I have my concert tickets for the Vancouver showing of Distant Worlds. My only regret is that the contest deadline is July 29th so a concert ticket upgrade would come too late.

I would never miss Distant Worlds *ever*, though. Truly, it is one of the best video game concerts around and Arnie Roth and Nobuo Uematsu are ridiculously talented at their craft. Not to mention the musicians who make all this happen, too!


I'm in it to win!! I'm always amazed how a musician like Nobuo can start in the 8-bit days and make such a smooth transition and huge impact through all of the intermediate steps to the present -- the true sign of a master!

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