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POST TO ENTER! Meet Uematsu! Win VGM! (July 29th deadline!)

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i joined these forums just because of this contest :grin: no words can describe the awesomeness of uematsu-san's music, his music defines final fantasy games, i just wish there was a hollywood blockbuster movie with a soundtrack from him, so that the non-videogame folks will see his genius :razz:


There are many excellent composers in the video games industry but none have ever put out so many consistantly excellent pieces as Nobuo Uematsu. It would be the greatest honor to meet the man who made so many great moments in stories - his influence spanning decades - that much better.

Im learning Japanese too, so it would be nice to show my appreciation to him in his mother tongue. :)

As a side, thanks for directing us to his official pages.


Nobuo Uematsu needs more recognition in the West. I think his music, even though people might not have played the games, can speak to a lot of people. I got a chance to see Distant Worlds (sans Uematsu) at the Wolftrap outside DC so when I heard about a contest to actually see him and Arnie Roth in person, I jumped at the chance.

That being said, I want in!


Hell yeah, I wanna win! I've been a fan of Mr. Uematsu since I was a child and his compositions sounded like they were intended to go with an orchestra, not a synthesized chipset. My favorite of his works is still Final Fantasy VI's with Terra's theme as the best example.


I've listened to the music of the amazing man for around half of my life now.

And normally within a few notes, I can pick up the songs when my friends are playing them.

His work is amazing, as is this opportunity.


I've listened to Uematsu's music for most of my life. I've been wanting to go to a Distant World's concert for awhile now and haven't been able to. Regardless of whether or not I win this I still plan on going to see one but it would be AWESOME if I could get those VIP tickets to actually meet the one man who's game music was good enough to actually make me shed a tear.


I love Nobuo Uematsu~ His music is amazing--while not my favourite, "To Zanarkand" still moves me to tears, and did even before I had to opportunity to play FFX (saying it's the music, not the game it's associated with, that moves me).

Though, being a music geek, my boyfriend loves him even more, so, as unlikely as me winning is, I'd like to share this with him. <3

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