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Until our OL's decided to abandon us.


Still, good times were had, back in the day.

Oh, side note: although I'm pretty sure he never plays Halo2 anymore, Lasakon actually..GOT A MIC.

Shocking, I know.

  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...
I haven't been on in Halo much, as I've been playing Wario Ware for the Wii, and still chipping away at some sidequests in FF12, but..I'm still alive.

And now God of War 2.

But I DID renew my XBL for another year...so...yep.

But you were online last Saturday! And since it was St. Paddy's Day, you were probably blitzed. :D

<3 drunken WesPip.

Wait, what?

Oh...I think me and some friends signed on, but nobody was on so we left...

I totally forgot about that.

  • 4 weeks later...

Wow, been forever since I came on here. Mainly because of college and WoW... But, other than that, I might start playing again. That, or form an OCR Guild on Eredar (Horde) because the current one I'm in just doesnt suit me with some recent changes going on. I've been with em for 6 months and considered 95% of them friends, but it seems that they don't really care about one another, which is just going to lead to its undoing.

I mean, all those crazy nights of shooting each other and teaming up were fun, right? Personally I miss those days but then again, Halo 2 has become just so unbalanced and -meh- that I don't think I can play that anymore. If Halo 3 is any better and has clan support you know I'll be there to help out once again, but for now its getting done with college and the occasional Chromehounds (borrowed) and PSU, maybe even a bit of CoD2 in there, if none of those WoW.

Well, um, yeah. Also another thing I've been doing is broadcasts seeing as how I have a laptop (though its a bloody mac...) and a few programs that will let me stream. I have a free server up but the quality sucks and there's about a minute of lag, then there's also the whole bit about them putting commercials in from time to time which I don't really approve of. Which reminds me... I need to actually finish songs x_x

Blah, too much talking, not enough image finding for graphics... I'll be back, promise. Gotta finish working on stuff for now though.


I'd like to be added to the ol' Clan OCR for some Halo 2 action. My gamertag is Bonerbot (I think I requested to be added some time before, but due to a series of circumstances, I wasn't able to do anything with it, and the invitation went away), but I won't be online for a few days until finals are over. Anyway, I look forward to being slaughtered.

I'd like to be added to the ol' Clan OCR for some Halo 2 action. My gamertag is Bonerbot (I think I requested to be added some time before, but due to a series of circumstances, I wasn't able to do anything with it, and the invitation went away), but I won't be online for a few days until finals are over. Anyway, I look forward to being slaughtered.

Oh, last I checked there was still an invite sitting there for you, and that was only a couple of weeks ago...

I'll try to get on later to send another one.



Tonight, I'll be on.

At least from say, 10 til 12. Probly a bit earlier til a bit later, but that's minimum.

So if anyone sees this, join me.



Wow, I haven't been to OCR in the longest time...

Anyway, in light of a couple of new maps being released, I have resumed playing Halo again after a good 4 month or so absence (Damn work and school!). Since I have a day off today (friday), I will more than likely be playing during the evening, unless unplanned changes occur.

Hope to see lots of you guys on.



You know how the 360 doesn't pop up a notification if you get a message from an original Xbox game?


Btw: I won't be buying the new maps until June 6th (the day the Halo 3 beta ends, not coincidentally), so you guys will have a head start on me there. And speaking of the new maps, are we going to do Rocketball on Tombstone? I've heard that there's an invisible barrier next to one of the ramps that lets you camp with impunity, and I've been wondering if we're going to agree not to exploit that, or simply not play it at all.


You know how the 360 doesn't pop up a notification if you get a message from an original Xbox game?


Btw: I won't be buying the new maps until June 6th (the day the Halo 3 beta ends, not coincidentally), so you guys will have a head start on me there. And speaking of the new maps, are we going to do Rocketball on Tombstone? I've heard that there's an invisible barrier next to one of the ramps that lets you camp with impunity, and I've been wondering if we're going to agree not to exploit that, or simply not play it at all.



If there was such a problem like that to exploit, we would have found that out when we played it.

Good games for all who came too.


Wingless is back? Hell yes!

Also, it seems that Bungie's going to re-issue the new maps, thus fixing the invisible barrier glitch. The re-issue will also fix high-altitude invisible barrier holes, although it's only a matter of time before people find new ways out of the levels.

And GGs. After Reed and Wes left, we played a few games of SWAT, one of which featured me repeatedly whispering "Deimos" for half the game.


At Deimos' request:

"Your momma's so fat, she walked in front of the TV during a commercial and I missed three seasons!"

"Your momma's like a bowling ball: picked up, fingered, and thrown in the gutter."

"Your momma's like a rifle: one cock and she's loaded."


At Deimos' request:

"Your momma's so fat, she walked in front of the TV during a commercial and I missed three seasons!"

"Your momma's like a bowling ball: picked up, fingered, and thrown in the gutter."

"Your momma's like a rifle: one cock and she's loaded."


That's awesome. Who's up for a few rounds tomorrow?

Oh and Wespip, if you get this message try to get more people from Unmod and Remod down here (like Fang and Noodle), although I doubt they'd want to play since I'm going to be. I'm just getting sick of all the trolling I've been getting from there lately.

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