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I got like three invites last night, but I never joined 'Cause I just bought Karoake Revolution, and THAT is damn fun. Why the hell isn't it online play... That could be damn amusing. I turned off the singer, so when I don't know a song, I'm just trying to follow the 'tone bar', but I can never hit the right tone, so it's me warbling up and down trying to get hit the right note. DAMN fun. Especially with a 6 speaker setup around me.

* SNORT * :lol:


Oh good, so I did show up as playing that. I wonder why they don't have it set up so my invites would pop up in the middle of the game? Or maybe I got my invites right when I quit playing. But that's highly unlikely.

I got like three invites last night, but I never joined 'Cause I just bought Karoake Revolution, and THAT is damn fun. Why the hell isn't it online play... That could be damn amusing. I turned off the singer, so when I don't know a song, I'm just trying to follow the 'tone bar', but I can never hit the right tone, so it's me warbling up and down trying to get hit the right note. DAMN fun. Especially with a 6 speaker setup around me.

* SNORT * :lol:

K Rev fucking owns. Duets in Version 3 are where its at. Add booze also. Good stuff.

Anyway..I'd be up for playin with you guys if you'll have me. I'm decent I'd say. I usually beat my friends when we play LAN games, though I'm not sure how I stack up against online people with real skill though. I have no mic right now. My tag is SGX.

I got like three invites last night, but I never joined 'Cause I just bought Karoake Revolution, and THAT is damn fun. Why the hell isn't it online play... That could be damn amusing. I turned off the singer, so when I don't know a song, I'm just trying to follow the 'tone bar', but I can never hit the right tone, so it's me warbling up and down trying to get hit the right note. DAMN fun. Especially with a 6 speaker setup around me.

* SNORT * :lol:

K Rev fucking owns. Duets in Version 3 are where its at. Add booze also. Good stuff.

Anyway..I'd be up for playin with you guys if you'll have me. I'm decent I'd say. I usually beat my friends when we play LAN games, though I'm not sure how I stack up against online people with real skill though. I have no mic right now. My tag is SGX.

No mic? I think we've found our new Lasakon :P

But yeah, i'll send an invite next time i'm on.


K Rev fucking owns. Duets in Version 3 are where its at. Add booze also. Good stuff.

Anyway..I'd be up for playin with you guys if you'll have me. I'm decent I'd say. I usually beat my friends when we play LAN games, though I'm not sure how I stack up against online people with real skill though. I have no mic right now. My tag is SGX.

WOW! The SGX... Its an honor. I have yer CD... its good. But one of the tracks skips horrible whenever anti-shock is on in mah CD player...

I'm pretty much the Clan's loose cannon. At a rank 17 I'm the highest (since last time I've checked) but we do have some others around that level. We just need to be online at the same time. Badly in need of some organization...

You fuckin' ho bag!

Well holy fucktard.... I mean, wow. I know you're joking, but just... wow. lol. DAMN.

Anyway, we had a killer storm last night and the cable and the net went out, so sry.


Match of the Day for 6/4: Deimos gets served. :D After the match was halfway over, Deimos had 15 kills, and I had 8. Obviously, he thought he had the match in the bag.

What he didn't count on was a 17-9 killing run.

Match of the Day for 6/5: Deimos serves everyone else. Apparently, Deimos has some talent for holding on to the Oddball when under fire from four other rocket launchers. Also, he showed that he could beat WesPip.

Runner-up for MotD 6/5: Chaotic King on Midship. Check the medals, and hope that you can figure out how the hell I got a Killtacular against three opponents.

Match of the Day for 6/4: Deimos gets served. :D After the match was halfway over, Deimos had 15 kills, and I had 8. Obviously, he thought he had the match in the bag.

What he didn't count on was a 17-9 killing run.

That really sucked, I still can't believe I lost that badly...

Match of the Day for 6/5: Deimos serves everyone else. Apparently, Deimos has some talent for holding on to the Oddball when under fire from four other rocket launchers. Also, he showed that he could beat WesPip.

Consider yourself pwned :D


Though it wasn't with any clan members, I'd like to draw attention to THIS match:


I convinced a friend to get Live, this was his first night.

I was essentially target practice for him. I didn't really fire at him [apparently i did once, but i dont remember doing it]...the other shots were me shooting the sky with rockets.

The rest of my kills, as noted by the medals, were beat-downs.

So, before you criticize your benevolent overlord for sucking at the game, note that there are always better players out there, but there are also always WORSE players. Much, much worse.

That is all.

edit: this one too http://www.bungie.net/Stats/GameStats.aspx?panel=hits&gameid=196764605&player=WesPip

..so close. so very close.


Wow. Tonight was fun mostly, but there was a lot of animosity between Icy and Lazy. Seemed like Icy was freaking out over nothing.

It's a game, you gotta settle down. If you care so much about your level, don't play with us.


Yeah last night was fun all and all..and btw I don't think there was that much "animosity" between Icy Guy and I. Icy Guy was frustrated because he was the only one near the flag..unfortunately he could not realize that the rest of the clan was being killed before we could even get near it.. We have to remember we were fighting a level 11 clan..so that was a fruustrating game..I don't think we should accuse any one of caring about his level only.. it only occured in that match..he was frustrated..and I think we all were a little..so anyways...other than that I had fun. I am off to the beach for the rest of the week. I should be back on Sunday. I also just realized that the videos I have been recording now take up...34 gigs of my HD O_O!!1! The first videos I had on low quality..so I thought I would up the quality..little did I realize till now its 6 times the normal bit rate! Oops..so the next videos I post will be very high quality..enjoy them..for they will be the last high quality videos XD

I'd like to upload some more..but I leave in 2 hours and becasue these videos are high quality a ten minute video is about 500some megs..upload time a little over 3 hours..so I'm sorry..I'll put em up immediately when I get home. Don't worry Wingless I went through all 75 of my clips, randomly clicking and viewing, to find that rocketall match and the 2 CTF's that we owned in that you requested, so theose will be the ones I put up :D So, cya guys when I get back from the beacch! Don't have too muhc fun with out me :P

Icy Guy was frustrated because he was the only one near the flag..unfortunately he could not realize that the rest of the clan was being killed before we could even get near it..

I did indeed see Marius (and most everyone else) take a lot of sniper and Battle Rifle rounds in the head, so I knew what was going on. I was PO'ed because, after I died and switched my view to my teammates (just a quick hit of the A button during the respawn countdown gives you some nice shots of your teammates), a couple of people were just standing there in front of the flag stand. *coughSpleencough* After seeing that (and getting frickin' sick of being pounded by the frickin' Battle Rifle), I just quit and went to play some Team Preview. However, the reason I get so nuts sometimes is because I care: I often hate seeing you guys make the same mistakes I've made.

Also, clan level isn't everything. The fact that we've faced off against 25+'s in a level 1 clan is proof of that.


I got GTA San Andreas today. Until further notice I will not be on Xbox Live. I'll most likely come back when the new maps are out but thats not a gurantee. I'll be checking up on Mystico's comic and bump the Mecha Girl thread when necessary. Other than that don't expect to see much of me.

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