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I'd like to apologize for completely spoiling last night. :-(

You didn't, per se, you just need better tastes in friends.

Aside from James and I, of course.


I think I'll go back to the maximum-of-one-vid-per-day release schedule again. Not only will that minimize the amount of time my computer/network is tied up with encoding/uploading each day, but it will also give you guys time to download and digest each new video.

Today's offering contains the lovely singing of Deimos' sister: http://files.filefront.com/Deimossister+singswmv/;8338471;;/fileinfo.html


I don't know, but I hope there's more from wherever that came from. :wink: Anyway, here's Enn's random singing: http://files.filefront.com/Enn+randomsingingwmv/;8363113;;/fileinfo.html

And here's the game in which I FINALLY got a Triple Kill off of two people. All that's left on my Halo 2 checklist is to get a Killtrocity in matchmaking, Killamanjaro in matchmaking, and an Overkill in matchmaking (I've come SO DAMN CLOSE, but I'm cursed with a 23-kill max spree :sad:).

I don't know, but I hope there's more from wherever that came from. :wink: Anyway, here's Enn's random singing: http://files.filefront.com/Enn+randomsingingwmv/;8363113;;/fileinfo.html

And here's the game in which I FINALLY got a Triple Kill off of two people. All that's left on my Halo 2 checklist is to get a Killtrocity in matchmaking, Killamanjaro in matchmaking, and an Overill in matchmaking (I've come SO DAMN CLOSE, but I'm cursed with a 23-kill max spree :sad:).

Oh gee, ONLY 23!? I think my best legit spree was 17

In any case, SGX showed up the other night and Wespip and I played a couple of games with him. It would seem to me that people are starting to get warmed up for Halo 3(?)

Good times ^_^

And if anyone would like to play a few games this coming thursday I'd be up for a few. Even Bioshock can't keep me away from Halo :)

Oh, and I plan on singing Loser by Beck next time we sing... prepare to have ringing ears for a few days.

I R Back.

My new tag is sgxyay. I couldn't reactivate my old account, whateva.

Halo2 or Gears I'm rockin at the moment. Add me. We play. yay.


I friended you but forgot to invite you into the clan.

Uhm...I'ma go online when I play Bioshock later, so I'll pop in Halo2 real quick and send you an invite before I Bioshock it up.

I got a 52 kill spree one time, I believe the game called me an Inhuman Bastard or something.

Are you sure that wasn't in Halo 1? Because I tested that on a two player match at 100points and it just kept giving me overkill medals every 5 points after 25 =/

I think his/her Gamertag's "Dead gone Halo2." Why that got prefixed with "IGN is" is beyond me.

Anyway, I present to you guys the video of the full game of Royal Fiesta on Zanzibar, in all its half-hour glory (170 MB): http://files.filefront.com/RoyalFiesta+Zanzibarwmv/;8494097;/fileinfo.html

You know, I was just about to bug you about that until low and behold :D

I'll download it when I get home from work. Who's up for a few games either tonight or tomorrow?

You know, I was just about to bug you about that until low and behold :D

I'll download it when I get home from work. Who's up for a few games either tonight or tomorrow?

Lo and behold.

  • 2 weeks later...

So apparently Gears of War does suck balls online, especially when you get paired up with this guy. Apparently this guy has played in the MLG which you would expect to be a little more mature instead of an ass. But no. Guy trash talks like no tomorrow and is overall just a dick. If you guys ever run into him... ever... just leave. It's not worth hearing him scream at the top of his lungs how much his team (you) suck and leave you bad feedback just because you and his team lost the match.

Doesn't matter anyway with Halo 3 coming out next week anyway. But you won't see me playing matches until I've finished campaign.

Sorry. Just a little bitter that I have 100% unsupportive in my feedback now because of that. Sticks out like a sore thumb you see :( .

Apparently this guy has played in the MLG which you would expect to be a little more mature instead of an ass.

There are a lot of assholes in the MLG. They think they're hot stuff because they paid the team entry fee ($160 for a 4-man team, I think) and paid for their accomodations. Most of the top guys (except Gandhi) aren't big douchebags, so it could be said that the amount of douchebaggery you exhibit is inversely proportionate to your team's rank.

And most of the people who play Rainbow Six: Vegas on the pro circuit play like absolute trash. "Tactical shooter?" No. Unless needing to emtpy the entire 30-round magazine of an MP-9 into someone to kill then makes it a tactical shooter. Just like randomly throwing frags around the level in hopes of getting a kill. It's insulting to those of us who know how to actually aim a virtual gun.

Also, the Halo 2 pros aren't too good at Halo 3, either. One of them posted a video of him playing Rumble Slayer on Snowbound on YouTube. Said video was used as an argument supporting the claim that the Halo 2 pros don't suck at Halo 3. The first thing I noticed was that people really weren't shooting at him. They weren't even throwing grendes. The second thing I noticed was a neat little strategy he was using: he would one-shot his enemies with the Beam Rifle and then finish them off with the Assault Rifle.

I realized that he was doing that becuase he couldn't score a headshot.


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