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-huge update- phoenix wright, ace attorney - spirit of law (trial)

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update (11/13): stats.png

first draft: stats.png

with this musical offering, masakazu sugimori thematically depicts the dualities that inhabit the courtrooms of phoenix wright. imagine this: the defense and prosecution are locked into a delicate tug-of-war between tenseness and composedness, while the gallery is subject to the silence within the storm. every step is carefully calculated and tread on thin ice; the judge exudes equanimity as his sway precariously sits under an unrelenting barrage of potentially convicting or potentially liberating evidence. lemme know if i had any success conveying those themes, or if i didn't. or whatever! peace.


Kinda short, but since it is in the workshop i guess it will get longer... but my god does it sound great. Really like it as it is xpt for the length

"2 months and x days later"

Holy hell is it good. And no longer a lengh issue :D This just have to be added to the playlist!

  • 3 weeks later...
Not really, but they sound good and I think they fit the piece =)

thanks for the reply bro, what about them makes them sound fake? is it just the sample?

thanks drakken, rukunetsu. shing is def one of my favorite rappers. and yea, i'll upload an instrumental version for you as soon as the track is finished :)

  • 1 month later...

I dig these games and I dig this mix. I'm not always big on rap but it really works with the groove you've set up here.

Love the bassline. Such a smooth sounding bass.

I'm not production pro but it sounds pretty great for the most part. About halfway through (can't see the exact time on tindeck) it sounds like the vocals might be distorting ever so slightly, or something else in the mix maybe, but its hard to tell. I could also be hearing things.

Awesome piano solo, really beautiful.

So yeah, great stuff overall. Might be some things to clean up, but just slight issues if any, because its sounding pretty tight to my ear.


I love this so so much; I can't help but smile while listening. I'm not generally one for rap, but here it's a fitting addition (nice job, Tuesday). Production is very crisp.

Can't wait to see this get posted. :D

EDIT: The drums (particularly the snare) seem less in your face than they were in the last version. I think I prefer the old one, but maybe that's just cause I'm used to it. Same goes for the pad you added when the beat comes in in the new version; I like the emptier feel without the pad there.

  • 2 months later...

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