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Help Jillian Aversa (pixietricks) sing for Assassin's Creed: Revelations! Make it happen!

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I can understand where you're coming from bgc, but a lot of these people aren't professionals.. I could understand paying more for a professional but this is more like an "open audition" where people just walk in from the street and give it a chance. For all we know this could be a huge break for Madeline and lead to bigger and better things where she'll work with other games, maybe even TV and film work. I like the romantic idea of paying people to continue doing stuff you enjoy, I feel the same way. So naturally the lack of any sales or donations of my own music is a sign that I should stop now. :-P

I actually agree with you on the hobbyist vs. professional thing, we are at two opposite ends of the spectrum... so.. :-( that's just my 2cents as someone who hasn't found the opportunity to get into the industry yet

I actually agree with RoeTaKa that my own entry wasn't the best it could have been. The problem was that I was in Japan at the time with no recording setup, so I had to borrow a mic and I had no compressor. Whenever I tried to record (and you had to do it all in one take!), my high notes would clip like CRAZY, so I had to really hold back in the upper register. I would have liked to give the performance more dynamic range, but I literally couldn't because of my setup. Oh well. ^_~

That's a shame at least you gave it a good stab, you never know what would've happened. Haha maybe keep a backup mic in the purse for just in cases.

Brandon I think BGC just wants to imply that people deserve more credit where due and people in the industry take it for granted. Trying to get into the industry with no morals about your work is crazy, how can you hope to establish yourself when you don't know what you mean to the industry. If you could...bake the greatest cakes and deserve your own patisserie, you shouldn't have to sell them on a stand on the street.


Am I the only one who thought the winner's voice sounded strained throughout almost the entire performance? If this contest was based on those entries alone, then the best performer didn't win, imo. Kinda drove me nuts when I listened to the winning entry, because I could have easily picked 5 others (maybe more) that topped it, including Jill's.

Also, I agree with everything BGC stated. It's why I've never had hope that I could ever make a living doing what I love to do most, let alone make a penny.

/my 2 cents


I'm sure they were listening more for potential and emotional expression when they picked Madeline, I could totally hear it. I loved the dynamics of her voice, how it would be fairly soft and then fade into a much stronger note. I felt that the expression was very well done, and disagree with people who say she didn't have control. It is really irrelevant whether her performance was perfect or not because she'll be working in a recording studio with professional staff -- the final performance will be spot on, and I fully expect, will be stunning. There were probably a lot of people who could have sung the theme very well, even beyond the top 20.. It's not nice, fair, or sportsmanlike to bash Madeline because she won. It's not a matter of "everyone else lost", it's a matter of the team finding the specific voice style that they wanted for their song, and going with that.

Actually just went back and saw this, this sums it up pretty well in their own words: "We chose Madeline because we felt that she had a quality in her voice that inspired and moved us all. This was never going to be a contest about right or wrong, but about the 'perfect fit' and we were all deeply impressed with the submissions. The overwhelming response clearly proves that we made the right decision to find a voice among the Assassin's Creed fan community, and that there is a lot of undiscovered talent out there that deserves to be heard."

It's not nice, fair, or sportsmanlike to bash Madeline because she won.

Who's bashing Madeline for winning? Did I miss something? Everyone's been polite and reasonable about expressing their congratulations (including Jill), and those who disagreed with the judges' choice have presented their reasoning politely and plainly, and have never once bashed her.


It was always a publicity thing. Just getting Zimmer on it was for publicity. Getting new girl to sing means we should all love how it's reaching out to regular ppl, how it's a game for us gamer folks... which would be good publicity. Maybe a mod should splice this part of the debate off to a separate thread, cuz I think it's something worth discussing.

The most sensible thing for the ppl in charge is to pay this girl what she deserves for the work. Dunno how the contest terms are worded, but it might be that the thousand bucks are for winning the contest and there's further payment for actually recording the real thing later. I reckon there could be quite a backlash if other parts of the net make Jimmy's point as well.

I wouldn't mind getting my name on a title like that, tho if I get paid breadcrumbs for something worth gold, I wouldn't be happy. Can she get the money for winning the contest and then refuse to record without proper payment? :D


I don't think it's worth discussing for one reason: Nobody brought up these concerns before the conclusion of the contest, and nobody would have brought them up if Jill had won. :whatevaa:

On a related note I think my favorite entry was Matt Campana at 9th, though it's obvious he didn't adjust his latency at all hahah... I think that is one of the strongest of the top 20 anyway.. very unique voice.

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