AJ-enova Posted September 29, 2011 Posted September 29, 2011 It's here! Get some hardcore military action on the go (and fuck CoD) What role are you gonna go as? So good to hear that classic Battlefield theme tune Quote
Tensei Posted September 29, 2011 Posted September 29, 2011 I've been playing it for a bit now, and getting my ass handed to me. I think that Metro is arguably the worst map to show off beta with because it doesn't feel like the big old Battlefield maps with planes and tanks and everything at all. Still pretty enjoyable though, but I hope Caspian Border will get properly implemented some time soon too. Quote
Nabeel Ansari Posted September 29, 2011 Posted September 29, 2011 Hey, EA, if I keep dying because I can't play on low mouse sensitivity, and I wanna change the mouse sensitivity, don't make it so I have to stay alive to access the menu. You know, because being alive is the only time where opening the menu isn't practical. And please don't kick me out of the menu when I die, discarding all of my settings. Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted September 29, 2011 Posted September 29, 2011 So is anyone else having graphics and serious lag issues? But damn this game is pretty. Quote
DusK Posted September 29, 2011 Posted September 29, 2011 I've been playing this for a few days now. Lots of stuff I hope gets fixed in the final, including what neblix noted. Another huge issue is the massive keybinding oversights. Quote
Tensei Posted September 29, 2011 Posted September 29, 2011 Yeah, the framework/interface is just atrocious. I have no idea why they couldn't just do the server selection through Origin. Instead you have to run both Origin and their stupid browser-based battlelog thing. Quote
Nabeel Ansari Posted September 29, 2011 Posted September 29, 2011 If anybody has a GTX 460 1GB level card and his struggling at 1080p max settings, here's what you do to get smooth performance (above 29 FPS) without sacrificing too much visual quality. (though the game looks beautiful on the lowest settings) 1. Set everything to Ultra or On 2. Set AA to 2x 3. Set the thing under AA to Off 4. Set Ambient Occlusion to SSAO. It will run really smooth by turning those off. Simply turning off AA and leaving the Ambient Occlusion to HBAO will not do the trick. Quote
noTuX Posted September 30, 2011 Posted September 30, 2011 I finally had a chance to play last night, and it was pure madness! I am having a difficult time telling where I'm getting shot at from. And I see that they never did something about spawn campers. Getting killed the moment I spawn was the whole reason I stopped playing the Battlefield games in the first place. I found a couple of glitches that allowed me to get inside of a wall and shoot out. And one time, I was knifed, but my character didn't actually die. I was laying on the floor sideways, but I was still able to shoot at people. I just couldn't move. Also, I couldn't be shot anymore. I know its just a beta, but wow... Cant wait until the full game comes out. I just hope they fix these issues or its gonna be a massive clusterfuck. Quote
Tensei Posted September 30, 2011 Posted September 30, 2011 Yeah at first I felt like it was really hard to tell where you're getting shot from, but it got easier once I got used to the game a bit. Basically any scoped weapon will cast a really obvious glare/reflection at the target, so when you see that you better hit the ground. Also, just spam Q when you do see someone because it will 'spot' them and cause a little orange indicator to appear over their heads for some time. It also appears for your allies. Quote
noTuX Posted September 30, 2011 Posted September 30, 2011 Basically any scoped weapon will cast a really obvious glare/reflection at the target, so when you see that you better hit the ground. Also, just spam Q when you do see someone because it will 'spot' them and cause a little orange indicator to appear over their heads for some time. It also appears for your allies. Ha! I noticed that I usually die shortly after seeing a glare. I always try to take cover, but I'm not fast enough, apparently. I'm playing on the PS3, so I don't know how to spot people yet. I just kinda got on there and dicked around for a few minutes. I'll get on again later and see whats what. Quote
Hy Bound Posted September 30, 2011 Posted September 30, 2011 I played the 360 version and I've gotta say its pretty good. I've never been part of the Battlefield camp, as I hate running for 5 minutes and getting capped only to then run for 5 minutes and get capped... But the squads that they appropriated from bad company seem to help this issue a bit. I've played the beta for about 4 hours so far, so i feel i have a good handle on what to expect. I have two issues though... First off, graphically (considering this is their major push) its kind of a slouch on the 360... Some of the effects are nice and the sound design is incredible, but its really not much better looking than BC2... I'm pretty disappointed. I don't have a theoretical future computer and I hate kb and mouse controls (i know, gasp!) so 360 is kinda what I got to work with and it really doesn't look or play any better than anything else. Secondly, this is the problem that they always seemed to have with battlefield games, but if you're stuck on a bad team you might as well quit... And I HATE quitting games early. There is absolutely nothing to do about losing over and over against a team that just absolutely decimates you. Many games find some way to make playing on the losing side still somewhat fun but bf's insistence on control-point and objective games make it no fun at all. As soon as one side gets steam-rolled in a round, half the team quits and the server becomes a wasteland because of this problem. I've run into it already in the beta quite a bit. I have no idea how they could fix it, but it really is becoming a problem. Quote
Brushfire Posted October 1, 2011 Posted October 1, 2011 Team Games LOL Don't play TF2 then dude. Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted October 1, 2011 Posted October 1, 2011 I can back up the "not very pretty" argument. I'm playing the beta on both my PC and 360, and I can say without a doubt that the PC version is sweet sweet candy, while the 360 version visuals remind me of Bad Company. While not bad, definitely not the same "oomph". Also, the PC version has double the console multiplayer size(64 as opposed to 32) which pretty much makes it my preferred version. The answer is simple: Join the PC master race. Use a gamepad if you can't get used to keyboard and mouse. On another note, the squad-based gameplay of the later Battlefield games is what makes me love a sub-genre of FPS that I usually don't care about(military shooters). Love partying. Quote
Tensei Posted October 1, 2011 Posted October 1, 2011 I haven't played any of the modern multiplayer FPSes, so bear with me if this is commonplace in these games, but I'm really enjoying the weapon unlocks/customization in this game. Sniping people with a scoped shotgun loaded with slugs is hilarious. More importantly, it even has room for a flashlight so you can be an asshole and blind people up close as well. E: I really hate the first part of Metro because it feels like such a campfest. One way I found to make it more fun when you're on defense is to pick Recon, immediately swim to the little island to the left, set up a mobile spawn, and annoy the shit out of the Recon players on offense (who are pretty much idiots for picking Recon on offense anyway). It works like a charm as I constantly distracted like three of their snipers. Quote
Strike911 Posted October 1, 2011 Posted October 1, 2011 I have been playing the Beta and I'm totally loving it. I know a lot of people aren't digging Metro but the fact that BF3 can dole out a cooler iterative map with closer quarters fighting is pretty cool. And after playing Caspian a little a few nights ago, the game's conquest mode plays great (the sheer scale of the map makes it fun). Really really digging it. A lot of fun and as pretty as the graphics are, the stellar audio is what's standing out the most to me. Quote
CSmith Posted October 1, 2011 Posted October 1, 2011 I'm playing on the PS3, so I don't know how to spot people yet. I just kinda got on there and dicked around for a few minutes. I'll get on again later and see whats what. On PS3, you can spot people by pressing Select. That said, it doesn't always work for me. Even on Bad Company 2, half the time I can get someone in my sights and press select to spot them so my teammates can take them out in case I miss, but the orange triangle doesn't pop up. I'm enjoying the game so far, but I've noticed a few things that I hope they fix. A minor one is that sometimes after respawning, I'll have the "press X to accept revive, press O to respawn" stuff on the screen while running around normally. As for the major issues, there have been several times I've been right next to a short fence or something to jump over and I have to press jump 3 or 4 times to finally make it over. There was a spot like that in the subway area where I noticed my teammates all just walking through no problem (a gap in a wooden fence), but I had to try jumping at least twice every time to get through. Sometimes when getting up after crouching or going prone, I can't run. L3 doesn't respond until I crouch and stand back up AGAIN, and then I can finally run. The last thing is falling under the map. The A M-Com station of the first set has a deep hole near it. I walked over to look at it and it sucked me in. A teammate was stuck down there, too. And not always, but most of the time, just about anywhere on the pavement around that particular M-Com station will slowly pull you under the map if you stop moving. I would run over to disarm a bomb and while I'm standing there I'm slowly falling under the map. Aside from that stuff I'm enjoying it. I was definitely surprised at first thought to see the assault class have the medic kit and defibrillator. Quote
Hy Bound Posted October 1, 2011 Posted October 1, 2011 Don't play TF2 then dude. But see, TF2 is still kinda fun even when you're being blown out... I don't know why it is so much less frustrating, but it drives me nuts in BF games. Quote
Tensei Posted October 1, 2011 Posted October 1, 2011 Hm, strange, I don't really feel frustrated when I play. Like, it depends on your team whether you win, but you can do really well individually too so you can make the best of most situations. Then again, 90% of my online gaming experience for the last two years has been Dotalikes so this community seems incredibly tame and laidback by comparison. Quote
DusK Posted October 3, 2011 Posted October 3, 2011 So apparently, we're playing a 4-month-old build. Would explain a lot, actually. http://gamingirresponsibly.com/drawing-irresponsibly-014-is-battlefield-3s-beta-giving-you-a-sinking-feeling Still not canceling my pre-order. I can see where they're going with this game, and I like it. Quote
DusK Posted June 26, 2012 Posted June 26, 2012 Bamping this extremely old thread. I could have sworn there was another BF3 thread, but whatev. I've been playing a LOT of BF3 recently. I dunno if anyone here is still playing it, but if they are, I took it upon myself to create an OCR platoon: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/platoon/2832655241357921459/ Quote
noTuX Posted June 26, 2012 Posted June 26, 2012 Oh that's cool. I still play, but mostly on the weekends. I play on the PS3, so I'm not really sure if we can play together. Quote
DusK Posted June 26, 2012 Posted June 26, 2012 Bah, just realized that the platoon's locked to PC. What a shame. Looks like we'll have to segregate OCR platoons by platform. Quote
noTuX Posted June 26, 2012 Posted June 26, 2012 Yeah, its crazy I wish we could split the platoon into 3 companies for the different systems. I'm not really active enough to start and maintain a PS3 platoon, but I'm sure somebody can start one. I'll be happy to join. BTW, I sent you a friend invite on battlelog. Quote
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