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Tales series: Summoning of Spirits - History


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Can I take one of my songs off of this, it really really sucks... I mean it is the best song ever to those who are really really anticipating this project, what a great project!@ I won't pull a sixto because it's not good enough to release to OCR loulal!

Kyle check your pms!@@@! this was just a joke just kidding, not trying to get any drama going or anything, KYLE WHY DID THIS PROJKECT TAKE SO LONG AND NOT HAVE ANY DRAMA LETS GET IT ON BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!!!!!!!!!!!!

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By crap, she's right! There really wasn't any big drama, more so, quite depressing sadness at the constant shifting of the release day by forces we had no control over. No drama though. Hmm, we should rectify this immediately.

Kyle, I challenge you to a duel! The winner of which will claim the right to marry Lea, Monobrow, &... Sixto, why not. Also, gets the right to become project head on the project... finished artwork be damned!

So, if your man enough to save the... have this duel, leteth me knoweth (haha, lispy). Also, yay puppies!


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