CPacaud Posted June 27, 2005 Posted June 27, 2005 Ahh, but to be fair, ktriton played a big role in there too, so I guess that makes me a demi-god or something like that . Anyway, hopefully the next remixes will be up to the hype !
Arek the Absolute Posted June 28, 2005 Posted June 28, 2005 I am so sorry for having to say this, but I must withdraw myself from this project. Certain events have come up which hold me from having any time to actually make this remix. Though I still can post, I will not be able to finish any part of the remix. I give you my deepest apologies on this matter. Once again, I am sorry for withdrawing and causing you the trouble of finding another person to replace my mix. I can, however, work on it if I am allowed a months extension. I just really do not wish to burdon you all with this wait
KyleJCrb Posted June 28, 2005 Author Posted June 28, 2005 Not a problem, Arek. It's still plenty early in the projects' lifespan, and hopefully it shouldn't be too much trouble to find anyone to pick up "Beat The Angel" with the time left. Thanks for letting us know!
Arek the Absolute Posted June 28, 2005 Posted June 28, 2005 I still feel really terrible What is worse is that I just started to create a new project. I am hoping noone thinnks that the only reason why I left this was to work on that. I really wanted these two projects to sort of back each other up if there was something wrong or if something needed a quick fix. Damn, I feel even worse now
KyleJCrb Posted June 28, 2005 Author Posted June 28, 2005 It's not a problem. Things happen to come up, and sometimes they're uncontrollable. I went into this project with that in mind, so I'm well aware that people would run into more important things, and they wouldn't be able to finish. I'm perfectly fine with that, so don't let it get to you.
Dahlia Posted June 28, 2005 Posted June 28, 2005 Yeah, don't worry about it Arek! All sorts of things come out of nowhere. I hope you'll end up finding the time anyway!
Arek the Absolute Posted June 28, 2005 Posted June 28, 2005 Thanks guys for understanding. If all this rolls over, I hope that you guys will still allow me to do the remix. Also, I want to talk to you Kyle about certain "things". I will pm you sometime tomorrow. Thanks again for understanding. You all rock so much.
KyleJCrb Posted June 28, 2005 Author Posted June 28, 2005 We'll see how the project progresses in the coming months. If we need people, we'll gladly allow you back in.
Arcana Posted June 28, 2005 Posted June 28, 2005 I'm still a slacker and haven't gotten to my track. Argh. Too busy doing other things. I will make a point of getting you SOMETHING before July 23, even if it's it's a stupid 16-bar long improv.
KyleJCrb Posted June 28, 2005 Author Posted June 28, 2005 *lol* Is it just me or are all those MIDI files running on hyper speed? I suppose I could respond to this, eh? They play fine for me. It's not a problem, Arcana. You're not the only person who hasn't started, if that makes you feel better.
KyleJCrb Posted June 29, 2005 Author Posted June 29, 2005 UPDATE I'm working on profiles for everyone involved with the project, which will all eventually look something like that page (ignoring the broken images and links, of course. Those will be fixed). If you have one available, I'll need a picture of you, and I'll also need your real name, birthdate, current location, web site (if you have one), and where to find your other arrangements. The Biography section is optional, but strongly recommended. For those that have already done this in the PMs I've sent out, no need to worry about it here. Also, if you don't want to make this information public on this forum (I don't know why not; it's going to be on the site ) PM me with it. Thanks!
Arek the Absolute Posted June 29, 2005 Posted June 29, 2005 KYLE! I AM FREE ONCE AGAIN! I AM ABLE TO JOIN IN!!!!!!! Hoorah! Ya....sorry about that. I am happy to say that I am able to join in on this again. I thought at first that I couldn't, but I stopped whatever was going to hinder my chances of helping. I am available again. I feel bad no more
Kureejii Lea Posted June 29, 2005 Posted June 29, 2005 KYLE! I AM FREE ONCE AGAIN! I AM ABLE TO JOIN IN!!!!!!!Hoorah! Ya....sorry about that. I am happy to say that I am able to join in on this again. I thought at first that I couldn't, but I stopped whatever was going to hinder my chances of helping. I am available again. I feel bad no more No one escapes! I mean, welcome back!
KyleJCrb Posted June 29, 2005 Author Posted June 29, 2005 Quick heads-up: Project page has had quite a few updates! Go check out all the new stuff, and admire the Musician Profiles.
Arcana Posted June 29, 2005 Posted June 29, 2005 I'll submit a profile only after I give you a WIP track. Seriously bug me once in a while and post here and say, "SO ARCANA WHERE'S YOUR TRACK?" It's motivating, really. >_>
Dahlia Posted June 29, 2005 Posted June 29, 2005 So, Arcana. Where's your track? ^-^ I guess I should give up some information for my profile thing, huh...
Arcana Posted June 29, 2005 Posted June 29, 2005 It's in E Major, but there are various harmonic functions in it that can be misleading. I'll look at it more later when I have some time. ^^ The tonic is always descending chromatically, but otherwise, it's in E. Dumb question. Is this actually correct? I had a look at it and it doesn't follow Eb Major very well. But then, it also doesn't fit into E major very well either. I suppose the key question is - does it matter? Well, it REALLY helps if I know what key a song is in so when I write a harmony I don't totally mess it up. I grabbed the MIDI but haven't figured out the progression yet. Yeah I suck.
Dahlia Posted June 29, 2005 Posted June 29, 2005 It's a bit tricky. For this piece you can't really say it's in one key or another, because there's no real established tonality. Actually, it was silly of me to say E major earlier, I'd definitely say E minor if anything. It won't follow any normal key signature though, because it's mostly chromatic. First it starts with a chord on the first degree, which is all well and normal. Then, already it abandons the signature in favor of chromaticism, making the root descend a half-step from the first degree onto D#. You can see, from here it keeps moving downwards until it prepares itself for the half close cadence in the relative major, G. (IV-I) Then it starts over again. The cadence at the end and the beginning chord lead me to believe it's in E minor with some simple chromatically descending patterns. An in-depth analysis might reveal that it's in a more obscure tonal mode and that all the harmonic progressions are valid within a particular tonality, but for now I'd just say it's heavily chromatic in Em/GM. ;p The song could be difficult to manipulate, but if you prepared it correctly you could write plainly in G major or E minor after that cadence without it sounding too far from the actual song.
Arek the Absolute Posted June 29, 2005 Posted June 29, 2005 I am having a remixer's block. I have no idea what to create this into. I have tried a full blown symphonic feel....only it doesn't feel right. I have tried some sort of techno ish feel.....doesn't feel right. ACH!! Little help on what you think it should be like?
Hale-Bopp Posted June 29, 2005 Posted June 29, 2005 I don't know what styles you're comfortable with or your experience with guitars, but I could hear it as a progressive rock/metal remix (especially with the double-kick drum madness going on in the middle). That's sort of the trend among some of the musicians already involved in the project so it would fit right in, in that respect.
Dahlia Posted June 29, 2005 Posted June 29, 2005 Just off the top of my head, I'd be inclined to do speed metal, or maybe an organ solo piece. Or both in the same song. Hey, now that I listen to it, I regret not having picked it to begin with! XD I usually listen to something for quite a long time and examine the score before I really decide though. If you're going to compose a symphony, you first have to see if there are several recognizable themes with which to create a symphonic form. Or if you were making a passacaglia, you'd have to see if the melody lent itself well to four bar variation in multiple voices. It really is up to you, though! Remember if you're able to/decide to compose rock or metal, you've got a bunch of guitarists willing to record for you! It's a pretty cool song, there's a lot you could do with it. ^^ I'd love to hear a great variety of genres in this project so we can make albums that are constantly exciting in the "What's coming next!?" sort of way.
Arek the Absolute Posted June 29, 2005 Posted June 29, 2005 Hmm.... HMM... I am in a sort of garage band. I suppose I could recreate the song into a sort of song similar to Beyond lightspeed. You just got my inspirational juices all flowin!
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