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Tales series: Summoning of Spirits - History


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  • 2 weeks later...

A few weeks ago I screwed up and accidentally deleted some of the .wavs for the project (I still have all of the songs in MP3 form), so I just sent out a couple PMs to people about it. I also sent out an email to the last few remaining remixers with unfinished songs: If you received that one, PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS GOOD AND BEAUTIFUL respond to it! I don't care if you tell me that you completely forgot about the project, hate me, and won't work on it anymore; at least please let me know this so we can get someone else to work on the song, at the very least.

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  • 4 weeks later...


I dusted up the Take up the Cross remix from S.S.H. recently, and it brought back my craving for some ear-lusting Tales goodness. In a way it doesn't surprise me people are being hard to contact at this time of the year, but it still sucks. I hope for you guys that this problem won't last long.

Here's a lessthanthree to keep it up

<3 !!

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Four more to go? That's great to hear....that should only be what, another 6 months? :P

Just kidding, I understand it takes time to make them....let alone having busy schedules (This quarter is killing me). Keep up the good work guys.

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