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Vocal Remix: XenoSaga / Legend of Dragoon / XenoBlade / Street Fighter II (w/ Claire Yaxley)

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'Unbreakable Heart':

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The track is now finished and youtubed. Hope you guys enjoy this. Thanks for listening/watching :)

Sources breakdown:

00:00 - 01:23 - Original Writing

01:24 - 02:07 - XenoSaga (Kokoro)

02:08 - 02:49 - Legend of Dragoon (If you still believe)

02:50 - 03:31 - XenoBlade (Gaur Plains - Night)

03:31 - 04:04 - XenoSaga (Kokoro)

04:05 - 04:57 - Super Street Fighter (Cammy's Stage)

04:58 - 07:30 - Legend of Dragoon (If you still believe)


XenoSaga - Spirit [kokoro]:

Legend of Dragoon - If you still believe:


Xenoblade - Gaur Plains (night):


Super Street Fighter - Cammy:




Okay another vocal track. For almost forever, I thought that "Kokoro" (XenoSaga) and "If you still believe" (LoD) can be mixed into one track and even the lyrics would make sense. So here I am trying to re-imagine both songs into one. As for breaks in vocals, I want to pay some tribute to XenoBlade and MagnaCarta 2. The style I've chosen can't be categorized, just think of it as your typical RPG town music blended into Latin pop + Middle Eastern music (does that make any sense?). Please note that nothing here is final and it is just a rough sketch of what I want to do with the ideas.

Currently, I don't have anyone to sing it for me so I used original vocal parts (sounds a bit annoying at this time). But for now, I'd love to find out what you guys think of this direction so far :)

WIP2 - Almost finished:


(re-done from scratch)

New Version:


Concept (Updated):


As always, all feed back is greatly appreciated :)


scratch that, I decided to do about 7 minutes concept that covers the entire structure of the song. This is not a finished track by any means and needs tons of work. The reason it sounds muddy at the moment is because of the original vocal overlays (couldn't make it sound any cleaner) but it gives a good idea of what the final product will sound like. This will be fixed once I find someone to sing it for me but before that, take a listen; I would love to find out your thoughts on the track; like it? hate it?

Concept 2 (6:51 minutes long):



Its sounding good. A nice feel and atmosphere. With some different vocals it will really improve things, it still sounds really good with the originals. As far as the structure goes, I do feel that some fat could be trimmed. The song flows beautifully but the instrumental break at 2:28 I'm not sure of. The sax solo later makes it feel a bit redundant but i don't know....I'm unsure of it. With it being a song/vocal track it feels a little unbalanced (structurally) with the breaks. The end section from around 5:00 mins could do with more interest and/or shortening. I'm sure that you will be developing this section anyway as it is a WIP but it feels to me like there needs to be either a key change or a more prominent/energetic counter melody to the lead.

Having said all of that, though, the fusion of all the different sources is really well done. Perhaps its not so much that the earlier instrumental sections need to be trimmed, I understand that they are from different sources, but perhaps if interjected later could counter the last section from 5:00 onwards and give more interest.

All in all, I really like it and it is clearly going to be an epic when finished. What I will say is, that despire my above comments, if you're happy with the structure keep it as it is :)

  • 6 months later...

yay! another collab with Claire! :D

After listening to Claire's vocals, I decided to completely redo the whole track from scratch with a totally new style to match her amazing vocals. Wrote some original stuff for the intro:

WIP1: New Version


Very initial work but appreciate any feedback/suggestion while I try to finishing it up :D


Hey Thanks! :D total burn out here at the moment. I've been working on this track for last 7-8 hours and can't think anymore. The track is almost finished can use a bit of mixing fixing here and there but I'm open to all feedback/suggestions :)

It is still a xenosaga/legend of dragoon remix. I could write original stuff between vocal breaks but that's not what I usually do so xenoblade and cammy are just supporting elements here :D

Finished version (almost): [length: 7:30 minutes]


EDIT: (Fixed) Someone just pointed out that vocals are too loud and so is the piano on Cammy's theme. will fix it in the next update.


Sounds great bud. As well as the edit you posted, I think you could do with maybe putting a noise gate on your vocal track or leaving all the "noise" in on the track as you can clearly hear the cuts/edits in the vocal track when Claire starts and stops singing. That may not be a problem once you bring the track down in volume though.

At first when I listened I wasn't sure that the Cammy theme fit in quite seemlessly as part of the track but I think its fine (To clarify it fits perfectly in terms of mood and harmony, its just not having heard anything from it before). Perhaps it would blend better if it was treated more as a bridge texturally. The groove and backdrop stay pretty much the same as the verses. I'd say its just nit pickin/personal taste though in honesty. Another point is that the opening motif in the Cammy theme would work excellently as an accompaniment to the verses and chorus to make the main Cammy theme fit better. I'm not saying it should be in every verse if you did do that. Again though, its just opinion :)

Overall its fantastic and with a once-over will be spiffin' 8-)

As well as the edit you posted, I think you could do with maybe putting a noise gate on your vocal track ......

Oops! Thanks for pointing that out, after fixing velocities and a little bit of mixing, I think vocals are okay now! :D

At first when I listened I wasn't sure that the Cammy theme fit in quite seemlessly as part of the track but I think ....

You know I took out MagnaCarta 2 from this track because you didn't like it :D I agree with you on this and I think I can do something to fix the point where Cammy's theme kicks in. but right now I can't write a single note (soo tired).

Thank you for the great suggestions, it was really helpful to cleanup the track :D

here's the version with "fixed" vocals:



This sounds so much better. The vocals are spot on! I'm feeling the pressure with regard to giving feedback if you removed MagnaCarta 2 because of me haha.

Definitely have a rest and come back to it to see if/how you wanna change the Cammy theme. I love the Cammy theme so would be sad to see it go :)


'Unbreakable Heart':

Download MP3

Thanks for listening/watching :)

Sources breakdown:

00:00 - 01:23 - Original Writing

01:24 - 02:07 - XenoSaga (Kokoro)

02:08 - 02:49 - Legend of Dragoon (If you still believe)

02:50 - 03:31 - XenoBlade (Gaur Plains - Night)

03:31 - 04:04 - XenoSaga (Kokoro)

04:05 - 04:57 - Super Street Fighter (Cammy's Stage)

04:58 - 07:30 - Legend of Dragoon (If you still believe)


XenoSaga - Spirit [kokoro]:

Legend of Dragoon - If you still believe:


Xenoblade - Gaur Plains (night):


Super Street Fighter - Cammy:


So good dude :-) Makes me want to hear more of Claire around OCR, her unique voice and strong delivery really makes this song. And, of course, the rest of the instrumentation built up around that centerpiece is tasteful and well-written, as always.

Definitely one of my favorites from you, hope you can maintain this pace for a long time to come!

this is friggin' beautiful, and props for including somethin' from xenoblade on here (lovin' that game, especially the soundtrack).

very well done, and the vocals are magnificent. :3

Thank you! I love Xenoblade too. It has become one of my most favorite games of all times.

So good dude :-) Makes me want to hear more of Claire around OCR, her unique voice and strong delivery really makes this song. And, of course, the rest of the instrumentation built up around that centerpiece is tasteful and well-written, as always.

Definitely one of my favorites from you, hope you can maintain this pace for a long time to come!

Thanks a LOT!! I was incredibly nervous when the mix reached 7 minute mark and have tried everything I could to keep the listener's interest up. Looks like mission accomplished (I hope) :)

Claire indeed has, once again, did an amazing job. I personally think her vocals are better than the original!


Well done matey! Another well crafted track. They always sound so professional!

I'm adding this one to my mp3 as I want my baby to hear my singing way before she is born... that's right, I am pregnant! My first baby, a little girl, is due in September. I can't wait!! I need to do more singing so she can get used to it. :D

Thank you for the nice comments about my vocals. :)

Well done matey! Another well crafted track. They always sound so professional!

I'm adding this one to my mp3 as I want my baby to hear my singing way before she is born... that's right, I am pregnant! My first baby, a little girl, is due in September. I can't wait!! I need to do more singing so she can get used to it. :D

Thank you for the nice comments about my vocals. :)

They really took the song to the next level, I must say.

And congratulations!!

Well done matey! Another well crafted track. They always sound so professional!

I'm adding this one to my mp3 as I want my baby to hear my singing way before she is born... that's right, I am pregnant! My first baby, a little girl, is due in September. I can't wait!! I need to do more singing so she can get used to it. :D

Thank you for the nice comments about my vocals. :)

Wow! I'm super thrilled to know that one of the first things the little one is going to hear is uncle Mystix's tunes :D Incredibly honored Claire!

and many, many congratulations! also, thank you for the kind words :D

Bravo sir. Submit.

Thank you! will be doing that soon :)


Done! Sealed and submitted! Changing the status back to 'Finished' :D

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