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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shell Shocked - History

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Posted (edited)

Hm... I feel like I could do "Sparring Match" some justice. I'll give it a shot and PM a WIP definitely before July 31, but likely I'll be working on it section by section, not all at once in raw form. And it's the weekend... and I'll be at home by myself. WHOO! I should get a good amount done for a WIP this weekend, and I'll try to PM a WIP on Monday morning. :D

Right now I'll be brainstorming an arrangement. Time to rip the audio in HD. I love Adobe Audition.

EDIT: Hm... I've got something going, and it's going to sound kind of like Dream Theater's tone. And their drums. :P But gah, Kontakt takes up a lot of RAM, especially when there's 6 instances. =/ For me, at least.

Edited by timaeus222

Wow, Kyle has gotten this thing rolling pretty fast! Surprisingly, majority of the artists on the album seem to be OCR-newcomers. But it's all the more exciting:-)

Metal seems to be the name of the game. That's fine with me, but will there be some smoother styles/genres represented to bring in variety? (Haven't listened to the preview yet, so I dunno if that would answer my question.)

Posted (edited)
Metal seems to be the name of the game. That's fine with me, but will there be some smoother styles/genres represented to bring in variety? (Haven't listened to the preview yet, so I dunno if that would answer my question.)

It is a rock project, but rest assured that there will still be a bit of variety within that scope.

Also, I changed the tracklist around a little bit. I moved Try Harder and High Score to a list of non-essential but still welcome source tunes (mostly jingles and really short loops that I left out of the list originally.) If anyone wants to tackle a non-essential source or include it in their existing remix, go for it!

Edited by KyleJCrb
Posted (edited)

Sent out an email to the project folks today. Basically, if your name is red on that tracklist, I want to see a listenable WIP by July 31st. I wanna get all of the red off of that list. We've gotta pick up the pace if the album is going to come out this Fall!

Edited by KyleJCrb
Hm... I feel like I could do "Sparring Match" some justice. I'll give it a shot and PM a WIP definitely before July 31, but likely I'll be working on it section by section, not all at once in raw form. And it's the weekend... and I'll be at home by myself. WHOO! I should get a good amount done for a WIP this weekend, and I'll try to PM a WIP on Monday morning. :D

Right now I'll be brainstorming an arrangement. Time to rip the audio in HD. I love Adobe Audition.

EDIT: Hm... I've got something going, and it's going to sound kind of like Dream Theater's tone. And their drums. :P But gah, Kontakt takes up a lot of RAM, especially when there's 6 instances. =/ For me, at least.

Did you end up ripping the audio? Cuz if you did, I would greatly enjoy "Pizza Time" and "My Toes"!

Posted (edited)

@Monobrow: Unfortunately, I found out the RAM costs for my project file didn't quite work out for me, but I'll still rip those for you if you want. :) I'm not sure which one is "My Toe", though. I couldn't find that on YouTube.

Edited by timaeus222
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