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By now I'm sure most of us are familiar with the Humble Bundles (pay what you want for indie games) but this one is a little different. What you're getting is the alpha, and all future updates of a game called Voxatron, which in the site's own words is a "voxel-based, old-school-gone-new platform shooter."

Having just spent some time playing it, that description feels about right, and I have to say, not only was it loads of fun, but the old school sound effects and music (especially the little queues as you enter a new area) made me feel like I was 12 years old again. Head on over to http://www.humblebundle.com/ and check it out, this game looks like it will have an awful lot of content considering the editor and "bbs levels", and it's been a decent challenge so far as well.


Agreed, and so, as if on queue, The Binding of Isaac and Blocks That Matter have been added to this to in fact, make it a bundle! I'm actually very happy about this as I was very much wanting to try Isaac but refused to insta-buy it on release due to having too many untouched games at the moment.

Well, make it 2 more! These humble bundles are the gift that keeps on giving.

what is the binding of isaac don't know much about it

It's essentially a rogue-like in the style of the Underworld from the original Zelda. Items, map layouts, and bosses are randomized every time you play.

I'd strongly recommend playing the demo before you jump onboard. It gets fairly challenging quickly, and there's liberal use of bodily fluids. I can't say it's inappropriate, given the scenario, but you may or may not be put off by it.


It's not billed as a bundle, it's "The Humble Voxatron Debut".

More importantly, Clubbing of Isaac, yessss! I was hoping it'd appear in a bundle (..or a.. debut) since I seem to be in the habit of getting what these guys put out (and why not, as you can pay as much or as little as you can or like).

Now.. I just need to find the time to play any of these 20 or so games I've gotten from these deals.



It made me very sad, it looked like so much fun.. but from the way they talked about it, it sounds like it will have a lot of updates, levels, and characters and stuff that will be added to it later. Makes me wonder how are they planning on updating it? Do I have to go back to the humble bundle and download it again?

Binding of Isaac ended up being funner than I expected.. It's one of those games that is ridiculously hard but you keep playing it and I don't know why. It is gross and I spent almost the entirety of one run-through peeing on my enemies. Very immature game :-P


They've just updated Voxatron, as well as adding Gish to the bundle.. you can get a Steam key. They also added some smaller, download-only games to the bundle.

And I still can't get Voxatron to respond at all. It loads up into the menu after the boar breaks through the logo, plays that chippy song... says Play, Editor, Options, or Exit.. and I can't get it to do anything after that. If anyone knows how to fix I'd really appreciate it.

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