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Hi guys! So it's not exactly the sequel that I'm also working on to Impostor Nostalgia, but I did actually just release an album of tracks that I've written over the years for various purposes that either never got used or have just been lying around for one reason or another.

Some of the tracks have short back stories so feel free to click and check out any track info on the individual song links. Some of these songs are also unreleased Mass Effect 2 tracks/sketches that didn't survive the cut and make it into the game if that interests you.

So anyway, yeah, this is a much smaller release than Impostor Nostalgia, but feel free to plug it/tell your friends etc!

$3.99 for 16 cinematic tracks, enjoy!


Album Art by Jessie "Axl99" Lam http://twitter.com/axl99

Conspiracy theory is fucking awesome.

Agreed. Also, I've been loving Far Beyond Eyes. Seriously Jimmy, take all my money already. (well... actually don't, I need it. I couldn't afford more than the min price this time. :/)


Bought it after previewing a few tracks. Definitely more of a movie-soundtrack kinda feel to it, really liking this one!

Also, any objection to these appearing on some sort of poorly made youtube video at some point (properly credited, of course)? Not really sure about copyright law or whatnot, but it feels better to have permission.

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