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On the Breath of the Wind - Wind Waker Project - Breaking News: SkyRiderX Co-Director!!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry, that's entirely my fault. Grandma's theme is wrapping up (80% done I'd say), and I'm trying to fix up an old dragon roost remix I did but at this point it might be faster to make another remix of it.

Again, sorry to be that guy.

EDIT: forgot to mention that the reason Dragon Roost is going so slowly is because I lost a lot of data for it when my compy crashed back in May

Sorry, that's entirely my fault. Grandma's theme is wrapping up (80% done I'd say), and I'm trying to fix up an old dragon roost remix I did but at this point it might be faster to make another remix of it.

Again, sorry to be that guy.

EDIT: forgot to mention that the reason Dragon Roost is going so slowly is because I lost a lot of data for it when my compy crashed back in May

Sorry to hear about the computer crash - it's really irritating when that happens. :-x

Oh well, keep working on it, but in the mean time if anyone would like to crack the whip on Dragon Roost let me know. It's an awesome track and we really need a take on it for the album.

G-Mixer, are you still watching? :-P

  • 4 weeks later...

I've known this for about a week but I might as well update people here.


So yea, a major hurdle down, thanks to TheRex for sprucing up and old mix for the project. He's also nearly done with Grandma's theme as well which is awesome (I will PM you this week when I know about the status of voice artists, promise).

Small strides being made on other tracks. I really need to talk to Tuberz McGee, Pokemoneinstein and Amphibious about their progress, the tracks appeared 90% done but I need wavs people :razz:

And on my end the collaborative final song we have newly recorded vocals which sound much improved. We're getting there :razz:


hi Skyrider - I have the wav for that track as Pixelpanic left it (the same as the flp file I sent you but with all the plugins that I don't have working :razz:).

However he's expressed dissatisfaction with it - if you can put a little time into mixing the track a little further it would really be appreciated by both of us :)

  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)


Latest Update: 08/11/2013

0. Title - Tom Swift - Final wav

1. The Legendary Hero - Pokemoneinstien - Final Wav

2. Outset Island - Argle - Final wav

3. Aryll's Theme - Mark Jackson - 85% done

4. Grandma's Song - TheRex - 99%

5. Pirate Theme - PixelPanic - 80% done

6. Cursed Ocean - Tom Swift, Asterlius, TheShaggyFreak - Final Wav

7. Dragon Roost - TheRex - Final Wav

8. Forest Haven - Skyrider X - Final Wav

9. Ocean - Rozovian - Final Wav

10. Hyrule Castle - Amphibious - 80% done

11. Legendary Hero - Argle - Final wav

12. Ocean - Tuberz McGee - 85% done

13. Miniboss theme - Skyrider X - Final Wav

14. Jalhalla - Chernabogue - Final wav

15. Final Battle - Tom Swift - Final wav

16. Farewell Hyrule King - Tom Swift - 99% done

17. Farewell Hyrule King - Mark of Two - Final wav

18. Staff Credits - Tom Swift, Mangaman, Mark Jackson - 65% done

Pokemoneinstien has just sent me an mp3 of his completed rendition of 'The Legendary Hero' - we just need to apply the vocals which are already recorded and get the wav and that track is finished.

Which means all that is left are Grandma's theme (I am going to be recording the vocals next weekend and sending them to you TheRex, promise), Ocean (I haven't heard anything from you for a while Tuberz, the song is there I just need a wav :razz:) and Hyrule Castle (same position with you Amphibious) and Pirate Ship (any word Skyrider?)...

And then we need female vocals and a few minor changes to the final track which I need to sort. But in short the album is now 90% complete!

If anyone out there thinks they could take on Molgera's track, or any of the others listed that we're not doing, and complete it before Christmas please let me know. However with the current track list we've all of what I'd consider the important themes from the game.

Edited by Swifthom
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Good to hear, I have a first go at the bass for the final song so hopefully tomorrow I'll get some time to put something closer to the finished project together.

Sorry for the time I've been away from the internet since the new year, I'm moving house again and it's always a stressful moment :razz: You'll get my full attention again within a week or two.

  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Thanks to pixelpanic the bass part on the last track is now locked in.

I'm speaking to a female vocalist to record something and that may be the final part of that song, which just leaves yourself, Tuberz and Amphibious to send me wavs of your respective tracks before the album is done :)

Do you think you'll be able to send me something before easter? I'd like to hand tracks over for mastering around then if everyone is happy with that deadline? I've tried contacting some people and had no response. I'm also having trouble logging into Skype which is making contacting Mangaman difficult - I wanted to compare notes on where we are regards vocals :) Sorry about that.

But we are NEARLY THERE :)


Latest Update: 08/11/2013

0. Title - Tom Swift - Final wav

1. The Legendary Hero - Pokemoneinstien - Final Wav

2. Outset Island - Argle - Final wav

3. Aryll's Theme - Mark Jackson - Final Wav

4. Grandma's Song - TheRex - Final Wav

5. Pirate Theme - Skyrider X - unknown

6. Cursed Ocean - Tom Swift, Asterlius, TheShaggyFreak - Final Wav

7. Dragon Roost - TheRex - Final Wav

8. Forest Haven - Skyrider X - Final Wav

9. Ocean - Rozovian - Final Wav

10. Hyrule Castle - Amphibious - 80% done

11. Legendary Hero - Argle - Final wav

12. Ocean - Tuberz McGee - 90% done

13. Miniboss theme - Skyrider X - Final Wav

14. Jalhalla - Chernabogue - Final wav

15. Final Battle - Tom Swift - Final wav

16. Farewell Hyrule King - Tom Swift - Final Wav

17. Farewell Hyrule King - Mark of Two - Final wav

18. Staff Credits - Tom Swift, Mangaman, Mark Jackson, Pixelpanic - 85% done

Edited by Swifthom

Ah jeez dang, I'm so sorry. I did open my track up recently and try polishing some things up, but I've been pretty busy with the ongoing Sonic competition and planning my composition recital this semester. I will seriously do my best to get my track finished by Easter, I have the core concept there I just need to take a bit of time to hammer the rest out.

  • 3 weeks later...

"Do you think you'll be able to send me something before easter? I'd like to hand tracks over for mastering around then if everyone is happy with that deadline? I've tried contacting some people and had no response. I'm also having trouble logging into Skype which is making contacting Mangaman difficult - I wanted to compare notes on where we are regards vocals :) Sorry about that."

You can hit me up on email or facebook if that is easier.


Thanks Amphibious, that'll be great.

Mangaman - pm me your email address. I still haven't received the female vocals for you to contrast with so final take will have to wait for that. Alternatively I'll try Skype again on Wednesday night :-)

  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

As we are now just waiting for 2 final tracks I'd like to set a deadline to complete this album by.

Can everyone make sure they have sent me a finished unmastered wav by the end of August please. And I'm sorry to everyone who sent me their work last year - if they want to make any adjustments before August I'm happy, in the mean time thankyou for getting your stuff done on time.

We have a really strong mix of tunes here with nearly all of the main themes from WW accounted for. If anyone out there thinks they could turn a quick mix of some epic theme's we're missing (Hero of Wind is one) before August please get in touch.

Other than that I'm looking forward to sharing what we have. :razz:

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