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here's the list stolen from neogaf

Forgot to mention its the GBA ones

F-Zero: Maximum Velocity

Super Mario Advance 3: Yoshi's Island

Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap

Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror

Mario Kart: Super Circuit

Mario vs. Donkey Kong

Metroid Fusion

Wario Land 4

WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgames

here's the list stolen from neogaf

Forgot to mention its the GBA ones

F-Zero: Maximum Velocity

Super Mario Advance 3: Yoshi's Island

Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap

Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones

Kirby & The Amazing Mirror

Mario Kart: Super Circuit

Mario vs. Donkey Kong

Metroid Fusion

Wario Land 4

WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgames

You're shitting me. This is amazing.

From this list, I only had Yoshi's island for the GBA because I got it after the DS came out. I wanted to play/own a handful of these games but couldn't find them!

I'm especially excited for metroid fusion and minish cap. Never even seen gameplay for either.


Though I kind of expected the original GBA Fire Emblem, I'm grateful the series is included on the list at all. Gives me some hope that they intend to bring FE 3DS to North America and at the very least exposes the series to a new generation that may not have had the chance to get into the GBA.


How convenient. I just turned in my last essay of the semester yesterday, so winter break is just starting now.

Yay I love these games! SO much fun...Although Mario Kart sure is awkward to control now that I've gotten used to MK7 :S

The transition is a lot easier when you've played all the Mario Kart games in sequence as often as I have. :-P



All you people who hate Metroid Other M: Play the intro to Metroid Fusion and tell me her monologues aren't eerily familiar in both content and speech. Yet you all love Fusion so much...


"Pondering this fact I realize...I owe the metroid hatchling my life twice over."

"I wondered if this too was a result of the power the baby gave me."

"The ship's computer has notified me of our approach to the Biologic Space Labs, or B.S.L, research station."

"I altered the course of my ship as if this detour had already been part of my flight plan."

"For some reason, this awoke a nameless fear in my heart, and now I am being sent there to investigate."

Sounds pretty similar to me.


I noticed that when I played Other M. There were definitely SOME similarities between the monologues in Fusion and Other M, and I loved Fusion. Other M felt hit and miss to me though, I feel like Team Ninja dropped the ball in certain segments (such as the infamous Ridley encounter). Still, I didn't hate Other M, but I see why some people weren't as happy with it.

At any rate I love Fusion and although I already have the cartridge I could see myself playing through it again.


Do you know how long these are available? Also, I have a buddy who qualified, but never enrolled in the Ambassador program. Is it too late for him or can he still get in on this (and maybe the NES titles, too)?

I'd do the research myself, but this connection is the sucks.

Do you know how long these are available? Also, I have a buddy who qualified, but never enrolled in the Ambassador program. Is it too late for him or can he still get in on this (and maybe the NES titles, too)?

He had to log on to the eShop before August 11 of this year. If he never did, he can't get them.

Might be able to talk to Nintendo Customer Service about it though.

Nope. You can not talk, beg, plead or convince your way into the program. It's simply too late for him.

The reason why they wanted people to log on to the eShop was to get ID numbers from each 3DS. That's how they track which ones would get Ambassador status. If he never logged in, he never got registered. There's nothing that any service rep can do about it, because it's completely out of their hands.

Do you know how long these are available? Also, I have a buddy who qualified, but never enrolled in the Ambassador program. Is it too late for him or can he still get in on this (and maybe the NES titles, too)?

I'd do the research myself, but this connection is the sucks.

I read on on some forum somewhere that some person 'got in' after the August 11 cutoff date by sending in his purchase receipt (or some other dated proof of purchase). I don't know how much stock you want to put in to what some random said on the internet, but it might be worth a shot.

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