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Brandon Strader



Game: Portal 2

Song: Cara Mia Addio


Title: Goodbye

There's a ton I can say here but I'll try to keep it short. I originally planned to only make 3 orchestrations for OCR: Rise of Kuros, Mirage, and Lady in the Water. But then 2 out of 3 of them passed without needing fixed, it seemed like a way to go and who am I to mess with something good. So here is an orchestration with a twist, it also has "italian" vocals. Yeah yeah, get ready for vocal hate... though the few people who commented on the music video said it was brilliant. DoD listeners were a bit more critical of it. Music video:

(DoD version, but similar enough IMO) This new submitted version should sound better.

Anyway, I am writing this from my new house where I am trying to build a proper recording studio, as well as living. I didn't know I would be here today submitting "Goodbye" on the same day I left, it was a very lucky coincidence. I'd like to dedicate this song to my parents who helped me every step of the way with becoming a musician. They supported me when I went to a smaller college, and when I chose a less successful career path (less successful than, say, being an accountant!). Without their support, I wouldn't be doing music, so I owe it all to them and a huge thanks. As for me, I won't be entirely alone. I've got an arm-mounted potato of my own named Zut. If I can turn this place around, I might have a chance to get more musicians coming in -- maybe even OC Remixers recording remixes and staying in the guest rooms. Tons of potential here. Until next time..... woosh.

  • 2 weeks later...

... shit. Can't find a bad bit about this. I'm legitimately impressed and I'm surprised I didn't notice how good this was when I first heard it on DoD. I think you've found a genre where your vocal range and style can really excel and the results sound fantastic. Orchestration is awesome, very realistic and well-produced. You keep the source pretty up-front at all times, even when the vocals aren't present.

Yeah, this is awesome. Love the personal background behind the mix, too.


  • 4 weeks later...

cool source tune. never played either of the portal games. I suppose I should.

anyway. pretty conservative, yet quite interesting stuff here. Emu laid down a nice vote. can't say it's my favorite song of yours, personally, but the execution is extremely solid. good work on this.


  • 1 month later...

Really enjoyed this one, though im not completely sold on some of the pronunciations. Cute cameo in the middle, I found it to be pretty clever and was thinking something similar.

I think some slight vocal normalization would be good, but i's definitely on the minor side and other judges didn't express an issue. Some sequencing could be a bit smoother, but it supports the vocal well enough.

Portal~~~ Portal~~~ gonna go through the portal~~~


  • 3 months later...

No hate on taking a risk with the vocals here, but the vocals at :51 were flat, IMO, and deserved another take. However, the harmonization at 1:22 to help accentuate some words, followed by the extensive harmonization from 1:38-1:50 and 2:37-3:30 helped the singing sound a LOT more cohesive after an underwhelming start.

As far as the instrumental, the brass articulations were certainly solid enough but were probably the most lacking element as far a realistic sound. That said, it wasn't a huge player by any means, it's difficult to work it anyway, and practically everything else sounded strong. The buildup, variation, and dynamics here were all great, really taking a pretty minimalist source in a grandiose direction. Just great pacing and overall execution here by Brandon.


  • 4 weeks later...

I have to say, I'm digging the style adaption. I like the sequencing, and the production is good, altho I don't like the fact that much of the cymbal work is coming from my left speaker. I wish there was a little more variation, but there was borderline enough, coupled with the style adaption. I will say in this regard, you picked a great source because its difficult not to variate on what is already in the track, due to its complex nature. I wish the vocal melody was slightly more varied however. Where the vocals are concerned, I felt that you tried to go for a pavarotti vocal style - operatic, but it almost came off like a parady in its execution because your voice isn't quite suited to that style of singing imo.

Overall, I like this mix. Its got a few quirks, but it works, and I'm cool passing it.

Good work Brandon!


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