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Is there any way to make the audio stream not directly associated with the Flash video, so that the sound quality isn't reduced? Perhaps, for instance, having two streams, one audio and one video, and then having the viewer cue them up at the beginning? Each page could have its own chapter/song, and you could have a little note that says when to begin the audio, so they work together. That way (and I know this happened to me a lot) if you have a slower download connection and BitTorrent isn't your friend when it comes to albums, you can still listen to the music online without having to DL the songs, and without the video attached.

I don't think that's possible, and if it is, it's far beyond something I can program. If I don't put the audio in the Flash file, I really have no idea how to make the songs run.

I have a few FLAC files from the RotS project, I'll test how flash compresses those (as wavs) and get back to you.


I have it sorted out.

It seems that the event sound type displays better quality than the stream sound type. Link

There's now no quality loss at all. I'm certain because the mp3 filesize is almost the same as the swf file (it cuts of 5% of the mp3 or so).

http://www.kwarp.com/storage/proof.html (I didn't edit the text. The file is 5 mb)

Yeah, only use stream if you're going to be stopping and starting in the middle of the music.


I can barely hear the original in it.
http://kfc.paletteswap.com/kirbyshortdemo.mp3 - KFC's demo

http://members.lycos.co.uk/jeffswallpapers/boardfiles/K-MWW-intro30.mp3 - First 30 seconds of original

Are your ears working? [quote taken out of context... :P]

Anyway, I really like the storybook concept... Has anyone considered making a printable CD Booklet version? If anyone wants it, I'd gladly make a CD booklet version of the storybook... that is, assuming the thing's not going to be a crazy amount of pages.

-Mt. Dedede (Special Incorporation) ("Chapter 10") - Chthonic


Funny thing about that track...

I already did it once. :)

That's why I was so psyched about Arek including it in the project; I've wanted to do a good version of that song for years now. It was easily the most meaningful song from my childhood... I used to spend hours listening to it on the Kirby's Dreamland sound test, big fat grey gameboy next to my ear. Good times.



SO far it seeems as though this project has been making a lot of progress. I am really proud to say that I have made this idea. But that is just it, it was just an idea. I really shouldn't be taking so much credit for this. You guys are the backbone of this project. YOU! If it wasn't for you guys, I wouldn't even be able to get this far. It is with this post that I say thank you so much all of you! Give yourself a great pat on the back.

And now on to the subject at hand. Chthonic, I am happy to konw that you are excited about remixing that track :).

Bren, I heard your wip and it is a major improvement on your last one. Keep up the good work.

Darkesword, pick your dang song already :wink:

Other than that, I have nothing else to say.

No updates for the first post.

EDIT: quiet kungfuchicken, it fits fine by me.


I've finished experimenting with all the sound compression settings. I'll be able to put any mp3/wav file through Flash and pump it out with no quality loss regardless of bitrate, VBR or otherwise. Filesize of the compressed mp3s will be about 95% of the originals. Estimated final project size (including art etc.): 75 Megabytes

SO far it seeems as though this project has been making a lot of progress. I am really proud to say that I have made this idea. But that is just it, it was just an idea. I really shouldn't be taking so much credit for this. You guys are the backbone of this project. YOU! If it wasn't for you guys, I wouldn't even be able to get this far. It is with this post that I say thank you so much all of you! Give yourself a great pat on the back.

Agreed. We're just the managers of the project. Our job is simply to guide the artists and musicians in the direction WE ALL decide is best. It's everyone's work that goes into this project.


I've done some more late-night experimenting in my lair. This time I've covered how Flash compresses images. *evil laugh*

Two options:

1) Photo(JPEG): This is for complicated pictures of course. Quality settings are 1-100.

2) Lossless(PNG/GIF): This should be for simple pictures. No image data is lost.

Generally, higher-quality bitmaps will slow down your computer more. :P

I've decided image dimensions for the art will be 450x600. This is to fit the page dimensions in the book. Details below. (I'm almost finished determining how many pictures there will need to be in the project. Bear with me.)


Onto the topic of compatability. Unlike Arek, who's fine if this project only gets out to the bulk of Windows users (bad, bad Arek), I want this book to be compatable with everything it can be. There will be at least 4 versions of this file.

800x600 resolution, Windows (.exe)

800x600 resolution, Mac (.hqx)

1024x768 resolution, Windows (.exe)

1024x768 resolution, Mac (.hqx)

There will also be a demo on the site containing the first chapter or so for viewers who haven't decided if they want to download the whole project yet.

Any objections/suggesions/death threats? If so now is the time to let your voice be heard!

I've done some more late-night experimenting in my lair. This time I've covered how Flash compresses images. *evil laugh*

Two options:

1) Photo(JPEG): This is for complicated pictures of course. Quality settings are 1-100.

2) Lossless(PNG/GIF): This should be for simple pictures. No image data is lost.

Generally, higher-quality bitmaps will slow down your computer more. :P

I've decided image dimensions for the art will be 450x600. This is to fit the page dimensions in the book. Details below. (I'm almost finished determining how many pictures there will need to be in the project. Bear with me.)


Onto the topic of compatability. Unlike Arek, who's fine if this project only gets out to the bulk of Windows users (bad, bad Arek), I want this book to be compatable with everything it can be. There will be at least 4 versions of this file.

800x600 resolution, Windows (.exe)

800x600 resolution, Mac (.hqx)

1024x768 resolution, Windows (.exe)

1024x768 resolution, Mac (.hqx)

There will also be a demo on the site containing the first chapter or so for viewers who haven't decided if they want to download the whole project yet.

Any objections/suggesions/death threats? If so now is the time to let your voice be heard!


Seriously though, I just don't want you to get overwhelmed with all of this work that you are going to have to do for that :? Just concerned.

I STILL say you should train someone to help you.


Flash is a difficult program to learn, so I can only imagine how much of a pain it would be to teach. :P It's definitely not the most user-friendly piece of software out there. It's more like a computer development/programming tool, not a graphics tool.

There will be at least 4 versions of this file.

800x600 resolution, Windows (.exe)

800x600 resolution, Mac (.hqx)

1024x768 resolution, Windows (.exe)

1024x768 resolution, Mac (.hqx)

hmm... Flash is compatible with both PCs and Macs, so you should be fine with SWF files.


CC and I have been talking, and we think that there should be a little "contest".

You know how I earlier said that the cover should be photoshopped? Scrap that. We agreed that assigning and artist to the cover would be sort of unfair to everyone because only that one person gets a shot at it and noone else....soooo....

We thought about having all of you artists design a version of what you think should be the cover and all the members of the project vote on the best one. How does that sound?


That sounds fair :D Maybe there can be an extra webpage of the "alternate covers" for people who wanna check them out, assuming there will be a site for this.

I'm guessing others will be asking this, so: What are the criteria for the cover? And what will the title of the "book" be?


I figured I might as well make a crappy WIP to at least see if I could get the Childrens book feel down. Mind you, this took me 30 minutes while listening to a bunch of friends watch family guy, so, this isnt EXACTLY my best work. :lol:


Tell me if I'm good on the style. I'll bring in the melody more, but, if you listen to the chimes, the first two measures of the melody IS there. Thanks for listening.

Tell me if I'm good on the style. I'll bring in the melody more, but, if you listen to the chimes, the first two measures of the melody IS there. Thanks for listening.

I think it sounds very knuffig :) Keep it up!

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