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Only crazy thing about GENCON, i read that the hotels fill up fast. So if you want a room you have to Pre-Reg Jan 29th (tomorrow) and then register on the 31st for a room. There are at least 30,000 people that go to this con so if you don't book early, your hotel will be outside of the convention area.

Here is a cool map I found of the area.


Only crazy thing about GENCON, i read that the hotels fill up fast. So if you want a room you have to Pre-Reg Jan 29th (tomorrow) and then register on the 31st for a room. There are at least 30,000 people that go to this con so if you don't book early, your hotel will be outside of the convention area.

Here is a cool map I found of the area.


That's an awesome map of all the hamster tunnels that run from building to building. I will say that this year should be much better for accommodating visitors with the convention center expansion (massive!) and the new JW Marriott they built for the Super Bowl (even more massive!). I expect we've at least doubled our hotel capacity downtown since last year. Those of us who are locals should be able to help you out with that sort of planning though.

Thanks for all of the responses guys.

I propose 2 meetups. 1 in Chicago. 1 in Indianapolis.

I've never been too crazy for amusement parks. If you want a Cedar Point meetup to happen, please organize it. Any of us has the ability to organize an awesome meetup.

Chicago :

Giordonos is a must. Best Pizza Ever.

If you don't like driving in the city, I suggest parking outside

of the city and taking the train in.

I suggest doing this one in May or June.


GENCON seems like an obvious choice. If you're in Indianapolis and don't want to go to GENCON, we could even venture out into the city for a big meetup event.

GENCON INFO : http://gencon.com/

GENCON is AUG 16-19

What do you guys think of this proposal?

I second at least the Chicago portion of this proposal. If this happens, I will be there, and I know the city pretty well.


I can help organize Indy, though I'd definately want to communicate with some of the other locals who A. have names that actually carry some weight (AKA OCR folk who people in the community actually know, not someone who just joined to chime in here,) and B. were present at the last meetup you guys held. I feel like that would help a lot in keeping everything well grounded in reality. Not to mention, fairly democratic.


Advice for organizers from an old-schooler and previous meetup attendee/planner:

A mix of scheduling and spontaneity will work best. Set in stone must-do events with a specific time frame (Indy ex: Saturday 2p- 7p GenCon events; Chi ex: Sunday 3p - 5p visit John Hancock tower; etc.). But also schedule free time (Friday 1p - 4p - whatever... maybe go to x's house; etc.)

In my case we knew for sure we were going to djp's house on such-and-such day, but in a spontaneous act, we found out Disco Dan's brother's band was playing live at a local bar/club so we all went to see them without having planned or thought of it before.

Not everyone can/will participate in everything proposed, therefore be sensitive to your majority, be mindful your minority, and remember that you can't please everybody 100%.

And for goodness' sake, make sure more than one person knows their way around town!

You can put me down as interested but only for Chicago!

BlackPanther, that would be cool if you could show up. I've never been to one of these OCR shindigs (thank you east coast bias) but with more interested Midwesterners I may be going this year.

damn it.. why does nobody go to Acen.... go to Acen you noobulaxes!

That may work if some other circumstances work in my favor. A friend and I are trying to nab an exhibition spots by Acen so we can DJ for free.


Here's my idea for a preliminary super-long-term planning checklist for GenCon:

1. Confirm with VGL whether or not they're returning/asking GenCon event staff again and hope for a better response (may be best to wait until after the Super Bowl as any attempt for VGL to schedule anything during this week is totally futile)

2. Try and find which VGM bands will be returning this year.

3. Play with the idea of organizing an anime wing panel/get frugal people free badges (I was thinking something easy like "musical themes in JRPG games" or "evolution of the Japanese gaming industry" or even a deconstructionist comedy panel like "your favorite JRPG sucks")

4. Check if anyone needs a carpool and if anyone can provide one.

5. Assuming [1] and [2] are successful, find a time and place for an epic OCR + VGL + VGM band meetup!


Lord willing, I'm going to see Lecrae that Saturday the 18th. I will also be at GenCon at some point that same weekend even if no one else from OCR is there because I happily promised ny brother I'd go this year. So if you go, you might see me there. : )

It would be nice to have more video game music nerds with us, though.

I will take charge of organizing both events. I will make a thread for each event. Please be aware that I will probably do a bunch of planning work on weekends. I have a lot of stuff going on during the week.

If you need any help or ideas for the Chicago, I'll throw in my bid to be your co-chair.

BlackPanther, that would be cool if you could show up. I've never been to one of these OCR shindigs (thank you east coast bias) but with more interested Midwesterners I may be going this year.

Hellz yeah man! I've been wanting to go to one for the longest time, but majority of these meetups happen in the east coast as you've already pointed out. This time I know in advance when it is, and I have a job and more reasons to go now!!


Ticket sales for VGL start Monday. Apparently they're posting the preorder link on their Facebook page only. Oh, and the theater only seats 800. I'm excited!


Just confirmed with Tommy on Facebook that they're not actually coming to GenCon this year :(

Still haven't heard which of the VGM bands are returning either.

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