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OCR Mascot Bios - 20 more up for grabs!

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How'd you get those snapshots? DOSBox? LOL... I can't believe that's how small 320x200 looks on my monitor... or how my eyes can appreciate graphics that lo-res (and they do, believe me). Glad we got that sorted out and out of the way.

Indeed. I was starting to think we were both nuts :lol:

But yeah, that's from DOSBox and it's handy screenshot feature. If you have the DOS executables for your Final Doom game, give it a try. It's just like playing back in the old days. If you don't have those executables, and you only have the WAD files, then try out some programs like ZDoom, Doom Legacy or Doomsday. They work much better than Doom 95, and some even add new lighting effects and such.

  • 3 weeks later...

I took the liberty of examining this thread, and I discovered that the only reason that it had been sitting on its perch in the Site Projects forum was that it had been nailed there. [/Monty Python]

Since Dafydd and I opted for #anchored sections for mascots whose Wiki articles are "List of (Game) characters," the following mascots need their due (via Linearity if possible):

The Turks --> Wikipedia - "Characters of Final Fantasy VII - Turks"

Saria --> Wikipedia - "List of characters in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Saria"

Ness --> Wikipedia - "List of Earthbound characters - Ness"

Link --> Zelda Universe - "The Great Hyrule Encyclopedia - Link" (not Wikipedia, but since the url's already anchored then the label can match it)

Frog --> Wikipedia - "Characters of Chrono Trigger - Frog"

Princess Rutu --> Wikipedia - "List of characters in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Princess Ruto"

Terra Branford --> Wikipedia - "Characters of Final Fantasy VI - Terra Branford"

Similar updates:

Wikipedia - "Cammy" (at the time of this post, her last name doesn't show in the url)

Wikipedia - "Bowser (Nintendo)"

Wikipedia - "Fox McCloud" (the second 'c' in the url should be capitalized, is all)

Wikipedia - "Metroid (series) - Metroids"

Wikipedia - "Metroid (series) - Ridley"

Wikipedia - "Waku Waku 7" (there was a "www" in the url before)

Wikipedia - "Mega Man (character)" (you may have noticed that my note on page 74 forgot the end parenthesis ), so this one should work)

- Delete the Metroid Prime (creature) Wiki link from the Metroid bio ("Wikipedia does not have an article with this exact name."). Same issue with Kraid; those elitists kicked out the two-screens-tall lizard from their database.

- In Terra's bio: "...the primary character in Final Fantasy VI, which is called Final Fantasy III in the United States" (+present tense; alternatively you can write "which was retitled Final Fantasy III" for clarification)

Btw Dafydd, have you decided how to rewrite the parts of the Doom Trooper's bio that we talked about with The Coop? Something like this for the first paragraph:

Ironically, little is known about the Doom Trooper, the main character of one of the most widely known computer game series ever: Doom. Most know him by little things, such as the sound of his voice when he's injured, his many facial expressions, and the blood that gradually covers his face as he's wounded. They also know his iconic green suit, as seen in the Doom title screen and on the bodies of Space Marines scattered about the various levels.

And the last sentence:

The Doom Trooper appears outside of the Doom series on rare occasions, including Quake III Arena and Duke Nukem 3D.
- In Terra's bio: "...the primary character in Final Fantasy VI, which is called Final Fantasy III in the United States" (+present tense; alternatively you can write "which was retitled Final Fantasy III" for clarification)

Or perhaps...

"... the primary character in Final Fantasy VI, which was retitled Final Fantasy III for the SNES in the United States upon its initial release in 1994"

That was the only time I'm aware of where VI was called III, as the GBA and PS1 versions were left unchanged numerically.

  • 3 weeks later...

More or less. I still have some questions regarding Lin's edits (scattered in my cross-checking batches), so if there's something you can answer, that'd be sweet.

I also remember you wanted the Wiki'ed bios to have their respective mascot pics on the right side of the page, but I can't imagine the same format applied to The Coop's Darkstalkers "What Is" spiel (7 mascots, 2 short paragraphs). If that's still an issue, you can talk to Larry about it.

Or, if you feel you don't have the time or energy to push this behemoth past the finish line, and you feel that Lin's served his hours, you could let me fine-tune the bios myself and send 'em all to Larry. You comfortable with that?


Not because I don't trust you (I do), but I really want to try and participate more. I'm going to go through the rest of Lin's edits and post the next group of 10 whenever I'm done with one, and then ask you what you think. If you already have comments, post them right away. At least I have the first 10 in the correct format, so I can do most of the edits by just making sure the other 40 (41?) are the same format (and check for dead links).

About the Darkstalkers, I was thinking the images could be side-by-side like this (an X is an image):




You think that would work? What would you suggest?


Yeah, that's what I originally had in mind for the Darkstalkers summary. It works.

And thanks for updating the Doom Trooper bio. Just put italics where needed in the last sentence...

The Doom Trooper appears outside of the Doom series on rare occasions, including Quake III Arena and Duke Nukem 3D.

...and he'll be all set.

And after some casual Googling, I found that the Chocobo doesn't actually appear in Secret of Evermore. There's an item called the Chocobo Egg, but no gold-feathered bird. So the Secret of Evermore appearance should be cut.


Here's the next batch. http://www.ngst.nu/OCR_Mascot_Bio_Edits_11-20.txt

I think most of the big bugs are gone. I double-checked all the links and italic...-ized (?) some words, changed a booboo where Super Mario Bros 3 was listed to have been released in 1998 (not 1988), added years to some games that didn't have them, fixed minor stuff like missing or double spaces etc. Hopefully there'll be less for you to complain about this time than last, but I'm sure you'll come up with improvements all the same.


You certainly caught the details that mattered first and foremost (game links, more release years, and Saria's anchored Wiki link, among others). But it looks like a lot of the mousetraps I set on page 74 didn't snap loudly enough. Here's the remaining rodents...

- First, italicize (yes, you spelled it correctly) the word Doom in the last sentence in the Doom Trooper's bio: "The Doom Trooper appears outside of the Doom series on rare occasions..."

The Turks

- Square, not Squaresoft, is the actual name of the company (in the "Created by" line)

- Change ShinRa to Shinra every time it shows up (no capital R necessary)

- Replace those curly quotations (“the Turks”) with straight ones ("the Turks")

- Could you add spaces around the dash marks — following each Turk's name? I think that would facilitate reading. I notice you did that in Captain Falcon's bio, so props.

- Under Reno's info: "He has a vendetta against Cloud Strife" (make Cloud's name bold)

- Reno's quote should read "...sacrifices himself for his job..."

- Remember that Wiki link update I noted one page ago: Wikipedia - "Characters of Final Fantasy VII - Turks"

- That 2nd link label:

FFShrine - "Final Fantasy VII"

...should be fully written out:

Final Fantasy Shrine - "Final Fantasy VII"

...because the one in Tidus's bio is written out, and we want consistency across the board.

Leon Belmont

- Change the second line (the one with the photobucket url) with: http://www.ocremix.org/images/template/ocr4_mascot7.jpg

- The extra space in the "Pictured from" line is still there (after the last E in Innocence)

- Didn't catch this before:

"Vampire Killer”

That second double quote is curly; it should be straight.

- That last reference has been updated: http://castlevania.classicgaming.gamespy.com/dungeon.html

- Speaking of, I suggested changing the name of that reference to The Castlevania Dungeon (leaving off ClassicGaming). It's to match a like-named link in Dracula's bio.

Vivi Ornitier

- As with the Turks, change Squaresoft to Square in the "Created by" line.

- Add spaces around the dash here: "...past Final Fantasy games—Vivi is..."

- First reference link update: http://www.ffinsider.net/final-fantasy-9/

Captain Falcon

- Change curly quotations (“Blue Falcon,”) to straight quotations ("Blue Falcon,")

- Kirby Super Star should be three words long, not two.

- Because Super Smash Bros. (in the bio section) has an abbreviation mark, better add said punctuation to the game appearance as well.

- For consistency across bios, I'd prefer this reference:

The F-Zero game manual

...to be listed as:

F-Zero instruction manual

...or do you think it doesn't matter?


- We're writing the developer, not the publisher, in the "Created by" line, which is why I said to replace Psygnosis with DMA Design. Not sure how or if the first sentence should be changed to accomodate that, though.

- I suspect watkinzez uses a Word Processor that supplies curly quotation marks by default. Not an issue when writing school papers, but we're using straight ones for these bios. So replace those 5 (count 'em, 5) curly apostrophes with straights (’ --> ').

- I can't tell if you overlooked or quietly disagreed with my second comment:

- Appearances --> Keep the C64 port, but delete the Amiga and Game Boy Color versions of Lemmings.***

...along with my footnote for the Lemming and Earthworm Jim:

*** Unless there's more than one game with the same name that's remixed on OCR (e.g. Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Ecco the Dolphin, Bionic Commando), I think any title should appear only once in the Appearances list. If a game remixed is not the original, but a later port, then we link to that version (like for Strider or certain Street Fighter incarnations).

Darkesword said way back that Bomberman doesn't need an "extra bloat" of unremixed games bearing exact same titles. Similarly, I scrapped repeat appearances / direct ports from the bios of Claire Redfield and the Darkstalkers (not an easy task). Same deal here.


- Another 5 curly apostrophe marks. Convert plz. (’ --> ')

- Add Saria's name at the end of the Wiki label:

Wikipedia - "List of characters in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Saria"

Viewtiful Joe

- 3 curly apostrophes here, plus 5 pairs of double curly quotation marks. Straighten them out. (’ --> ') (“” --> "")

Earthworm Jim

- Can't speak for the author, but I know I wouldn't like it if my name was spelled wrong in the "Article" line. (i.e. it's Daethar, not Daether. A-R ending. Go ahead and check.)

- Shorten the system Sega Genesis to Genesis (no chance of misunderstanding).

- You know those repeat titles (Earthworm Jim on Genesis, Earthworm Jim 2 on SNES)? Yeah, we don't need 'em in the Appearances list.

Cammy White

- Because her first appearance links to the SNES version of Super Street Fighter II, list that title under the Super NES system.

- Her last name still doesn't show up in the title of her Wiki article, so change the link to: Wikipedia - "Cammy" (it may change again... but just so we're up-to-date)


- Scrap the curly quote marks (‘bad guy’) for straights ('bad guy'). And there's 4 more. Find 'em.

- Proper release years:

Super Mario World (1990)

Mario Kart 64 (1996)

Paper Mario (2000)

- Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars doesn't need "the" before "legend." Forgot to mention it the first time.

- For now, his Wiki link (and label) should be: Wikipedia - "Bowser (Nintendo)"

- Did you miss that link I posted showing the new instruction manual archive? I guess the words BEHOLD A NEW TREASURE TROVE weren't big enough. In any case, here's a replacement for the 3rd reference:

replacementdocs - Super Mario Bros instruction manual

Good luck with these. ;-)


Oh noes, I forgot about page 74. Damn. :| I'll look there first next time.

EDIT: Done. I should try to do the next 10 soon, while I have our guidelines fresh in mind :) I had some things I wanted to ask/point out/comment on though, mostly because I'm too confused to remember what we've previously agreed on, if we have:

1. If it's Super Smash Bros. , shouldn't there be a period mark after each occurence of the word "bros" in any Mario game title? I've added it everywhere now. Also, how do you do the italics if Bros. is the last word in a sentence? I italicized the period mark there as well (adding no second, non-italicized period mark, naturally).

2. Is it "Super Smash Bros. Melee" or "Super Smash Bros.: Melee"? (And what happened to the ^ and ´ atop the e's anyway? ><)

3. Why drop "Classic Gaming" when we've kept the website's name in all the other links we had? Because the dungeon feels sufficiently independent?

4. DMA Design made Lemmings? Lol, I guess a kid who likes to kill insects should be raised extra carefully after all... hahaha :D

5. If I screw up on quotation marks again, just tell me - no need to specify when or what - I'll just replace all :)

6. The Lemmings appearance list looks funny now that the sequels are listed as being made earlier than the first game in the series (by the looks of things). Funny as in "huh?". I'm not saying anything should be done about it though.

7. If Super Mario 64 and Mario Kart 64 were released the same year, should they still be listed in their current order since everyone knows that the former was still released earlier that same year?


Sweet. Updates I can see, smell, taste, and touch (almost). Muchos gracias, amigo.

1. If it's Super Smash Bros. , shouldn't there be a period mark after each occurence of the word "bros" in any Mario game title? I've added it everywhere now. Also, how do you do the italics if Bros. is the last word in a sentence? I italicized the period mark there as well (adding no second, non-italicized period mark, naturally).

You're doing it right. Super Mario Bros., Super Smash Bros., Super Mascot Bio Bros., and so on. No second period needed when a sentence ends with the word Bros. (the abbreviation mark is italicized too)

2. Is it "Super Smash Bros. Melee" or "Super Smash Bros.: Melee"? (And what happened to the ^ and ´ atop the e's anyway? ><)

I don't recall there ever being a colon, circumflex, OR accent mark in Super Smash Bros. Melee. Don't worry about them.

3. Why drop "Classic Gaming" when we've kept the website's name in all the other links we had? Because the dungeon feels sufficiently independent?

Yes. The header (the top blue bar with the browser moniker at the end) and the title of a webpage take precedence over the url path when labeling links. ClassicGaming is the host, but the site linked to is officially known as the Castlevania Dungeon.

5. If I screw up on quotation marks again, just tell me - no need to specify when or what - I'll just replace all :)

All righty, there's open curly double quotes “ still floating around. Go get 'em, tiger.

6. The Lemmings appearance list looks funny now that the sequels are listed as being made earlier than the first game in the series (by the looks of things). Funny as in "huh?". I'm not saying anything should be done about it though.

I don't think anything CAN be done about it; unless djp or LT decides otherwise, every Lemmings ReMix page will always list the system as Commodore 64 as opposed to Amiga.

7. If Super Mario 64 and Mario Kart 64 were released the same year, should they still be listed in their current order since everyone knows that the former was still released earlier that same year?

Sure. I see no harm in keeping them ordered as-is. I know I said before to alphabetize games released the same year under the same system, but now I'm starting to think if it isn't better to list every game in exact chronological order. Guess another trip to the salt mines is warranted.

And extra updates for this batch:

Captain Falcon's instruction manual label (italics and replacementdocs source):

replacementdocs - F-Zero instruction manual

Same with Bowser's:

replacementdocs - Super Mario Bros. instruction manual

Slip up in my Lemmings bio- "One can assign a lemming to build a staircase that functions as a bridge".

He means to add the word "a" in that sentence. ;-)

He means to add the word "a" in that sentence. :wink:
Doh. My short-term memory is like a hole through my head.
All righty, there's open curly double quotes “ still floating around. Go get 'em, tiger.
Dammit, I guess I only replaced all the the closers. :tomatoface:
I know I said before to alphabetize games released the same year under the same system, but now I'm starting to think if it isn't better to list every game in exact chronological order.
You mean we don't sort them by system? I don't know, I kinda like the current setup. Like that scientist on stage 2 in Perfect Dark said (+infinite nerd points for quoting a game character): "Accidents will happen... he he he."

I meant if two games are released the same year under the same system, then order them by release dates, not alphabetically. Mascot bios 11-20 don't need any title rearranging, but in the first batch (1-10)...

- Diddy Kong - Donkey Konga 2 should switch places with Mario Power Tennis.

- Chocobo - Final Fantasy VIII should fit between Chocobo's Dungeon 2 and Chocobo Racing.

- Strider Hiryu needs no title rearrangement, but instead shorten "Sega Genesis" to "Genesis" (Appearance list of course).

In the meantime, I'll see how much same-year-and-system reordering needs to be done in my huge batch.

Wikipedia - "List of characters in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time" - Saria

That 2nd double quotation mark belongs at the end, after Saria. Or do you think the anchor note should be outside the main quoted article?

Anyway, it's good to see you've still got the ambition for this project, Dafydd, after a long and vexing road of edits, questions, and research. :nicework: for keeping up.


Yeah... it's always in the back of my mind, but I need to build up enough guilt to actually come back and do something. If I can break it down into batches of 10 at a time, I think I can handle it without giving up. And it's only 3 of those batches left now. New year's is my deadline, so I need to be done well ahead of that.

I'm ok with DK2 switching with MPT (the former being alphabetically previous to the latter as well as chronologically), but a quick search on mobygames says FF7 was released 1997, and chocobo racing and dungeon 2 in 1998 and 1999, like the bio says. Where do you get your release dates? Any chance you read the release date of dungeon 1 as the one for dungeon 2 by mistake?

The Saria quote was just a mistake on my part. Good catch.


Roman numerals are sneaky bastards. I said VIII, meaning one V and three I's. 5 + 3 = 8, not 7. FF8 came out in Japan on February 11, 1999, according to Wikipedia (my source for release dates). Chocobo Racing: March 18, 1999. Chocobo's Dungeon 2: December 23, 1998. In other words:

Chocobo's Dungeon 2 ( 1998 )

Final Fantasy VIII (1999)

Chocobo Racing (1999)

As for 21-25 out of 30...

- 1st off, curly quotation marks still abound. Who ya gonna call? Quotebusters!

M. Bison

- Appearances - Cut that apostrophe ' from Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers and put it in Street Fighter II': Champion Edition.

- A couple more game link updates (not your fault... but maybe a mod's :P). Try:



- That second reference label doesn't sound specific enough. M. Bison's included among other Street Fighters in a script compilation of sorts. So maybe something like this would clear it up:

GameSurge - "Street Fighter Alpha 2 Quotes and Dialogue by Robert Iu"


I started using full stops later on for Bros. etc, so no difference there either.

So you can add periods (a.k.a. "full stops") in Super Smash Bros. and Super Smash Bros. Melee in his bios.

- Slight upgrade to that 2nd reference:


Alex Kidd

- Naoto Ohshima --> Naoto Ōshima (last name spelling)

- Alex Kidd wasn't Sega's first mascot, apparently; it was that cute little ship in Fantasy Zone, called Opa-Opa. So the word "first" in the opening sentence should be cut.

- Shorten "Sega Master System" to "Master System" under Appearances (no chance of misreading).

- Add a hyphen - in the title Alex Kidd: High-Tech World

Donkey Kong

- Add spaces around the dash mark here: "...ape named Donkey Kong—called 'Kong'..."

- Do you approve my suggested quote for DK?

DK Country instruction manual"]The Kremlings will pay! I'll hunt them down through every corner of my island, until I have every last banana from my horde back!!

- Fix for that first Game Boy appearance:

Donkey Kong Land (1995)

- Super Smash Bros. came before Donkey Kong 64 (so place the former above the latter)

- Here's a fuller label for that last reference:

ggdb.com - "1981 Nintendo Donkey Kong"

Mega Man X

- Add the word "The" to the last reference label (yeah, super picky, I know): The Mega Man Network

I really, really don't like the X bio. If I felt like I was good enough, I'd rewrite it all, keeping only the overall structure.

Do you hate how the 2nd paragraph starts almost completely unrelated to the end of the 1st one? Or the straightforward storyline? Or how the bio describes the game layout more than X's character and his abilities? If there's something you can pinpoint, try tweaking it.

Come to think of it, I'm not very fond of M. Bison's bio because it reads like a matter-of-fact spoiler history. watkinzez kept the nature of Rose's bond to Bison a secret, but not only does Psychotic Ninja reveal it outright, he adds a casual plot point to the fact. Bison's death at the hands of Akuma may be needed to recount Akuma's origins, but speculating how and why Bison dies feels like Officer Barbrady wrapping up an investigation with his signature "Move along, people. There's nothing to see here." And we don't want these bios to resemble end-of-the-road eulogies. They need to be self-sufficient and engaging introductions. (Hell, I think even Alex Kidd's bio needs to be adjusted so as to not give the feel that he's a faded memory and is never coming back... even if that's true.)

Maybe I can reorganize and better connect the important parts of Bison's bio. Permission, sir?


Ugh. I guess I wasn't really paying attention. :|

Roman numerals suck, yeah. I read it wrong. Sorry about that. Fixxxed. The curly quotes apparently aren't showing in notepad for me. I tried opening it in notepad++. Found 16 of them. Heh. Gone now.

The street fighter games have totally retarded names. Alpha this, apostrophe that. Come on... :eyeroll:

Doesn't Ness have a quote? Isn't there something he says? Like in SSB? Same for Alex Kid, doesn't he say "Jan-Ken" or something? Maybe that's a speaker voice and not really him.

I don't remember DK saying that, but it's ok with me.

As for X - I hate how it reads like a summary of a lab report or something. It's so uninspired and stiff somehow. Go ahead and edit Bison's bio. We don't want spoilers, do we? :) Why don't you tinker with X's bio while you're at it?

I don't mind Alex Kidd's bio being the way it is - it doesn't say he's a faded memory, rather the opposite. I really can't imagine a comeback myself though, except a portable or cellphone version. What's the point in an Alex Kidd 3D?


Hi guys.

It has been three months since I posted my edited bios. I edited the first fifty, and Polo generously shouldered the responsibility for the latter one hundred. Three months ago what I thought of as "the editing process" was complete.

Currently you're going over all of the text again and are nearly "done" with the first thirty. Since there are 150 bios, that leaves 120 still to go over. If you continue as you have and peruse 30 bios every three months, you will be finished one year from today. The project will have lasted three and a half years.

I do not want to be part of an endless editing cycle. I will not consider helping you edit any further unless djpretzel has specific issues that he wants addressed (or some similar circumstance that impedes the completion and implementation of our work).

I encourage you to, at least, take what we have and run it by Larry or DJP before you assume that it needs more work. I did my editing job well--I made sure that there were no passages that severely detracted from communication--and I trust that Polo did as well. Doing it again is a waste of time.


We're not really editing your bios all over again, Linearity. We're looking out for small things like curly qoutation marks (lol), dead links and various other minor flaws. As I've understood it, Polo is already done with his bios. The reason we still aren't finished is - *trumpet fanfare* - me. I have another 25 bios to proofread, with Polo's help. I took 2 months to get started and this last month I've done 25. I'll do another 25 within a month. And then we're done (I think).

You have been of great help, Linearity, and I don't mean this to sound like we could have done this without you, but I think we can finish this without any further assistance from you. You mentioned a while back that you would be unable to help us anymore because of time constaints or whatever it was, and I'm still counting on you not being able to help us. This should all be done before 2008, even at the rate I'm going.


^ The Swedish Man speaks the truth.

Practically speaking, I am officially DONE with my batch, not counting details I feel I can and probably should still mess with. So I'll PM Larry my text file for a massive bio implementation and let you guys know if there's any reason he won't add them right away, should he disclose a particular reason.

Doesn't Ness have a quote? Isn't there something he says? Like in SSB? Same for Alex Kid, doesn't he say "Jan-Ken" or something? Maybe that's a speaker voice and not really him.

I suggested quotes for Alex Kidd and Ness, but Linearity didn't add them. He might've thought that saying attack names or special moves, even if they're vocal clips, don't count because they're not sentences, questions, or individual thoughts. No big loss though.

:nicework: with the updates (#21-25). Two more:

Damn those Turks and damn those open curly quote marks! ‘

- Fix for that first Game Boy appearance:

Donkey Kong Land (1995)

I meant to add the title name, since all I saw was the link and year with incomplete tags.

I should have my proposed adjustments to M. Bison and Mega Man X by tomorrow or so. As for Alex Kidd... eh, we can keep him that way. Retired though he is, the bio itself doesn't spoil anything unusual, so it's fine by me.


Okay. I misunderstood. That sounds like a much better situation.

I agree that you don't need my help to finish, now that I understand that we're still generally on the same page as far as our expectations of the editing process. However, I will be back home in about a week and a half, and then I can help with anything that needs doing.

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