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HA. I wanted to get a finished version of this track up, since the one in the compo was not as nice as I wanted it to be, production-wise. I tried to ninja the d/l link before Darkesword posted the zip, but I was a few hours too late for that. I'm a nice guy, so I'll share the much improved version for everyone to listen to, anyway - I didn't want to post this before voting was over, though, since I didn't want to skew the votes (it's only fair - I didn't finish it proper on time).

Magnus Divinicus Chiptunicus

For those wondering, the themes used are Mega Man 3

, Magnet Man,
from Chrono Trigger (because schala). No, not everything from every source is used, and I do borrow more heavily from some sources than others, as I did try to make this a coherent piece of music without it becoming a medley. I hope that doesn't turn too many people off to it. :roll:

Alright, enjoy the sexy music.


Sexy. I've already said earlier, this is one of my favorite remixers ever, so I'm not sure I'd have anything else really constructive to add :smile: This version does sound significantly cleaner, and I notice a few parts have some small variations (namely the 3:10 part). Amazing job Gario!

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