MangaMan Posted December 9, 2012 Author Posted December 9, 2012 College (and school for that matter) is winding down for me and soon I'll have all the free time at least until I get a real job Expect a new update and a revised description, along with an updated character list with the people that have already gotten a part and what parts are still open for audition. Thank you for your patience everyone Quote
MangaMan Posted December 17, 2012 Author Posted December 17, 2012 Okay everybody. The updated description is now update WITH character parts info to let you know what has and has not been taken. Please read it over and let me know what you think or if you have any questions. We got to get this thing a rolling and I need everyone's help after the holidays are over! Quote
MangaMan Posted January 11, 2013 Author Posted January 11, 2013 I'm going to be level with everyone. I started this project with the hope of giving singers a chance to shine here on the site. Now I can do all the lyric work if I have to (though I don't want it to come to that) and I can sing like it's nobodies business, but I am still a novice when it comes to making music. I need everyones help here if we are to make this thing work. This is the first time I'm doing something like this and I'm unsure as to how to get things rolling. Please, I need your help. Quote
Garrett Williamson Posted January 12, 2013 Posted January 12, 2013 I'm going to be level with everyone. I started this project with the hope of giving singers a chance to shine here on the site. Now I can do all the lyric work if I have to (though I don't want it to come to that) and I can sing like it's nobodies business, but I am still a novice when it comes to making music. I need everyones help here if we are to make this thing work. This is the first time I'm doing something like this and I'm unsure as to how to get things rolling. Please, I need your help. I always am saying to give people deadlines. Not too quick of deadlines but not too long either. Like a month. Are you PMing people? That's useful too. I'm sure you've been doing both, though. I've never directed an album on OCRemix, so don't listen to me. Quote
MangaMan Posted January 12, 2013 Author Posted January 12, 2013 The deadlines for this project have been added to the first post so check them out. Quote
Deesio Posted January 19, 2013 Posted January 19, 2013 Hello, Before I start, apologies if I'm posting in the wrong place. I'm a fresh newcomer to this forum, though I've been a long-time visitor to the website. I have no musical skill per-se but I'm an illustrator and graphic designer with experience of working with well known and established musicians and record labels. I was wondering if you'd be interested in allowing me to get involved with this project as a visual artist? I'm a huge game (and VGM) fan, and would be really pleased with your consideration. If you want to see examples of my work, check my portfolio at www. owencreativestudios. com (remove spaces). I've done flyers for artists and labels such as LTJ Bukem & Hospital records amongst others, but actual illustration and art are my bigger passion. I'd ask for nothing in return, but a credit, obviously. Let me know what you think. I'd love to be involved! Quote
MangaMan Posted January 19, 2013 Author Posted January 19, 2013 Hello, Before I start, apologies if I'm posting in the wrong place.I'm a fresh newcomer to this forum, though I've been a long-time visitor to the website. I have no musical skill per-se but I'm an illustrator and graphic designer with experience of working with well known and established musicians and record labels. I was wondering if you'd be interested in allowing me to get involved with this project as a visual artist? I'm a huge game (and VGM) fan, and would be really pleased with your consideration. If you want to see examples of my work, check my portfolio at www. owencreativestudios. com (remove spaces). I've done flyers for artists and labels such as LTJ Bukem & Hospital records amongst others, but actual illustration and art are my bigger passion. I'd ask for nothing in return, but a credit, obviously. Let me know what you think. I'd love to be involved! Are you familiar with web design? We could use an updated website for the project. We need art submissions for the Album cover, so if you want to submit a cover concept to me over my private message. You can also create some promotional digital flyers or posters to help spread the word on this project. Please PM me with your ideas before submitting them. Thank you. Quote
MangaMan Posted January 19, 2013 Author Posted January 19, 2013 The same as what I just mentioned in the Ocarina of Time project, I'm still singing away and hope this project will work itself out.I've made a lot of progress since whenever my last post was, and I'm much more confident I can do wonders here! Unfortunately I'm only able to sing and nothing else. That's fine. If you want to audition, please PM what part you are interested in as well as a sample of your latest work. Quote
MangaMan Posted January 26, 2013 Author Posted January 26, 2013 Too all those interested, Auditions have started. While we are doing auditions for all the parts now, I wanted to mentions something things about the Skull Kid audition. We are looking for a person with a wide range but mostly for tenor. Someone who can capture the immature traits of a child. Quote
MangaMan Posted March 12, 2013 Author Posted March 12, 2013 Hey everyone. If we want this project to get anywhere, I need everyone's help. I can't do this by myself even if I wanted to. Now we got plenty of singers on board (though I still need more female vocalists) and that's great, but it doesn't mean anything until we get some form of composers or remixers. One idea that someone suggested was to work on each song in parts, one person would do the drums, another piano, and so one. Then we'd someone to put it all together. It could be tricky though, since I've never done anything like that before and I don't know how. If anyone else has any other suggestions let me know. And as all of you may not be aware of, all of the old schedule times are past due with no progress. I'm going to be posting new times in the first post, so please this time try to keep with the schedule. Quote
MangaMan Posted April 2, 2013 Author Posted April 2, 2013 After talking a bit with Damashii!! I've decided to re-work the project again to only cover at least 10 songs covering the major points in the game. Still working out which songs they will be, but one idea was to have a medley of themes for each song. One example could be taking the tracks from Clock Town and stringing them together in one or two songs. More tracks can be added to the project as more people participate, but for now we need to pick which songs to cover. Any genre is welcome, as long as there are lyrics. After all, that's the whole reason I started this project to begin with. I will update the first post as soon as I figure out which 10 songs we should cover. I am open to suggestions so please feel free to ask. Quote
jnWake Posted April 2, 2013 Posted April 2, 2013 That's a better idea. I always felt the scope of this project was way too big at the beggining. Maybe you should try picking one or 2 themes/medleys of each part of the game. Like, - 2 for until you get the Ocarina. - 2 for Deku Swamp. - 2 for Goron Mountain. - 2 for Zora Lake. - 2 for Ikana Canyon. - 1 more for Final Battle? Quote
MangaMan Posted April 5, 2013 Author Posted April 5, 2013 Currently working on the new track list, but wanted to get some suggestions on one thing: Should we cover the Romani Ranch section of Majora's Mask for the Musical? Quote
Damashii!! Posted July 26, 2013 Posted July 26, 2013 MangaMan, OrangeDragan, and I have been working diligently this past year to revamp the focus and goals of this project. I liked MangaMan's initial ideas very much and I believe this will be a very interesting project to collaborate on, but we just really needed to hone in on the specifics of the vision instead of tackling what would inevitably be a mammoth album. So if any of you who originally showed interest in this are still up for this, or if you never stumbled upon this thread before, you can be expecting an overhaul change to the OP(s) in a few days or so, and then we'll be getting back to recruiting for the revamped Tears of The Moon project idea! Quote
MangaMan Posted August 24, 2013 Author Posted August 24, 2013 Welcome back everyone from our VERY LONG hiatus! To those of you that expressed interest in the past contact me and let me know if you are still interested. To new comers, take a look at the first two posts for the new and improved project description! AUDITIONS START......NOW!!!!!! Quote
Eino Keskitalo Posted August 30, 2013 Posted August 30, 2013 Paring this down to a more manageable scope sounds very good. Good luck! --Eino Quote
Argle Posted August 30, 2013 Posted August 30, 2013 I read the first two posts, but I must admit I came away somewhat baffled. It may make sense to you guys on the inside, but as an outsider it seems overwhelming. Quote
Damashii!! Posted August 30, 2013 Posted August 30, 2013 I read the first two posts, but I must admit I came away somewhat baffled. It may make sense to you guys on the inside, but as an outsider it seems overwhelming. Admittedly, the blueprints and track list is quite a lot to swallow (and that's the abbreviated version, we've got even more to discuss in private as we assemble the project team ), but we are aiming for a grandiose approach, so we feel like most of it is self-explanatory. Please let us know what isn't clear or how we can possibly help simplify it any more. Quote
Magnetic Ether Posted August 30, 2013 Posted August 30, 2013 Admittedly, the blueprints and track list is quite a lot to swallow (and that's the abbreviated version, we've got even more to discuss in private as we assemble the project team ), but we are aiming for a grandiose approach, so we feel like most of it is self-explanatory.Please let us know what isn't clear or how we can possibly help simplify it any more. I talked about this with Manga Man a while ago, but I still think that there needs to be a stronger initial concept for what you guys want lyrically from each song. The notes that you have are good, but it's still difficult to figure out what exactly needs to happen story-wise in each track. I'm convinced that having a little piece of plot linked to each track ("This track needs to start here and end here") will help prospective writers a lot and make the overall album a lot more cohesive. Quote
Argle Posted August 30, 2013 Posted August 30, 2013 So... every song will be a medley. These medleys are numbered in the 2nd OP. Different people will do the music for these medleys. So far it makes sense, though obviously not a standard OCR remix project. Then the singers come in... where? Every song? What is up with all the characters? You've classified them like an opera, is this an opera project then? Do you think you can find so many different singers? (that can all produce good quality recordings) How will the lyrics for such an idea be handled, and how will the vocals be coordinated with the people doing the music? What the heck do the stages of grief have to do with the music? With regards to the art idea, do you remember what happened to Milky Way Wishes? Maybe I'm just dim but the whole thing seems fairly inscrutable to me. Quote
Damashii!! Posted August 31, 2013 Posted August 31, 2013 I won't discuss everything off the bat right now because MangaMan, Orangedragan, and I will talk some more to fine tweak these concerns brought up, but there a few things I can briefly answer right now. I talked about this with Manga Man a while ago, but I still think that there needs to be a stronger initial concept for what you guys want lyrically from each song. The notes that you have are good, but it's still difficult to figure out what exactly needs to happen story-wise in each track. I'm convinced that having a little piece of plot linked to each track ("This track needs to start here and end here") will help prospective writers a lot and make the overall album a lot more cohesive. Ahhh, see, we were honestly hesitant about going right out there with all of our detailed plans because we didn't want to come across as though we're not welcoming any creative freedom with these arrangements; for instance, with The Calling of The Four Giants and the later Majora tracks we have some VERY specific notes and maps outlined, we just didn't want to make it seem like we were just pulling in musicians to bring tangibility to our ideas, we wanted to allow others the right to deviate a little bit or put their little 'flair' on these arrangements. Then again, I see that that is the whole point of these community projects, where a director (or directors) have a raw plan in mind and they're asking the other great people around here for help in meeting and succeeding this plan. So our apologies; as stated in the 2nd OP, those 'blueprints' are the abbreviated version, so we will surely talk some more about getting 'perfected' blueprints and guidelines for what we want and need with each track, both musically and lyrically. Thank you very much for the honest feedback. So... every song will be a medley. These medleys are numbered in the 2nd OP. Different people will do the music for these medleys. So far it makes sense, though obviously not a standard OCR remix project.Then the singers come in... where? Every song? What is up with all the characters? You've classified them like an opera, is this an opera project then? Do you think you can find so many different singers? (that can all produce good quality recordings) How will the lyrics for such an idea be handled, and how will the vocals be coordinated with the people doing the music? What the heck do the stages of grief have to do with the music? With regards to the art idea, do you remember what happened to Milky Way Wishes? Maybe I'm just dim but the whole thing seems fairly inscrutable to me. Yes, every song will be a medley (then that last section towards the bottom is leeway for persons who would like to have an arrangement that possibly veers slightly from our medley approach, but is still in tune with the album vision. The 'Recurring Roles' are our main focus that we are emphatically seeking out vocalists for, whereas the 'single-scene roles' are subject to a lot of possible change because these parts can be doubled over with the same vocalists (if we do not find enough vocalists to fill in every single character part), just with slightly different vocal inflections and alterations. Vocally, it is arranged similarly to a theatrical stage musical (or, an 'Opera' if you prefer to look at it as such), but as I said with Kuolema, we do need to do some more discussion about presenting this information in a much better way. We're sorry if things are still very murky and hard to digest. Since we've been discussing plans for this over about a year now, like you said, it is very easy for us to understand, but I see now that there is some more improvement we have to do on our part so this makes sense to you, the arrangers and vocalists. Those of you who know my work ethic with projects and remixes are already well aware that I do not commit to something unless I'm getting good, solid potential vibes from it, and when MangaMan's been discussing his ideas over and over with me I just kept thinking that this concept could really be interesting if we approach it in just the right way. So, thank you very, very much for the comments and questions; no offense has been taken at all. Clearly, we just have to work on making these ideas less vague and more understandable to everybody. Should be back with updates in a few days. Thanks for the questions so far. Quote
MangaMan Posted August 31, 2013 Author Posted August 31, 2013 I've been reading in the wings, listening to everyones comments and concerns with the project. I thank all (most notably my fantastic Co-Directors ;D) for showing your support for Tears of the Moon. As Damashii!! has stated, we will get together soon and tweet the project description so that there will be no more room for error. But while we do that, please feel free to submit your own input of the project, how do you see it? What would you do? Again, thank you all! Quote
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