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PRC214 - Results: Back to Castlevania (Castlevania 3)

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The People's Remix Competition 214


Hello everyone and welcome to the People's Remix Competition!

Last round Battlefield 3 - Main Theme was chosen by PRC212 winner Sggod89. Sir Nuts and DusK remixed the source both on a different way, Sir Nuts claimed victory and submitted his source for this round very quick..

This round's source is selected by Sir Nuts:

My pick for the next PRC is the Stage 7 theme from Castlevania 3 which, amazingly has no remixes on OCRemix. I know that Goat remixed this one for his album, but there are actually no remixes of it at OCR which is mind-boggling as it's such an awesome song.


Source: Castlevania 3 (NES) - Stage 7 Aquarius



ThaSauce link: Click here to submit.

When you are not able to login, don't click on the 'click here to submit an entry' button, but click on the 'you are not logged in' button on the right top of the screen. Perhaps using Firefox or Google Chrome works as well.


PRC instructions

  1. Limitations at ThaSauce require your entry to be 6 MB or less in size. Length for length's sake and MIDI rips are not allowed (only as Bonus Mixes).
  2. Entries must be posted in the ThaSauce link by TUESDAY MARCH 20th 2012 at 11:59 am ThaSauce time: check my signature (below) or the ThaSauce page for the exact time left.
  3. You may enter as many mixes as you like and work with as many people as you like on each mix. You are free to create a second ThaSauce account for that, it's needed to be able to upload a second remix. You can post it in the thread if that doesn't work.
  4. Do not make qualitative comments on an entry until the results of the vote have been posted.
  5. Mixers cannot vote for themselves but if they vote they recieve a free first place vote added onto their score.
  6. The winner of last round can take part by submitting a bonus mix, but he cannot win the round and get any votes.

Doulifee's PRC Archives! For information about the previous contests.



Didn't realize voting already started, it is one hour earlier as expected, probably everything is fixed next PRC, because in my country the time changes this weekend (one hour less weekend). I believe in the ThaSauce time zone the time change already happened past weekend.

I decided to extend the deadline with one day (25 hours, so you have 24 hours left at this moment). Maybe someone find the guts to challenge Zerothemaster's awesomeness.


I decided to extend the deadline with one day (25 hours, so you have 24 hours left at this moment). Maybe someone find the guts to challenge Zerothemaster's awesomeness.

Oh good, I totally forgot about this one, I had so much to do the last week, perhaps I'll get some inspiration


although i dont really have the ideas...and nuts didnt do the bonus mix like he said he would..i will TRY!!!...and i mean tryyyyy to come up with at least something. ill put a few hours into it tonight. if all i can come up with is crap though....not so sure ill submit :)

so i'll TRY...but i suck so who knows what will come of it..and if im reading that right a have like a full day to do so right?... wish me luck



A wild piece of shit chroxic is trying to pass off as dnb and dubstep appeared!

It's submitted, but I don't think it's very effective. :tomatoface:

Seriously though, I haven't touched FL Studio in ages and I just wanted an excuse to make something reeeeeeeally quick :] (under two hours in this case)


The extention worked very well. Great work.

Welcome to the voting stage

The mixing stage is over. 3 entries are submitted.

To vote, you should do the following:

- Visit the stated ThaSauce Page and listen to all the entries

- Scroll to the form at the bottom of the screen.

- Fill in the rank of the entries from first to third.

- State a reasoning for it.

- Participants are encouraged to vote. They aren't allowed to vote for themselve, but they receive an added first place if they vote. They must leave the third box empty.

Sir Nuts has a vote that counts twice.

You have until NEXT Thursday, March 22nd at 10:59 am ThaSauce time to vote, check my signature in the first post or simply the ThaSauce page for the exact time you have. Note that this can be one hour earlier as usual, depending on your time zone. In Dutch time, the deadline is 18:59 PM (or in dutch: 'zeven uur 's avonds').

The winner gets the right to choose the source tune for PRC214.

When you aren't able to log-in, click the You are not logged in button at the top right of the page instead of the Log in to Vote button below. Perhaps using Firefox or Google Chrome works as well.

The songs:

Check the ThaSauce Page:

Zerothemaster - Alucard's Filthy Segue in F

Chroxic - I Wub Aquarius

Yami - Aquwhoarius


It's results time.

The votes are in.

Total number of mixes - 3

Total number of votes - 7

Maximum Score - 24.

Yami put a nice song together, but he gets the the last place wooden spoon. with 14 points.

Chroxic received 18 points, enough to get the second place.

And the winner is Zerothemaster with 22 points.

Congratulations Zerothemaster, you are the winner. The difference between #1 and #2 is equal to the difference between #2 and #3.

Zerothemaster, you may select the next source for PRC215. Send your source to me by PM, other options are PM me @ ThaSauce or by e-mailing to bambombim@gmail.com (I prefer a PM @Ocremix). Do that as soon as you can, but before tomorrow (Friday).

Remember to select a source with a MID file added. You may also select a source without a MID, but then you must provide a second source with a MID file.

You may select any source from any game, as long as it doesn't have an Overclocked Remix and it hasn't been on PRC before. Check it at the list:


http://bambombim.googlepages.com/PRCRemixList.doc (also downloadable via the link above).

You can find the votes with comments here:


well hey, my first real victory

You deserved it.

And of course you didn't offend, at least not me. I only worked about 2 hours on this, because I didn't had that much time.

And I'm looking forward for your source choice, because I might try again :tomatoface:

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