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My DK is 67 now. My brother is already level 80 on his pally.

I got to Nagrand and right away I got ganked and camped by a level 80 gnome warrior. Some people. :(

I don't really see the point of levelling up so fast. You're going to have to wait for everyone else to catch up before you can really start doing instances or PvP anyways.


I don't really see the point of levelling up so fast. You're going to have to wait for everyone else to catch up before you can really start doing instances or PvP anyways.

I feel the need to level up faster

After playing for Lethon for so long, and starting a new character...its a pain in the ass


Starting a new character, sure. But people like my brother who was already level 70 (three times over: paladin, priest, mage) hit level 80 in like 4 days. He spends most of his time now farming blacksmithing mats because there's not enough other level 80s to raid or PvP with.

Anyways DK is 72 now. Once I hit 70 and went to Northrend, my leveling speed dropped significantly. It took me a full day of questing to go from 70 to 71. Quest itemization is serious crap, I'm still wearing the blue shit I started with and it's starting to show. I can't AoE tank 5-6 mobs at a time anymore. Hell, it takes 3 Unholy Blights and 2 Death and Decays and about 500 blood strikes to kill things now. Pretty frustrating.

On the other hand, Northrend is pretty epic. They put so much more detail into it than Outland, it makes Outland look like a piece of crap. Warsong Hold and Vengeance Landing are both pretty sweet. And the crazy Vrykul villages built all along the inside of the canyons and shit... It's like they actually put effort into it! Plus some of the quests are actually fun. Like the one where you get the siege tank and go blow up 100 scourge and talk smack to Kel'Thuzad. Even the models are higher quality. The new worgs don't walk around like deformed wolves with metersticks permanently shoved up their asses. And the vrykul actually have like, faces! It's nice.

Except for the Taunka. Taurens with busted faces? What's that all about? They use the exact same models and voices even. Lame. :(

Starting a new character, sure. But people like my brother who was already level 70 (three times over: paladin, priest, mage) hit level 80 in like 4 days. He spends most of his time now farming blacksmithing mats because there's not enough other level 80s to raid or PvP with.

Anyways DK is 72 now. Once I hit 70 and went to Northrend, my leveling speed dropped significantly. It took me a full day of questing to go from 70 to 71. Quest itemization is serious crap, I'm still wearing the blue shit I started with and it's starting to show. I can't AoE tank 5-6 mobs at a time anymore. Hell, it takes 3 Unholy Blights and 2 Death and Decays and about 500 blood strikes to kill things now. Pretty frustrating.

On the other hand, Northrend is pretty epic. They put so much more detail into it than Outland, it makes Outland look like a piece of crap. Warsong Hold and Vengeance Landing are both pretty sweet. And the crazy Vrykul villages built all along the inside of the canyons and shit... It's like they actually put effort into it! Plus some of the quests are actually fun. Like the one where you get the siege tank and go blow up 100 scourge and talk smack to Kel'Thuzad. Even the models are higher quality. The new worgs don't walk around like deformed wolves with metersticks permanently shoved up their asses. And the vrykul actually have like, faces! It's nice.

Except for the Taunka. Taurens with busted faces? What's that all about? They use the exact same models and voices even. Lame. :(

Do you have any tips for leveling up quicker

I'm pretty excited to get the new expansion, but as of now, i have no job, so i have no way of getting it anytime soon


Hey, I wish I could roll Taunka :( Agreed it's a bit lame they picked the exact same voice and model for it though.

The first lv or 2 takes a while, because of the difference between Outland and Northrend mobs (hp and all) and because the quest rewards until then are equivalent to Outland blues. Once you get some worthy upgrades it's all good.

I outleveled both Rama and Starla, but since I won't be able (or shouldn't be) to play before the end of the semester, everyone and even Suzu should get to 80 before I do.

Nothing compares to Northrend if you look back (except maybe certain raids). It's grandiose wherever you look, some of the quests/dailies are quite different and/or fun to do (LET'S GO KIDNAP BABIES!) and instances all have something to not make them completely boring and bothersome. Edit: the tabards for gaining rep in lv80 dungeons is a neat idea.

Do you have any tips for leveling up quicker

I'm pretty excited to get the new expansion, but as of now, i have no job, so i have no way of getting it anytime soon

Find a levelling guide for Horde (just google it there's tons of them--but preferably a newer one that takes into account the Dustwallow Marsh and group quest changes) and get the QuestHelper mod. Don't run back to turn in a quest as soon as you complete it, especially if you have other quests nearby (QuestHelper will help a lot with this). Don't be afraid to set your hearth to the nearest quest hub and actually use it. Don't be afraid to use whatever cooldowns you have to kill things faster. Also, certain classes will level up a lot faster than others. For example, warriors level pretty slowly (lots of downtime for healing up), but hunters (any spec), mages (probably frost/arcane for AoE grinding), and druids (especially feral up until level 60 or so, then either feral or balance after that) level quickly. The other classes are capable of leveling quickly but generally require better gear in order to do so.

Another tip is if you're levelling a highly hit-rating dependant class, like rogue, warrior, or enhancement shaman, don't be afraid to grind out a level, but try to avoid grinding on mobs that are higher level than you. The amount of extra XP you will get for killing them won't be worth the extra time it takes to kill them and the extra downtime it takes to recover from a fight. Stick to mobs ideally 1-3 levels below you, you should be able to tear through them fast and easy with little downtime, and make more efficient XP gains. This also goes for AoE grinding. Really it goes for just about everything but hunters. If you're a hunter just kill anything yellow, even orange if you need it for a quest.

Also, finding a questing buddy at or around your level can help, but only when you actually work in tandem (ie: mage AoEs fuckton of guys while priest keeps him alive, etc). Otherwise the XP split will hurt more than it helps. But this isn't really needed anymore, especially since there are very few, if any, group quests before level 60 anymore.

But most of all, use a levelling guide and get questhelper, that alone will speed you up a ridiculous amount.

Also if I'm on (Grundyman or Wolfenleid on Illidan) and you need a run-through a dungeon and I'm not in the middle of anything, I'll be happy to help.

Has anyone been questing in Icecrown? Quested from 77-80 there, it's just crazy. all the quests are so amazing.

I was but kept getting ganked by a lv80 shaman each time I was in the middle of a fight. He kept doing that all evening to others too, just to blow his Spirit Wolf CD on horde.

I went back to DB to finish the Wrathgate chain (fucking sweet but damnit I want the sound to work!) and go back to Icecrown later. If there's more stupid gankfest I'll proly alternate between Icecrown and either Stormpikes or Sholazar Basin. Stormpikes doesn't look that fun (certainly not on a reg flyer) but there's faction rep, and Sholazar has the Nesing chain.

Find a levelling guide for Horde (just google it there's tons of them--but preferably a newer one that takes into account the Dustwallow Marsh and group quest changes) and get the QuestHelper mod. Don't run back to turn in a quest as soon as you complete it, especially if you have other quests nearby (QuestHelper will help a lot with this). Don't be afraid to set your hearth to the nearest quest hub and actually use it. Don't be afraid to use whatever cooldowns you have to kill things faster. Also, certain classes will level up a lot faster than others. For example, warriors level pretty slowly (lots of downtime for healing up), but hunters (any spec), mages (probably frost/arcane for AoE grinding), and druids (especially feral up until level 60 or so, then either feral or balance after that) level quickly. The other classes are capable of leveling quickly but generally require better gear in order to do so.

Another tip is if you're levelling a highly hit-rating dependant class, like rogue, warrior, or enhancement shaman, don't be afraid to grind out a level, but try to avoid grinding on mobs that are higher level than you. The amount of extra XP you will get for killing them won't be worth the extra time it takes to kill them and the extra downtime it takes to recover from a fight. Stick to mobs ideally 1-3 levels below you, you should be able to tear through them fast and easy with little downtime, and make more efficient XP gains. This also goes for AoE grinding. Really it goes for just about everything but hunters. If you're a hunter just kill anything yellow, even orange if you need it for a quest.

Also, finding a questing buddy at or around your level can help, but only when you actually work in tandem (ie: mage AoEs fuckton of guys while priest keeps him alive, etc). Otherwise the XP split will hurt more than it helps. But this isn't really needed anymore, especially since there are very few, if any, group quests before level 60 anymore.

But most of all, use a levelling guide and get questhelper, that alone will speed you up a ridiculous amount.

Also if I'm on (Grundyman or Wolfenleid on Illidan) and you need a run-through a dungeon and I'm not in the middle of anything, I'll be happy to help.

wow, thats alot to take in

thanks dude, i didnt know really any of that

i'll hit you up when i get further up

i'm like level 5 with my tauren druid

Find a levelling guide for Horde (just google it there's tons of them--but preferably a newer one that takes into account the Dustwallow Marsh and group quest changes) and get the QuestHelper mod. Don't run back to turn in a quest as soon as you complete it, especially if you have other quests nearby (QuestHelper will help a lot with this). Don't be afraid to set your hearth to the nearest quest hub and actually use it. Don't be afraid to use whatever cooldowns you have to kill things faster. Also, certain classes will level up a lot faster than others. For example, warriors level pretty slowly (lots of downtime for healing up), but hunters (any spec), mages (probably frost/arcane for AoE grinding), and druids (especially feral up until level 60 or so, then either feral or balance after that) level quickly. The other classes are capable of leveling quickly but generally require better gear in order to do so.

Another tip is if you're levelling a highly hit-rating dependant class, like rogue, warrior, or enhancement shaman, don't be afraid to grind out a level, but try to avoid grinding on mobs that are higher level than you. The amount of extra XP you will get for killing them won't be worth the extra time it takes to kill them and the extra downtime it takes to recover from a fight. Stick to mobs ideally 1-3 levels below you, you should be able to tear through them fast and easy with little downtime, and make more efficient XP gains. This also goes for AoE grinding. Really it goes for just about everything but hunters. If you're a hunter just kill anything yellow, even orange if you need it for a quest.

Also, finding a questing buddy at or around your level can help, but only when you actually work in tandem (ie: mage AoEs fuckton of guys while priest keeps him alive, etc). Otherwise the XP split will hurt more than it helps. But this isn't really needed anymore, especially since there are very few, if any, group quests before level 60 anymore.

But most of all, use a levelling guide and get questhelper, that alone will speed you up a ridiculous amount.

Also if I'm on (Grundyman or Wolfenleid on Illidan) and you need a run-through a dungeon and I'm not in the middle of anything, I'll be happy to help.

ok, so i added both to my friends list

add me sometime


  • 4 months later...

so like i rolled alliance rogue now level 61 and my battlegroup sucks i have to get off this shitty server, also dk's need to be erased from game

ulduar today or what

i'm usually horde but you guys know kakumei right

well i started playing with him a while ago and he was alliance so i had little option, also rogues own

the real point here is dk's are retarded, a monkey with downs could play one and farm arena

also ulduar today, probably not imo


I figured Garrosh was just a dick, like his dad. To be honest, Blizzard hasn't done much to endear Horde players to him, while Grom was at least fairly likeable. Garrosh went from depressed little girl to having the mentality of a rogue in the guild <RED IS DED!!> camping lowbies. The only reason he's tolerable at all is because Thrall seems to like him. At least Varian "Mad Dog" Wrynn got a comic book where I assume he is portrayed in a more sympathetic light--not that it excuses his behavior. What a horrible king.


The issue being that there really isn't much reason for the factions to exist, much less be in conflict. If they wanted real all-out-war type gameplay, they should've made the Legion or Scourge a playable faction.

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