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I would also think that the guy was talking about days /played - that is, not a few days real-time but a few days of playing. I believe the record the last time I checked was 6 days /played to get to 60.

That sounds probable, but not likely - you'd definitely need to know EXACTLY what you're doing, have lots of gold on hand, twinked gear ready for you at every level, and probably high levels buffing/healing you at all times and making sure yeou don't get ganked. As far as I know, 11-12 days /played is the average for hitting 60. 9-10 is considered fast. Most people who are new to the game or MMORPGs spend time questing, PVPing, using the AH, levelling craft skills (and so forth) which makes things take longer.

I would also think that the guy was talking about days /played - that is, not a few days real-time but a few days of playing. I believe the record the last time I checked was 6 days /played to get to 60.

That sounds probable, but not likely - you'd definitely need to know EXACTLY what you're doing, have lots of gold on hand, twinked gear ready for you at every level, and probably high levels buffing/healing you at all times and making sure yeou don't get ganked. As far as I know, 11-12 days /played is the average for hitting 60. 9-10 is considered fast. Most people who are new to the game or MMORPGs spend time questing, PVPing, using the AH, levelling craft skills (and so forth) which makes things take longer.

I guess shorter would be possible. You would probably need gear at every 5 levels. Always the same kind of weapon (especially racial weapons like a human warrior with a mace) and tons of engineering weapons and potions. If you plan it out well, it would cost around 400 gold at least, and it would help to have crafted sets beforehand. Even then, you would need to also plan another 100 gold for a mount. No profession except first aid (during bathroom breaks), and no quests... Also, creating the character a week or two before the start of the fast grinding (easy low levels with rested XP fly by.) Throw in 4 16 slotter backpacks.

It would be interesting to say the least.


my first toon hit 60 at right about 10 days. some people thought that was actually pretty quick. i recall the guild leader saying it took him like 15 or 16 days. but by the time he did hit 60, he had enough money for his epic mount.. which i never did.

anyways, i'm on Gorefiend now.

look for Atmosphere (Shaman) or Prophetus (Druid).

not sure which to level first though.


I suppose it could be relatively possible...It just seemed absurd. Ive never had a 60, but my 29 had about 1 day of /played on him. He was going alot faster than some of the other classes ive played. One of the perks of playing multiple char's is that you can play one for a few days and leave the other guys in the Inn, then when you switch to a different guy they have a bunch of Rested xp which makes things go a bit faster. Of course the guy who plays one character will be farther than the guy playing multiple ones.

I have at least 260 hours total /played on WoW. After all of this time, I can finally say my favourite classes are Mage, then Fury Warrior. I had a 19 human mage (untwinked) who devastated in 10-19 WSG, even though most people play Rogues/Hunters in there.


my brother is currently levelling 2 characters. a mage and a warrior, they're both lvl 57. the extra rest xp makes more of a difference than you'd think, plus you have a better chance of getting into UBRS/Scholo/Strat etc if you can be either a tank OR a mage.

in my guild there was a married couple that did this (a priest and a mage). when only one of them was playing, they'd switch between characters whenever one or the other was needed. when they were both playing, they made an excellent team.


They're on the WoW site.

World of Warcraft Client Patch

(Disclaimer: These patch notes are for the Public Test Realm and the content of the patch is subject to change.)

World of Warcraft Client Patch 1.10.2


* Guild Recruitment channel functionality has been improved to be turned off for players already in guilds, and turned on for players not in guilds by default.

* Fixed a bug which caused players to drop from combat after destroying a totem.

* Fixed a soft-lock bug that occurred under certain conditions when players were near ships, zeppelins, elevators, and the Deeprun Tram.


* Arcane Power: This aura will no longer stack with Power Infusion. If you use it, Arcane Power's aura will replace Power Infusion's aura.


* Holy Shock will now be guaranteed to crit when used offensively while Divine Favor is active.

* Eye for an Eye will now properly produce its damage effect on the attacking caster.


* Inner Fire: Rank 3 will no longer have charges consumed when Power Word: Shield is active.

* Power Infusion: This aura will no longer stack with Arcane Power. If you attempt to cast it on someone with Arcane Power, the spell will fail.

* Starshards: Ranks 1 and 2 inadvertently received too much bonus from spell damage, while Rank 7 received no bonus from spell damage. Each of those ranks are now fixed to receive the correct bonus.


* Fixed a bug which prevented Vanish from working properly under certain conditions.

* Seal Fate will now correctly provide a bonus combat point upon landing a critical strike.


* Improved Shadow Bolt will now proc properly after landing a critical strike with Shadow Bolt.


* Rage generated from Unbridled Wrath and Shield Specialization will now display properly in the combat log.


* Fixed a client crash caused by weather effects when running OS 10.3.9.

World Environment

* Players should no longer become dismounted while riding through certain areas of the Undercity.

* Fixed a number of clipping issues and awkward turns discovered throughout various chained flight paths.

* Certain creatures in Eastern Plaguelands weren't providing reputation gain with the Argent Dawn. This has been fixed.


Well, it IS just the 1.10.2 patch. I'd be kinda surprised if more than one or two things were added to that.

"Certain creatures in Eastern Plaguelands weren't providing reputation gain with the Argent Dawn. This has been fixed."

This one makes me wonder. What changed in EPL to make them NOT give AD faction in the 1.10 patch? If it had been broken previously, surely it would have been fixed in one of the major patches.

Well, it IS just the 1.10.2 patch. I'd be kinda surprised if more than one or two things were added to that.

"Certain creatures in Eastern Plaguelands weren't providing reputation gain with the Argent Dawn. This has been fixed."

This one makes me wonder. What changed in EPL to make them NOT give AD faction in the 1.10 patch? If it had been broken previously, surely it would have been fixed in one of the major patches.

I'm not entirely sure on this, but didn't they add new items to be collected for the tier 0.5 set quests. Also, weren't some of the drop rates of items needed for the non-raid epic item quests (Breasplate of the Chromatic Flight, Skyfury Helmet) changed? Perhaps because of these changes, they somehow accidentally screwed up the rep gained from these mobs.


I'd do it, 60 druid...horde side.

Specced 8-11-32 so I can attend raids but still pvp reasonably well.

Wouldn't you guys have to list off names though we could find each other in that case?

Druids name is Lorenith in that case...if I get on anyway.

agh if my account with my 60's didn't get jacked i'd join you guys. (actually it didn't get jacked i'm just too cheap/lazy to renew it)

guys i cant find the backspace so ill just change what i said half way through

ps. <3

Sadly enough im not finding much time recently to play this game at all.


Sorry to just jump in this thread, but I'm thinking about re-activating for kicks. I need something to pass time, plus I can get game cards for like $24.

Is there like, 1 big server everyone plays on?


i just played a test server rogue, and honestly i really dont see how anyone other than a mage can beat an experienced rogue PVPer. I had vigor and imp kidney shot. I was barely using sinister strike cause i was backstabbing so much, and of course, the ridiculous talents like relentless strikes

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