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Druids can be excellent healers provided they know what they're doing. I've teamed with some respectable Resto-Druids in the past and it's been pretty successful.

Though I must admit, I'd much rather have a Shaman, Paladin, or a Priest watching my back than a Druid in most situations. Considering I'm a Warrior and often play the tank role, I have to put blind faith in my healer to keep me alive. I tend to feel more comfortable with a Priest behind me, but that's not to say Druids aren't capable classes. It's all in the person who plays them, just like any other class in the game.

With endgame gear, Druids are on equal footing with other healers. They have so much mana regen and +healing, typically, that they can do ridiculously efficient heals. That's ideal when you're spamming on an MT. However, in a PVP situation, you want maximized HP/S with a small chance for interruption. Priests are best for this w/ Flash Heal spam. Shamans can do it nearly as well (though they rarely do), and Paladins as well to an extent.

I'll take a temporary break when the expansion comes out. I don't think I can stand the massive Alliance>Horde migration and Blood Elf infestation.

Blood Elf Mage FTW

Also, what is the new class going to be anyway? Haven't really heard anymore about it since the rumors of the Spellbreaker class.

I thought they said there *wasn't* going to be a new class.

rude stuff

I'm not talking out my ass, the devs actualy did say at one point that our swing timer does not reset after casting like shaman and paladins because we are not true hybreds. That was the reply we got when we asked why our swing timer resets.

But yeah, I'm not the kindof person to "talk out my ass".

I actualy do heal when I'm in a team situation, you know like running with my guild or personaly friends. But if you think I'm going to heal in a pug where the people I'm healing aren't going to protect me for my effort you're saddly mistaken, and that is the same attitude most other healers be them shaman, priests, or druids take on Sargeras. Unless I'm with a group I know I will not be protected. I'm alot more likely to heal random people in a pug then most, but I'm not going to do it in my healing gear, and that's alot more then most other druids would do that play bg because they're sick of healing all the time in pve, pvp is their "I want to destroy something" time.

I'll heal pugs full of random thankless jerks when they start paying my 17$ a month.

And because of my spec (I'm resto) even in my not so healing friendly gear (which still has a fair amount of +healing and int for bear gear) I get a huge bang for my heals,I'll save all the mana regen and +healing gear for an encounter that actualy requires me to heal myself and others. I mean I can main heal an insance or raid with rank 4 and 6 heals (out of 11).

And I'll say it again, I use a fairly "hybred" set myself when not in full healing gear. The discussion earlier was. "I FEEL SORRY FOR ALL THE OTHER DRUIDS THAT LIKE TO BE FERAL"

Why? Because the old version of the rank sets was the only purely feral set in the game. All other druid sets are either healing/feral, or purely healing. And there's still not really anything good for balance.

People like to specialize sometimes, it's okay for a druid to specialize in healing yet if they decide to shred peoples faces as a cat or maul things as a bear suddenly there's a problem?



Lvl 60 shaman on gorefiend tavernerorud(don't play him much tho)

lvl 37 paladin on gorgonash tavernerorud(playing him seriously)

anyone here from gorgonash? (alliance side)

would love to have someone to play with (since my friend is grounded for a month and i hate playing alone )


Druids are hybrids. I will conceed that they are not hybreds.

Pallies are also a hybrid class, but it's more of a priest/warrior hybrid than anything. Shamies are a 3 way hybrids: Warriors (although without plate, but they do pack a melee punch), mages (not quite as good, but the next patch will work wonders on them for longer fights using mana) and healers (the next patch will put them on par with a pally without healing talents easily.)

Druids have all the different branches except Ranged Physical (only the hunters have that). Balance makes them more than adequate magic DPS. Bear form makes them warriors with, sometimes, up to 2000 more armor than warriors with similar gear and level. Cat form make them a hybrid rogue (pretty much like one with about 10 talents in each tree). And without any restoration talents, they heal like a shadow priest with a splash of healing talents (I have seen the numbers... with a resto spec, they are almost on par with a full healing priest. But now, with Innervate being available for everyone, you will see a lot more of 21 balance, 30 resto druids.)


There's really no need to add extra classes. The additions to existing classes in the expansion should account for that. I mean, if you think about it, thanks to talents/gear you can really make a variety of different characters. A Protection Warrior w/ full Wrath is significantly different than a dual wield Fury warrior with all DPS gear. A Holy/Disc Priest is at the opposite end of the spectrum as a Shadow Priest with +dmg gear in Shadowform.

Hopefully they fix some of the more useless talent trees though...there's no sense using Shaman's Restoration tree or Warrior's Protection if it leaves you almost completely useless in PVP situations.

My friend is a resto shamy. He used to be a nature swiftness runner in Warsong gulch. Also, the resto shamy, with manatide totems, are quite useful in places like alterac valley, to make a 3 shammy deathsquad. In AB, I will give you that they are not as powerful as an elemental or enhancement shammy, but a well protected healer makes a good addition in either a fast swing group or a defense/swing group.

If ghost wolf had better stealth (thank god it doesnt) they would even make excellent stealth healers.

In Arathi bassin, back when I was in a guild, we would sit our two tank warriors and our tankadin at the blackmith early on, and they would never move from there. In a 4 cap game, the hordies tried a 10 man push on the blacksmith, and they were held up until we could send reinforcements. There is something very positive in having a couple of unkillable people.


Lots of talent trees are useless in PVP. If I spec 30/21 Disc/Holy, and I spec a certain way (to maximize healing power) I basically lose all PVP ability. No improved mana, no improved shield, no martyrdom, no power infusion, no blessed recovery, no improved holy crit, no spell warding.. the list goes on.

Lots of talent trees are useless in PVP. If I spec 30/21 Disc/Holy, and I spec a certain way (to maximize healing power) I basically lose all PVP ability. No improved mana, no improved shield, no martyrdom, no power infusion, no blessed recovery, no improved holy crit, no spell warding.. the list goes on.

Yet another friend is in the Marshal group of a guild on her realm just for that reason. She can keep people alive while they do other things.

There are no generally useless tress (unless you only pick out useless talents) in WoW. You just need to adjust your strategy accordingly.


No, nothing is totally useless, but some are better for certain things than others. I've put an insane amount of time into PVP and the 30/21 spec just sucks for it. With no survivability, you're useless. You barely lose any real healing power with 30/21, since that spec is all raid abilities.

There isn't going to be a new class. I haven't played Frozen Throne, but I assume Spellbreaker comes from there and it sounds pretty retarded. If they were to add such a think it would most likely mess up the game balance beyond repair.

So what's the info on this spellbreaker class? What would make it different then the 9 classes there are already?

rude stuff

I'm not talking out my ass, the devs actualy did say at one point that our swing timer does not reset after casting like shaman and paladins because we are not true hybreds. That was the reply we got when we asked why our swing timer resets.

But yeah, I'm not the kindof person to "talk out my ass".

I actualy do heal when I'm in a team situation, you know like running with my guild or personaly friends. But if you think I'm going to heal in a pug where the people I'm healing aren't going to protect me for my effort you're saddly mistaken, and that is the same attitude most other healers be them shaman, priests, or druids take on Sargeras. Unless I'm with a group I know I will not be protected. I'm alot more likely to heal random people in a pug then most, but I'm not going to do it in my healing gear, and that's alot more then most other druids would do that play bg because they're sick of healing all the time in pve, pvp is their "I want to destroy something" time.

I'll heal pugs full of random thankless jerks when they start paying my 17$ a month.

And because of my spec (I'm resto) even in my not so healing friendly gear (which still has a fair amount of +healing and int for bear gear) I get a huge bang for my heals,I'll save all the mana regen and +healing gear for an encounter that actualy requires me to heal myself and others. I mean I can main heal an insance or raid with rank 4 and 6 heals (out of 11).

And I'll say it again, I use a fairly "hybred" set myself when not in full healing gear. The discussion earlier was. "I FEEL SORRY FOR ALL THE OTHER DRUIDS THAT LIKE TO BE FERAL"

Why? Because the old version of the rank sets was the only purely feral set in the game. All other druid sets are either healing/feral, or purely healing. And there's still not really anything good for balance.

People like to specialize sometimes, it's okay for a druid to specialize in healing yet if they decide to shred peoples faces as a cat or maul things as a bear suddenly there's a problem?

Actually, you ARE the type of person to talk out of their ass, as demonstrated above. Learn2ReadWoWSite; at no point did they ever say anything about our swing timer not reseting. Stop pulling shit out of thin air. Have you even played a Shaman or Paladin? Guess what, their timer doesn't reset either.

If you're in a group for PvP, and you're not healing as a Druid or supporting anyone you're a fucking moron. Period, and it's not up for discussion. If you want to "shred faces" then go out into the world and wreck havoc in Light's Hope Chapel or Chillwind Camp. If you're in Battlegrounds you're playing for the TEAM, not for yourself; if it's not your cup of tea to heal then you're in the wrong place and in the wrong class.

You are a Druid, you have heals, and you knew this before choosing that class. If actually supporting the team isn't what you want to do, then it's your own damn fault for being a moron and picking a class whose sole role is that. "Specialization" is a bullshit argument; don't even try that. Specialization allows you to have some variance from someone else, NOT completely ignore the roles you have in a group.

There isn't going to be a new class. I haven't played Frozen Throne, but I assume Spellbreaker comes from there and it sounds pretty retarded. If they were to add such a think it would most likely mess up the game balance beyond repair.

So what's the info on this spellbreaker class? What would make it different then the 9 classes there are already?

When a friend of mine went to apply for a QA position at Blizzard, he said they showed him some of the behind the scenes stuff (i.e. he got to see the Kel'Thuzad and Sapphiron encounter before E3; and apparently even with 315 frost resist Sapphiron's still kicking the raid testers' asses), he asked them about Spellbreaker. Apparently, it was originally going to launch with Burning Crusade but then the class revamp system was implemented and they held off on the basis that the developers wanted to see how the changes to ALL classes pan out after every single one has a review.

The way he described it though, I don't think it would fit in very well. He said the Blizzard guy showing him around during his 'exam' (yeah, you take an exam on what you know about Blizzard) was mentioning early conception of the class for WoW would have it absorb stats and effects from the monster and distribute it across the group or raid. They apparently still have it on the shelf and most of the abilities it'll train through leveling, but it's on the back burner.

TBH, they've made each class cover so many roles that there's really not ROOM for any more classes without pushing in on another's territory.


To be fair, a feral druid can actually be put in a rogue stealth group. Actually, any druid can do that. In AB I used to have a 2 rogue, one druid stealth cap group. The druid would do a bit of damage in the opening phase, but he would quickly switch to healing when the first sap broke.

It's called using all the abilities a class can offer.

In Arathi bassin, back when I was in a guild, we would sit our two tank warriors and our tankadin at the blackmith early on, and they would never move from there. In a 4 cap game, the hordies tried a 10 man push on the blacksmith, and they were held up until we could send reinforcements. There is something very positive in having a couple of unkillable people.

Unfortunately, an Arms/Fury Warrior + Paladin combo will last just as long as a group with Protection warriors, and they'll probably slaughter half of the attacking group.

The Protection tree is long overdue for a redesign. Many of the talents aren't very useful even in PVE situations.


Arms/fury would not last just as long.

I laughed at green/early blue 60 arms fury warriors. I even defeated a hand of sulfuron (that's the 2-h mace, right?) wielder in AB simply because I kept him disarmed or stunned. He managed to land 3 hits that were not parried or dodged. If I dodged, I gouged him. If I parried, I disarmed him. I downed him and got killed by the reinforcements, but to this day, I still wish I would have been able to see/hear what he was saying. He had nice gear too. I went in only as a distraction, but when I realised I could disarm him (most epic sets have a "cannot be disarmed" gloves which kinda pisses me off because I would love to have a "cannot be polymorphed" pair of boots). I guess he was missing the gloves, and he didn't have a weapon chain.

A protection warrior, with a shield, wouldn't have gotten even near to half the damage I delt in that fight.

Arms/fury would not last just as long.

I laughed at green/early blue 60 arms fury warriors. I even defeated a hand of sulfuron (that's the 2-h mace, right?) wielder in AB simply because I kept him disarmed or stunned. He managed to land 3 hits that were not parried or dodged. If I dodged, I gouged him. If I parried, I disarmed him. I downed him and got killed by the reinforcements, but to this day, I still wish I would have been able to see/hear what he was saying. He had nice gear too. I went in only as a distraction, but when I realised I could disarm him (most epic sets have a "cannot be disarmed" gloves which kinda pisses me off because I would love to have a "cannot be polymorphed" pair of boots). I guess he was missing the gloves, and he didn't have a weapon chain.

A protection warrior, with a shield, wouldn't have gotten even near to half the damage I delt in that fight.

Only plate gloves with Immune to Disarm in the game are Stronghold Gauntlets (at least I think). Most two-handed warriors for a rogue are a push over now. I can evasion rush some of them down as long as they are not orc. The real challenge is fighting a board + sword warrior who is wearing 8/8 Wrath and has an Elementium Reinforced Bulwark + Lifegiving Gem. Dwarf warriors in this setup are probably the toughest fight as far as warriors go.


That Warrior sucked then. I know plenty of Alliance Warriors on Nathreizm that have a HoS and full or near full Wrath, but all they do is raid. Keep in mind that just because someone is in a guild that is good at raiding doesn't mean they're good at PVP. Hell, I got all the way up to rank 12 before I quit, and the only raid-ed equipment I have is a Quick Strike Ring.

Also...an easy way to tell if a Warrior sucks is if you can Gouge him. That's a killer skill, and good Warriors won't leave themselves vulnerable to it except to quickly use Overpower.


When I quit I had owned a brutality blade and a bloodfang helm for about 2 days. I'm a very sarcastic person and while sometimes it gets on the nerves of some people, most accept it. But due to a fluke in raid calanders and drops, I ended up picking two purples in two days, and it made some people jealous.

When I mentionned another time that I would skip that MC raid because I wanted to let others get a chance at getting in MC (rogues are always numerous in any guild) and later mentionned I actually had a possible spot in a friend's guild run of BWL, it made some people very angry.

(I actually had the tank be pissed at me because I called his "do what you will, you won't steal a mob from me is you use feint as often as possible" bluff and actually pulled aggro from him under these conditions. A druid was also pissed because he thought I did not thank people enough when I got bloodfang, and the guild leader added a complain about the 18 slotter backpack that I rolled for when he said "anyone can roll." I waited to see if other people who got Onyxia loot rolled, and when I won with a 100, I got the bag. Apparently everyone meant "well, everyone rolls but if you win, you don't get it." Anyway, we left on semi-friendly term ("you are a good player, but it's not working with what we want for this guild."))

Anyway... sorry about the completely out of the blue post... All of this was to say that while I did get some epics at the end of my gaming time (I wanna start again, but as I have said, my PC is dying), the best way I had to gain power was to find gear specifically tailored to my style of play.

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