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Sadly, I don't know much about Paladins. I do, of course, know a lot about Priests as I have over 30 days of playing time on mine. They are generally very easy to level up because they are good at soloing and have lots of 'escape' skills (Shield, Fear, Renew - all instants) to boot. While they won't be taking anything WAY above their level, they can pull off some of the highest single-target damage in the game if they are Shadow specced. Surprisingly, specializing this way does not impair your healing ability much at all - I spent a great deal of time in instances too, at all levels. In 1v1 PVP they are one of the most feared classes in the game, and in group PVP they are a great asset. A Discipline/Holy specialization makes you an even more powerful support class or healer, though you lose lots of damage dealing power.

The job of a Priest in instances consists of basically knowing when to use your different healing and battle-saving abilities. You won't be doing much damage, especially not in the later instances. What you WILL need to do is keep the right people alive at the right times. You need to know when to use a Flash Heal (weaker, fast-casting heal) vs. a Renew (instant cast regeneration), vs. a Greater Heal (very powerful, but slow heal) vs. a Prayer of Healing (slow casting group heal of moderate power) - how to use Fear to control mobs if necessary, when to throw a Mind Control on a humanoid, or when to Shield a tank or even yourself. It's challenging, but a lot of fun. Boss fights where you're constantly healing, drinking potions, using trinkets, manuevering around, and hitting a whole bunch of buttons is just great fun, and it's very rewarding IMO to know you were the one that saved the party from a wipe.

In PVP, the plus sides are that you are RELATIVELY durable in comparison to other casters. You have the "Power Word: Shield" spell which will protect you from a fair amount of damage and ensure your casts don't get interrupted, an AREA Fear that casts instantly and cools down fairly fast, Shadowform if you are shadow-specced (which brings your damage reduction closer to a Mail wearing class with a shield then a cloth wbearer), and your fast heals/regeneration. I have survived beatdowns for extended periods of time and even beaten some people 2v1 before. However a Priest relies HEAVILY on mana and we have no special way to regain it. Mages can use Evocate in a pinch, Druids have Innervate (sometimes), Shamans can get Mana Tide totem or just melee when they are low - when a Priest is low on mana, we can't do anything. We are sitting ducks and we die FAST when that time comes. You will very often be the first target of mana burns, viper stings (mana drain over time), Warrior charges, rogue stuns, and Mage polymorphs.

But on the bright side, YOU are the one that keeps the Mage alive that teleports into a group of enemies and nukes them to death. YOU are the one that throws that area fear down just in time so that the graveyard can be captured. YOU are the one that stops the full epic-wearing Rogue dead in his tracks with the most powerful single-target damage spells in the game. Sure, it's not the easiest class, and maybe not the most 'direct' (that would be Warrior or Mage), but it's a blast to me.

As for Paladins.. I gather that they are really more healbots than anything else. They really can't spec for damage, like a Priest. They are, however, the ultimate combat healers because of their shield, Plate armor, and generally high HP. They have a bubble of invulnerability and a once-a-day Lay on Hands that can basically give them up to three extra lifebars, and with a very powerful 2H weapon, they can actually wear down casters pretty fast. Nonetheless, they are primarily support, even moreso than Priests.

Which would be more highly valued? Priest or Paladin?

I'd say a priest would be valued much more then a paladin, but it depends on your server and what faction you play on. Some servers have very low populations of priests but most of the time you have many more Pally's then priests.

How well do they fare in PVP? PVE?

In PVE Pally's and Priests are heal and cleanse bots. That is most of the time (this is in high-end raid content) you will be spamming heals and cleansing diseases, poisons, you know the deal. Priests can spec for Shadow and put out some incredible damage. A good Shadow Priest is a very scary thing to battle for just about any class. If you want to concentrate on heavy PVP I would definately recommend rolling a shadow priest. Pally's are very dangerous in PVP too but I do think they are a bit more gear dependent.

I would like to re-emphasize that paladins do not die 1v1. I'm so glad I went Alliance.

Damn Pally's....

They do die! I just have to fight them for about 15 minutes and hope that they aren't stupid enough to cleanse my crippling poisons so I can get away to restealth....


Takes you 15 minutes to kill one...I'm a DRUID. It'd probably take me 20-30 minutes to kill one if I bothered with it, which I never will considering a druid v druid fight takes that long, druid v pally probably takes even longer, and I have better things to do then see who had the bigger mana pool.


i'm liking this 1.7 patch, but i'm probably going to have to respec again, despite the free respec i got from the update. i went with BM again like i had before, not quite realizing how terribly nerfed Spirit Bond is now. i think i'm gonna respec and go for a mixture of survival (the new survival tree is freaking awesome) and marks.

though i didn't get a lot of time to play yesterday, first thing i did was go catch a cat with the new Prowl ability... sweet jesus it's awesome. that with the new tweaks on pet AI (they won't attack sheep, sapped, or frozen guys anymore) means hunter pets become 100x more viable in dungeons.

also: there's a PvP-RP server now? hook a brotha up!

SO LIKE... all us OCR folks should get a guild going on one of the PvP-RP servers or something. which one are you guys on?


i guess i'll roll an alliance on twisting nether..

zircon: what's wrong with PvP-RP? it's leaps and bounds better than that carebear plain jane RP shit. i can't stand 'Normal' servers now. on a PvP server you come across a member of the opposing faction, you kill the shit out of them. on a normal server, you play hopskotch and pantomime the latest episode of queer eye for the straight guy using emotes. it makes me want to stab people in the face through the internet.

i guess i'll roll an alliance on twisting nether..

zircon: what's wrong with PvP-RP? it's leaps and bounds better than that carebear plain jane RP shit. i can't stand 'Normal' servers now. on a PvP server you come across a member of the opposing faction, you kill the shit out of them. on a normal server, you play hopskotch and pantomime the latest episode of queer eye for the straight guy using emotes. it makes me want to stab people in the face through the internet.

I don't play RP because I don't want to RP in WoW. I only play on normal PVP servers.


I feel like joining a server that is either normal or PVP, and doesn't contain much alliance, or is balanced out. And, people on both sides are reasonably intellegent (as in, they actually plan things in both solo and parties, and don't try to show off by acting like The Punisher in places where a well-placed hit can down them in an instant, or blame other party members for things they did themselves, OR abandon thier party and go some other place while the rest are being picked off, OR breaking up after assembling a party because they had to go do something really important).

Any suggestions? Heck, if you persuede me enough, I'll even join a RP or PVP-RP server.

I feel like joining a server that is either normal or PVP, and doesn't contain much alliance, or is balanced out. And, people on both sides are reasonably intellegent (as in, they actually plan things in both solo and parties, and don't try to show off by acting like The Punisher in places where a well-placed hit can down them in an instant, or blame other party members for things they did themselves, OR abandon thier party and go some other place while the rest are being picked off, OR breaking up after assembling a party because they had to go do something really important).

You just summed up 80% of the population on most servers in WoW. Can't tell you how many times I have been in an alliance or horde capitol and some asshat is spamming all the channels with some epic item he just got. You get random crap like that one every server really.

I feel like joining a server that is either normal or PVP, and doesn't contain much alliance, or is balanced out. And, people on both sides are reasonably intellegent (as in, they actually plan things in both solo and parties, and don't try to show off by acting like The Punisher in places where a well-placed hit can down them in an instant, or blame other party members for things they did themselves, OR abandon thier party and go some other place while the rest are being picked off, OR breaking up after assembling a party because they had to go do something really important).

You just summed up 80% of the population on most servers in WoW. Can't tell you how many times I have been in an alliance or horde capitol and some asshat is spamming all the channels with some epic item he just got. You get random crap like that one every server really.

...Don't I feel stupid.

...Don't I feel stupid.

Meh, you learn to deal with it. For one thing you can always leave the channel where said spamming is being done. You also have the /ignore command (although its limited to 40 people). One thing you can't really avoid is grouping with stupid people. For the most part I have grouped with my fair share of idiots and ninja's but I also met some awesome people along the way. One way to remedy this would probably be to join a server where someone you know is playing on and try to hook up with him/her and the people they know.

This new patch takes too long to download and install -_-.

Anyone try the new bg yet?

I've played 8 matches or so. It rocks. It gives PUGs a LITTLE more of a chance against organized guild groups.. it's not as much gear vs gear as WSG is right now, but not so NPC-based as AV (in fact, no NPCs at all). However, strategy can play a big part. What's really nice is that there is *essentially* a time limit because you're ALWAYS gaining resources. You won't be able to win a match in just minutes, but it won't last for an hour either.


The time limit is also cool cause it means you won't have idiots farming for cp. :roll:

It can be really bad though if you're in a group of people that don't like to work together, yesterday I came into the end of a game where everyone was just argueing, they had lost by a pretty large scale too.

Everyone go alliance on Twisting Nether!

A friend and I want to join up on an RP server together... my friend wants to be a Gnome character (alliance). When I finish my thesis I'm signing up (probably late October).

I suppose that this is the place to go to maximize my connections, then. This is awesome news.

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