p1x13 Posted September 15, 2005 Posted September 15, 2005 I have World of Warcraft and Guild Wars. I chose World of Warcraft over Guild Wars in the end. xD Quote
The wingless Posted September 15, 2005 Posted September 15, 2005 You'll be *elated* to know that on Twisting Nether, a realm barely out of its 48th hour infancy, there are reprots of 20's prowling around. Still, it's nice/bizzare leveling up and seeing a billion people in starting zone quest areas. For example, flying by griffon from Stormwind and looking down to see 2 dozen people (at least) slaughtering gnolls near the Westfall edge. I forsee good times! Quote
suzumebachi Posted September 15, 2005 Posted September 15, 2005 I started a human pally on twisting nether.. as if there weren't enough. anyways if you wanna meet up, just look for 'Mason'. We should start a guild or something. Quote
suzumebachi Posted September 15, 2005 Posted September 15, 2005 here, out of boredom, i came up with some guild tabard ideas... Quote
The wingless Posted September 15, 2005 Posted September 15, 2005 holy crap those are ugly, dood Quote
Victis Honor Posted September 16, 2005 Posted September 16, 2005 lol. I like the pretty kitty. == Quote
Dryft Posted September 16, 2005 Posted September 16, 2005 WoW has a lot of good qualities about it. A lot. A lot of MMORPG style games have similar ups and downs, though. When you hit those higher levels, things kind of hit a plateau. I like the fact that Blizzard came up with a lot of challenging things for the high levels to do. And the injection of new material periodically keeps things interesting. Wow is also great because even if you don't have the time to grind out the levels and power your way to the top, you don't get the feeling of being left behind. It's a very nicely paced game. But there's me rambling on about Wow. I like it. Quote
suzumebachi Posted September 19, 2005 Posted September 19, 2005 i like all the holidays and random world events and shit in WoW. like right now it's harvest season for the horde, so outside of orgrimmar there's tables set up with craploads of free food, fireworks and stuff being sold for cheap, and a quest to honor a fallen hero that yields pretty nice XP. edit: except for one problem... Smolderthorn is down yet again. 6th time this month. edit 2: the WoW forum login server is down too. bastards. Quote
suzumebachi Posted September 27, 2005 Posted September 27, 2005 i officially hate this game now. since the last patch, my server has become so incredibly inbalanced. all the horde are sitting at AB, waiting for the next BG to start. and what are the alliance doing? killing everything. i go to STV to try to level, i can't kill 2 fucking mobs for every 1 time i get ganked by a lvl 60 alliance. i check /who to see who else is in STV, and i'm the highest level fucking horde there (lvl 43). questing/grinding is now impossible thanks to all the chicken shit lvl 60 alliance who take out their frustration at getting owned by horde in AB on all the lowbies trying to level. i quit. Quote
SleazyC Posted September 27, 2005 Posted September 27, 2005 Nefarion Down Drama on Shattered Hand did it Quote
suzumebachi Posted September 27, 2005 Posted September 27, 2005 that's freaking awesome. also: i feel much better now. i have had my vengeance. i went on the killing spree of a lifetime, starting with the lower level alliance running around outside grom'gul like they own the place. after i cleaned that mess up, i managed to track down two of the level ??'s that killed me, and got them both, one at time. the last thing they expected was a hunter 10 levels below them to come running up in the most furious rage and kill the shit out of them. damn that felt good. Quote
SleazyC Posted September 27, 2005 Posted September 27, 2005 Hunter is an interesting class to play. I have seen vids of a lvl 37 hunter killing a 60 rogue in full epics (4 pieces of Nightslayer, 3 pieces of Bloodfang). If a hunter catches a rogue with out his cooldowns he/she can easily kite the rogue to death. A hunter that can kite effectively is a tough battle for just about any of the close combat classes. Quote
mecca Posted September 27, 2005 Posted September 27, 2005 LEEEEROOOOOY! Duoing SM with a lv50+ at lv33+ is a fantastic way to level incase any of you are within that range. I make 10g easily each run after auctions. Quote
suzumebachi Posted September 27, 2005 Posted September 27, 2005 one was a rogue, the other a pally. the rogue was surprisingly easy.. just wing clipped him, backed off while my pet harassed him, and pumped him full of lead. the pally was a bit tougher, but i caught him definitely by surprise. i got a few good hits on him before he got his wits about him and got me with hammer of justice. while i was stunned, he tried to bandage himself but my pet was eating away at his attempt. so he starts whacking on me a bit when i get out of the stun. i war stomp, wing clip, then get just into gun range and hit him with viper sting and start draining his mana. see right here he could have had me, but he panicked and used that whatever healing spell pallies have that heals them fully but drains their mana. so i put another viper sting on him right away and he couldn't do shit. didn't even have enough mana for basic attack skills. so i clipped him again and got out of range, used rapid fire, and shot the holy hell out of him until he died. took a while though, but since he was too busy panicking trying to run away than trying to fight, i was able to easily control the fight. Quote
zircon Posted September 27, 2005 Posted September 27, 2005 Nefarion DownDrama on Shattered Hand did it Nice. Several of my IRL friends are on Shattered Hand in that guild. Kind of makes me wish I had started with them rather on my own server. Quote
Ramaniscence Posted September 27, 2005 Posted September 27, 2005 Yea...seeing as I actually have a job to fund it, and I've recently found myself with a lot more internet freetime due to some exceednig retard circumstances, I've caught the black plague of the internet, AKA WoW. It's a lot of fun for now, teetering between Archimonde and Illidian trying to raise 2 different characters for 2 seperate friends circles is proving to be quite tedious, though. Oh well, I have money o burn now =P Quote
suzumebachi Posted September 28, 2005 Posted September 28, 2005 oh you whore. should have started on Smolderthorn. Quote
Prokop Posted September 28, 2005 Posted September 28, 2005 one was a rogue, the other a pally. the rogue was surprisingly easy.. just wing clipped him, backed off while my pet harassed him, and pumped him full of lead.the pally was a bit tougher, but i caught him definitely by surprise. i got a few good hits on him before he got his wits about him and got me with hammer of justice. while i was stunned, he tried to bandage himself but my pet was eating away at his attempt. so he starts whacking on me a bit when i get out of the stun. i war stomp, wing clip, then get just into gun range and hit him with viper sting and start draining his mana. see right here he could have had me, but he panicked and used that whatever healing spell pallies have that heals them fully but drains their mana. so i put another viper sting on him right away and he couldn't do shit. didn't even have enough mana for basic attack skills. so i clipped him again and got out of range, used rapid fire, and shot the holy hell out of him until he died. took a while though, but since he was too busy panicking trying to run away than trying to fight, i was able to easily control the fight. The problem is PvP servers, not the game in general. The game is a lot more fun and relaxing when you can do as you please without assholes ruining everything. Quote
SleazyC Posted September 28, 2005 Posted September 28, 2005 The problem is PvP servers, not the game in general. The game is a lot more fun and relaxing when you can do as you please without assholes ruining everything. Then the problem arises when you get to endgame and all your guild does is raid Molten Core/BWL/Ony and you have nothing to really do in your spare time. You can go to BG's but then you just figure out that is a bunch of honor farmers with pre-made teams so you can either play in abysmall PUG's or make your own team. The solution PVP realms offer that is wide open world PVP which hasn't been seen on every other server since the introduction of the honor (and the dishonorable kill) system. Quote
zircon Posted September 28, 2005 Posted September 28, 2005 Well.. 1.8 will introduce 4 more outdoor raid bosses as well as even more high end content. Soon enough we're getting another 20 man and another 40 man instance. So I think ultimately there will be a lot to do. Quote
SleazyC Posted September 28, 2005 Posted September 28, 2005 Also, the Arathi BG is supposedly much more difficult to dominate with pre-arranged groups? After having played Arathi for a couple weeks I can safely say that nothing has changed between WSG and this BG for pre-made teams. The pre-made teams that actually dominated had coordination to begin with in WSG. WSG really didn't need too much strategy. AB on the other hand is a very strategic battle and the pre-made teams that already had coordination in WSG are doing just as well. Pick-up's usually don't fare as well because you always have a couple people that won't listen/follow orders and in my eyes following orders in AB is what makes the difference between a winning team and a losing team. Quote
Ramaniscence Posted September 28, 2005 Posted September 28, 2005 oh you whore. should have started on Smolderthorn. People from WYHT play on Arch + a hot asian my friend knows, so I went there, and my IRL friends play on Illidian, so =P. I wanna make a darkelf somewhere though, you down? The problem is PvP servers, not the game in general. The game is a lot more fun and relaxing when you can do as you please without assholes ruining everything. So....what you're saying is...you'd rather just...level...and fight the same monsters over and over so you can get better weapons to...fight the same monster? Where the hell is the fun in that? YOU'RE NOT LIVNIG IN THE WORLD OF WARCRAFT, YOU'RE LIVNIG IN THE FOREST OF FEELINGS Quote
suzumebachi Posted September 28, 2005 Posted September 28, 2005 you get 40 people on a single raid channel, decide what you're gonna do ahead of time, and do it. the largest group i've participated in thus far (im only level 44) was a 25 man raid on the alliance capitols of stormwind and ironforge. the key is communication. you designate 2 or 3 guys who know what they're doing as leaders, and they tell everyone else what to do. and it also helps that the raid is broken up into smaller groups of 5. those 5 guys form their own seperate group inside the main group. if the raid leader is smart, he'll put at least 1 tank and 1 healer into each group. then each group is responsible for itself, and helps out the other groups as a whole. Quote
suzumebachi Posted September 28, 2005 Posted September 28, 2005 YOU'RE NOT LIVNIG IN THE WORLD OF WARCRAFT, YOU'RE LIVNIG IN THE FOREST OF FEELINGS it's funny because it's true. anyways, archimonde and illidan? which do you play on more often, and which faction? Quote
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