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Really amateurish sounds with very sloppy percussion. No attention paid to balance between instruments. That hi-hat is too loud, the lead is boring, and all of the elements vy for my attention. Arrangement basically follows the progression of the original without any real interpretation.



Need someone to obtain the source material themselves, but I'm in agreement with DarkeSword all the way. The sounds are decent but basic, and could have been used more effectively. The whole thing is sloppily put together re: the sound balance, like DS also mentioned, and it just drags for 6 minutes. If anyone knows what sounds like bad FruityLoops work, it's DS due to his extensive knowledge of the programm. The song was decent and there were some decent sounds behind the muck, but the track was weak on all levels. No way around that.


  • 3 weeks later...

this may be a ways away from form-letter fodder,

but this remix lacks anything resembling a tight, cohesive sound.

clippage, way too bassy, the instruments sound cluttered and uninspired.

the tsh-ch-tschhh tsh-ch-tschhh tsh-ch-tschhh tsh-ch-tschhh of the hi-hat gets old really quick.

the break was a nice breather but then we get right back to that old pattern, blah.

take this one back to formula.



For a mix that's nearly hitting on 6 minutes, this has nowhere near the variation or quality in production that's needed to keep the listener interested.

The quality of the instruments used are very basic, the drums are repetative, and yes the hi-hats get old fast. They sounded all right initially, but they just keep going on and on. The lead is flat and basic, and the bass does get very punchy in the thicker sections of the mix (around 2:00.) There needs to be more variation in the lead to keep the interest up, having the same sound play for 6 minutes gets old. Even switching the lead to a different sound would have been welcome.

The actual arrangement is decent enough. The drums are loopy, but there are some creative breaks in there. The wavery sound at the beginning and in the middle of the mix was pretty cool. The piece stays in key and doesn't seem to have too much dissonance in it. The major problem is repetativeness. Apart from the one break in the middle of the mix, it's the same basic theme being played over and over. A mix like this doesn't need to be 6 minutes long.


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