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Remixer - Digital Connect

Real Name - Adam Fagan

Remix Info

name of game/track remixed - Lumines/Please Return my CD

additional info - for the PSP, soundtrack produced by SHinichi Osawa

This would be my first remix from using FruityLoops, getting a feel for the system, but also figuring out some nice effects. In figuring out what to do with the remix, several things became apparent here. First, Remixing anything from Lumines would be best done from a more conceptual method, since the music itself comes basically from your actions while playing the game. So overall, I decided to choose a few notable melodies from the music and to work the idea of the remix around that.

Instruments - The piano was initially without any effect, but the echo effect used properly made the melody sound much more complex than it actually is in most parts. When I first heard the sample, it did remind me of almost a softer mandolin, as well as the kind of instrument you could hear when watching something from Japan or whatnot, so I worked the idea of a japanese-like feel into the song.


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Cool, a PSP submission. Too bad the source isn't available then, though I don't need it for this.

Not a bad track, but definitely a good example of generic FL stuff. Pretty basic patterns & effects and a sparse atmosphere, it's nonetheless a lot more capably put together than some of the crudulence we've gotten in the past. The groove is even pretty decent. Conceptually, I agree with you that it fits well for something like a strategy/puzzle game where the music changes based on your actions. Overly repetitive, but cool stuff. Relaxing on some level; nice and downbeat.

The cymbal shots were probably the biggest offender as they sounded REALLY pasted on top. Other than that, the sounds here were generic but not unpleasent, for what it's worth. Nice experiment with FL, but it's nonetheless too basic in its composition and construction to have a feasible chance at passing, and that's without even factoring in how much of arrangement this may or may not be.

DarkeSword in particular may be able to give you some basic tips & tricks to mess around with for future works, but stick around and hang in the ReMixing forum to learn more about FruityLoops so you can improve your skills and try new things, Adam.



I dunno about that; I'm not really into the programming stuff with FL; I just use it as a sequencer to play my external samples. Zircon is the one to go to if you want to know more about synthesis with FL.

Anyway, yeah, the percussion is FruityLOL! Pretty weak percussion samples man. At least process them with a little reverb/EQ. :( Better yet, scrap them altogether and get some better percussion samples.

The arrangement is standard FL newbie-who-knows-how-to-compose-but-not-produce fare too; lots of pyramiding, with interesting rhythmic ideas killed by lack of decent sounds, dynamics, skillful sequencing, etc etc.

It's a good start; certainly better than my first FL song, but you still need to practice more with FL and start using some better sounds if you want to produce something that will really shine. Check out the remixing forum; there's a plethora of links there.



This mix does sound like it's utilising very basic Fruity Loops defaults. The beat is using FL-Default samples and sounds like it's had no proccessing. The koto-sounding piano is dry, even with the delay over it, it's only using very basic default settings from FL. I can't fault that since this is your first FL mix, however I recommend becoming more accustomed to the program before finalising any tracks in it. A fair bit of the OCR community use FL as their main mixer, myself and zircon included, so it might be worth reading up some tutorials and practicing some more complex processing on the instruments.

The actual arrangement is fairly simple, but it works. I could see it being an enjoyable mix with proper mastering. Since we don't have a source, I can't say whether it's because it's just a nice theme, or because of what you've done to it in the remix. Either way, it's not a bad mix, but it's not OCR-worthy either.



the G -> A bassline rhythm reminded me of 'terrible lie' so that's cool.

but i can file this into the FL NOOB category of submissions without too much difficulty.

i do like how attention was paid to the 808 parts, though.

they're nicely varied here, whereas we usually just get the same 2 bars over and over again.

so as an electro(clash) remix this could work but we need to here some more interesting stuff going on than this.

this is much too basic.


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