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My film Dust, which many of you voted for on Indiewire, is in the final 7 days of its Kickstarter. While we wanted to promote through traditional channels such as Kotaku, io9 and Gizmodo, all Gawker-owned websites have put a ban on anything related to Kickstarter. We have an article up on /r/videos and if anyone is willing to help, this could be our last chance to really get the word out. I don't know it will work, but at this point I don't know what else we can do. We have posted as much content and material about the film as we are physically able to do, balancing our time between this and our day job. The other day I put in a straight 36 hours at work trying to finish another video update but I don't think it's even going to matter how hard we work if we can't get the word out. The timing of our campaign appears to be completely terrible, but at this point we have no choice but to do what we can. I don't know if people just don't understand what we're trying to do or what we need money for, or if it's that our film sucks or just nobody is even seeing it. Kickstarter is all or nothing, so if we don't reach our Goal, even by $5, we get absolutely zero funding.

If anyone is willing to help vote us up, the link is here. This may eventually get downvoted hard but that's up to reddit.


I'm sorry to have to come here and ask you guys for help, believe me I wish I didn't have to.


I upvoted. Where can we find the rest of your content? I want to figure out what the film is about.

edit: Nevermind, found the site. Whoever you guys have for color grading and visuals in general did an amazing job. I was bothered by all the long, static shots in the teaser that didn't show much going on though. Still looks promising to me.


Hey Modus, thank you.... you can check us out here:



edit: oh nice. Yes, the film isn't finished so this is unfortunately the static footage is all we can show right now. It's a really basic teaser. The film has a looong way to go before it's complete, which is why we need help on Kickstarter and getting the word out. If we were doing a proper trailer we would want to show so much more--the city, creatures, more traveling shot... it's just so far off from being done we don't want people to see it like that.


DUDES, we just got a $1,000 contribution from someone in the uk so people are obviously responding to the movie and getting excited about it. We are on the front page of /r/videos so PLEASE upvote or even make an acct--you don't need an e-mail to do so (but DO NOT make multiple accts). We need all the help we can get staying on the front page of /r/videos but it looks like people we don't even know are starting to cross-post it.

our x-post to /r/movies


some random cross-post we just found, upvote this man too!


our x-post to /r/geek


@GravitySuitCollector -- we just saw that, thank you dude.

where in japan are you filming this?

Hey sorry, didn't see all these replies. We filmed in Shikoku, the smallest of the Japanese main islands. Thanks for your help guys. We got a huge surge of support from Reddit, we were on the front page of /r/videos for almost 48 hours. We may try to post again with 1 day left, but for now it feels too soon to post again.

There are 4 days left for Dust on Kickstarter, and a lot of people are spreading the word on facebook and twitter. We're only at 80% of our goal right now, so it's going to be close. Indiewire's project of the month is going on right now, but I'm not sure if that's more important than facebook and twitter at this point. I've already asked a lot of this community. If you still want to help, please post the Dust teaser and link to our site on fb/twitter and "like" us on fb:




Every bit helps!


Shared this with everyone who I thought would find it intriguing; I know a couple intend to donate. I would too, but the whole "I don't use credit cards/debit cards/checking" thing kind of makes that hard. :-P

One of these days (pretty soon, probably) I'll get around to getting one....

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