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OCR TF2 Server - Anyone interested in trying out TF2 should join us!

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It was unfortunately not edible! I didn't follow any sort of health code when I was making it and I didn't want to poison my classmates. It was for my digital media class. Also I used "structural gingerbread" which made it taste really bad but was really sturdy(it was 5 feet by 3 feet). It smelled amazing though, which made it tempting to eat.

  • 3 weeks later...
We've released a mandatory update for TF2. The notes for the update are below. The new version number is 2274941.



- Fixed item descriptions for Strange scores not appearing to update

- Fixed a bug where damage dealt and healing done Strange scores would stop incrementing

- Fixed an exploit where teleporters could build up a large amount of health

- Fixed a bug where premium accounts would temporarily appear to revert to free status

- Fixed deflected rocket explosion sounds playing repeatedly

- Fixed deflected Black Box rockets not giving health to the Pyro

- Fixed being able to apply the Strange Part: Buildings Destroyed tool to the Flying Guillotine

- Fixed several cosmetic items not cloaking properly for the Spy

- Added the AsiaFortress Cup Season 7 medals

- Community Request: Added SetCustomUpgradesFile input to the gamerules entity to allow servers to specify a different upgrades file

- Updated the localization files

- Updated the Eureka Effect

- Can now pickup buildings

- Repair and upgrade rates have been decreased

- Can teleport to your spawn room or your Teleporter Exit

I swear this guy waits until I'm away from my computer to push an update. I step out of my house and five minutes later, update. Oh well.

Not quite End of the Line yet, folks.

I swear this guy waits until I'm away from my computer to push an update. I step out of my house and five minutes later, update. Oh well.

Not quite End of the Line yet, folks.

That's OK, I had back to back meetings today and found out about this update right before leaving work... and was going out to dinner before work.

Luckily, the only thing that broke on any of my plugins was fixed in a SourceMod gamedata update (PropHunt's self-damage / fly).

Posted (edited)

Oh, so apparently some spookey-time super conspiracy time stuff has been added. I guess when you take a teleprompter, there is a rare chance of a bread spawning? http://i.imgur.com/C71Gasj.jpg

Also some item changes, but I'm not real sure what to make of these.Wvuj2Ki.png

EDIT: Another update got pushed when I was looking the other way.

We've released another mandatory update for TF2. The notes for the update are below. The new version number is 2276724.



- Fixed a client crash caused by failing to properly parse the item schema

- Fixed not being able to equip The Director's Vision taunt in the Action slot

- Fixed not being able to taunt with the Spy's disguise kit

- Fixed the Engineer's build menu staying open after changing class

- Fixed being charged the incorrect amount of metal for a Dispenser when The Gunslinger is equipped

- Updated the description of The High Five! Taunt to better describe the new toggle behavior

- Updated the materials for The Eureka Effect HUD to support mat_picmip

Edited by Super-Duper Sombrero

Nobody's posted this yet? For shame.


New update info (NEW TAUNTS GHURRBL), and a

Damn that's a good one. Featuring Ashley Burch as Miss Pauling. I knew I recognized that voice, but I had to look it up.

The mystery of the bread is solved! It turns out it was nothing of apparent consequence! A shocking twist, indeed!

Seriously though, Valve's films are always a treat to watch. Don't miss it.


Turns out that the explosion on pl_upward is triggered by any prop_physics entity falling into the pit, not just the cart. This includes the bread that pops out of teleporters nowadays. If this happens, the pit explodes and the cart vanishes. I think the HUD also shows the last point as being captured.

Posted (edited)
We've released a mandatory update for TF2. The notes for the update are below. The new version number is 2288628.



- Love & War Update

- Added 5 new weapons' date=' [b']15 new taunts, and 43 cosmetic items for the Love & War update

- Partner Taunts can now be performed with the opposing team

- Added a new Taunt Loadout with 8 slots so multiple taunts can be equipped at the same time

- Taunts are no longer equipped in the Action Slot

- Pressing the Taunt key in game now brings up the new Taunt Selection menu

- Pressing the taunt key while the Taunt Selection menu is open performs a weapon taunt, or joins a partner taunt

- Mann Co. Store

- Added 15 new taunts and a taunt bundle

- Added 5 new weapons and a weapon bundle

- Added 44 new cosmetics and a cosmetic bundle

- Added "Taunt" category into the store

- Added Mann Co. Stockpile Crate Key

- The "Hats" and "Misc" categories have been merged into "Cosmetics"

- Items

- Added the Mann Co. Stockpile Crate to the droplist

- Each Mann Co. Stockpile Crate can be repeatedly shuffled to contain a set of 4 possible items

- Added the Mann Co. Audition Reel. Contains taunts and a rare chance at an unusual taunt

- Updated Mann Co. Crates to display which Unusual Series they can potentially output

- Added Bread Box Special Crafting Recipe. This recipe will no longer be available after July 9th, 2014. Items from the Bread box have a chance to be strange.

- Added crafting recipes for newly added weapons

- Added Killstreak Kits to MvM for newly added weapons

- Added Oz Fortress season 11 tournament medals

- Weapon changes and updates

- With The Hitman's Heatmaker, pressing 'reload' now activates focus when it is full

- The Axtinguisher now does mini-crit damage from the front and full crit damage from behind to burning targets

- The Bushwacka can no longer randomly crit

- All mini-guns now have damage and accuracy ramp up after they start firing. Full accuracy and damage is reached 1 second after firing.

- All Demoman stickybombs now have damage ramp up. Full damage is reached 2 seconds after firing.

- Updated Loch-n-Load reload animation

- Sentry bullets are now affected by damage falloff outside of sentry scan range

- Sentry bullet damage has been changed so it calculates damage based on the sentry's position, not the Engineer's

- Misc Changes

- Updated the Halloween holiday to automatically be enabled when the server runs an _event map

- Added a check to prevent achievement announcement spam

- Converted several weapon models to use the c_models system

- Updated the localization files

- Bug Fixes

- Fixed an exploit where charging Demoman could turn more than allowed

- Fixed a bug where Halloween spellbooks were overriding PDAs and Disguise Kits

- Fixed The Director's Vision taunt not playing both variations for the Pyro

- Fixed the Pyro's spell audio not sounding like the rest of the Pyro's audio

- Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause items to unequip themselves

- Fixed a dedicated server crash related to using 'mp_forcecamera 0' with one player on the server

- Fixed a regression with the trigger_gravity entity not correctly applying its settings

- Fixed another exploit where Engineer buildings could build up a 10 amount of health

- Fixed a server performance issue related to the item_teamflag entity

- Fixed the itemtest command

- Fixed cosmetics shared between multiple classes not rendering correctly

- Updated the cosmetic item list to sort by name

- Map Fixes

- Updated cp_granary

- Removed collision from lights and small props protruding from walls

- Fixed collision on fences

- Fixed the tire props near Blu's forward spawn so players may no longer jump up to the spawn door platform

- Fixed players shooting through gaps around forward spawn doors

- Fixed door protruding through roof on Red's forward spawn

- Fixed a collision bug that gave players access to the roof above Red's spawn door

- Prevented players from building inside spawn room doors

- Adjusted area portals to improve rendering and performance

- Updated koth_harvest_final

- Added metal panel prop to Blu building, which now mirrors the jump up on the Red side

- Small performance increase through prop fade adjustments

- Players can no longer build inside spawn doors

- Updated pl_upward

- Fixed physics debris triggering the payload cart's finale explosion

(Emphasis mine)

Big update folks. Some big balance changes regarding the axetinguisher, miniguns, and stickybombs. This'll be interesting.

EDIT: Server updated, checking SM plugins for compatibility now.

Edited by Super-Duper Sombrero
Man the defecation is going to hit the ventilation on this one.

I noticed something missing from this update notes. Mainly the part where it should say that the Reserve Shooter is getting a nerf when the Pyro uses it.

Anyway, back to pushing out new a PropHunt configuration. Now that PropHunt is on my watch, we're going to make sure that new weapons are nerfed as appropriate as soon as they come out.

We've released a mandatory update for TF2. The notes for the update are below. The new version number is 2294473.



- Reverted the recent stickybomb damage ramp up change. We will continue to evaluate the use of stickybomb air detonations and potential changes to that mechanic.

- Fixed being able to taunt with enemies between spawn room doors

- Fixed a problem with The Senguko Scorcher's materials

- Updated the Towering Pillar of Summer Shades so they are marketable

- Updated the attribute description for the Back Scatter to better explain what it does

- Updated the localization files

Someone else updated before I got to it.

So it looks like they reverted the stickybomb nerf. Who is surprise?

Posted (edited)

To be honest, me. I never really liked how the Demoman could excel on both offense and defense, and his ability to lob stickies and detonate them ASAP was a large part of his offensive game. I thought it made sense to nerf that aspect in order to reign him in a bit and encourage more thoughtful sticky placement, laid in advance as traps. It also doubled by making the Demoman more vulnerable in close quarters, which makes sense given that his counter is Scout. The one part of the nerf I disagreed with was how it applied to taking out Sentries as well.

The rest of this dives into speculation with a side of ranting since I have no 6s experience, so feel free to stop reading here.

From what I understand, Demoman was limited to a single player in 6s because of a combination of high damage and simple trap creation. With 2 Demomen, a team could lock down all possible chokepoints around a given area and that's no fun for anyone. Okay, makes sense.

Now that Demoman was nerfed so that his stickies do middling damage at best in direct combat, people started acting like the sky is falling, demanding Valve roll back the change (which they did...) and some proposed a mod to do so themselves. But since the Demoman in his previous state was such a powerhouse to the point that he was explicitly limited to 1 per team, shouldn't have that been a red flag that he was perhaps too powerful? Did anyone in the comp scene suggest perhaps raising the Demoman limit to 2? (Likely not since the trap issue remains.) Or perhaps accept the idea that a 6s team wouldn't have to be Medic/Demoman/Soldierx2/Scoutx2 once one of those classes was nerfed off his pedestal? Embrace change? Explore new options? Evolve the metagame? Anything?

IDK, I'm ranting at this point, but it honestly worried me to see very little constructive feedback about the nerf. (Admittedly I don't frequent the competitive forums much so feel free to point me to reasoned arguments if they exist.) And now that it's been rolled back, I assume purely in response to the outcry, I can't help but be slightly annoyed.

Also what about Heavy's nerf? That one I can easily see room for improvement but it's been left alone.

Edited by ParanoidDrone
Posted (edited)
To be honest, me. I never really liked how the Demoman could excel on both offense and defense, and his ability to lob stickies and detonate them ASAP was a large part of his offensive game. I thought it made sense to nerf that aspect in order to reign him in a bit and encourage more thoughtful sticky placement, laid in advance as traps. It also doubled by making the Demoman more vulnerable in close quarters, which makes sense given that his counter is Scout. The one part of the nerf I disagreed with was how it applied to taking out Sentries as well.

The rest of this dives into speculation with a side of ranting since I have no 6s experience, so feel free to stop reading here.

From what I understand, Demoman was limited to a single player in 6s because of a combination of high damage and simple trap creation. With 2 Demomen, a team could lock down all possible chokepoints around a given area and that's no fun for anyone. Okay, makes sense.

Now that Demoman was nerfed so that his stickies do middling damage at best in direct combat, people started acting like the sky is falling, demanding Valve roll back the change (which they did...) and some proposed a mod to do so themselves. But since the Demoman in his previous state was such a powerhouse to the point that he was explicitly limited to 1 per team, shouldn't have that been a red flag that he was perhaps too powerful? Did anyone in the comp scene suggest perhaps raising the Demoman limit to 2? (Likely not since the trap issue remains.) Or perhaps accept the idea that a 6s team wouldn't have to be Medic/Demoman/Soldierx2/Scoutx2 once one of those classes was nerfed off his pedestal? Embrace change? Explore new options? Evolve the metagame? Anything?

IDK, I'm ranting at this point, but it honestly worried me to see very little constructive feedback about the nerf. (Admittedly I don't frequent the competitive forums much so feel free to point me to reasoned arguments if they exist.) And now that it's been rolled back, I assume purely in response to the outcry, I can't help but be slightly annoyed.

Also what about Heavy's nerf? That one I can easily see room for improvement but it's been left alone.

The pattern of players raging down any effort to balance any game feels like it's gotten more rampant recently, but it could just be awareness bias. You should see the responses to Guild Wars 2 patches (and the resulting 'fixes') sometime...

This change really did need to happen. Then again, I'm a pipe 'n' targe demo, so it doesn't exactly impact me, and I can still get crazy burst damage with direct pipe hits. In-air stickies just require relatively less aiming skill.

Edited by Kenogu Labz
We’ve released a mandatory update for TF2. The notes for the update are below. The new version number is 2298883.



- Added a new startup music track from Expiration Date

- Fixed a client crash related to the B.A.S.E. Jumper

- Fixed an exploit related to the B.A.S.E. Jumper and supply cabinets

- Updated the B.A.S.E. Jumper backpack to use an open model when the parachute is deployed

- Fixed a few crates not displaying which Unusual Series they can potentially output

- Fixed a client crash caused by applying a tool to an empty backpack slot

- Removed the shot effect for The Classic in DirectX 8

- Updated the name of The Senguko Scorcher to be The Sengoku Scorcher

- Updated the Summer Starter Kit and Summer Adventure Pack to be marketable

- Updated the localization files

Server inundated.


So I discovered what the cause of my computer problems was - a power surge wrecked havoc on my desktop. I have most of the parts replaced now (yay for essentially building a new computer), I just need to upgrade my video card and replace my hard drives & I should be good to TF2 again towards the end of the month!

  • 2 weeks later...
We've released a mandatory update for TF2. The notes for the update are below. The new version number is 2327748.



- Fixed a client crash related to particle effects

- Fixed the quickplay menu not remembering the Advanced Options settings after using the Play Beta Maps option

- Fixed the Festive Sapper not having a skin for the Blu team

- Added a new startup music track from Expiration Date

- Updated the Conga taunt to play sounds on the client instead of the server

- Updated several materials to fix issues caused by mat_picmip

- Updated the localization files

- Updated beta map pl_cactuscanyon

- Redesign of the first half of stage 2. Blu team now pushes up the first hill

- Removed the death pit in the first barn building of stage 1

- Ammo increased in stage 2

- Fixed Red building in the spawn room of stage 2

- Updated beta map rd_asteroid

- Mode changes

- Power Cores and Reactor Cores now add their point value to a team's score over time

- Reduced the rate at which points can be stolen from 15 per second to 10 per second

- Robots now heal 5 health per second to nearby friendly players

- The HUD has been reworked

- Inverted the layout to better represent the layout of the level

- Added progress bars to represent each team's score

- Potential point gains from stolen reactor cores are now visually represented on the score progress bars

- Thief icon now moves across the score board relative to the thief's position in the level

- Updated thief icon to represent both the color of the power core stolen and the color of the thief's team

- Added new strings to the win panel that explain why the team won

- Replaced the current "points being stolen" sound with a new sound

- Added better collision hulls to robot models

- Reworked robot skins to reduce similarity to the Ubercharged skin

- Sentry guns no longer target Ubercharged robots

- Map changes

- Layout has been adjusted with the overall goal of improving visibility of teammates

- Removed spawn teleporter

- Reduced map size by removing the front lobby and cave sections

- Added terrain paths on the sides of the mid bridge

- Increased width of the mid bridge

- Removed doors that locked when A and B robots were active

- Robots have been rearranged:

- A robots now roam the bridge above the water

- B robots now roam around the floor in front of the vault

- C robots now roam around the upper deck

- Added more line of sight blockers to the water room to provide better cover during combat engagements

- Reduced travel time for the water flanking route under the interior bridge

- Added a drop down to enter the water room from the front door staging area

- Increased size of the glass room near C robots to provide flanking cover to use against sentries that are placed at the corner of the upper deck

- Increased width of vault corridors

- Reworked vent route that leads to the vault' date=' no longer need to crouch jump on exit

- Moved left spawn exit forward to reduce effectiveness of spawn camping

- Added a resupply cabinet to the right side spawn exit

- Re-positioned health and ammo pickup locations

- Added ramp collision to stairs

- Changed setup time from 60 seconds to 40 seconds

- Changed power reactor max return time from 90 seconds to 60 seconds

- Fixed gap in the death pit that allowed players to survive[/quote']

Sermer Mupdaterd.

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