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Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening: Threshold of a Dream - History

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Erm..I'm not completely sure about the phase this project is in right now, but I just wanted to say that in case a song is still open, I'd love to do that. I'd prefer to do Tal Tal Mountain Range (if it's still open), but any other track is fine with me. :)

This is my latest WIP/ Remix. There's a couple more of them somewhere around here, but IMO this is the best one. It's an arrangement of 3 zelda-tracks ( from OOT), but it's rather controversive in terms of style, so see for yourself. :roll:


(the guitar part is still mostly missing though)


I'd update the site if there was happening shit. I haven't received any PM's or mails stating "Hey, here is my song, please upload it."

So there wasn't really anything to update. I don't have the time to visit here everyday to check if someone uploaded his doodle somewhere, so I can download, to upload it on the site no one ever visits - everyone already has it from the site it was originally uploaded.

Hmm, that's kinda neat, tensai. Crappy mixing, but nice arrangement...you know constrictions I've put on style and mood, though?

Yeah, I hear that a lot, nice arrangement but crappy mixing :roll:

yes, I'm aware of the style constrictions, I'll definitely be able to abide by them, and I'll pay particular attention to the mixing now :P

I was planning on doing something slow and melancholic, partially orchestral, partially slow rock, with some real solo guitar.

Hmm, that's kinda neat, tensai. Crappy mixing, but nice arrangement...you know constrictions I've put on style and mood, though?

Yeah, I hear that a lot, nice arrangement but crappy mixing :roll:

yes, I'm aware of the style constrictions, I'll definitely be able to abide by them, and I'll pay particular attention to the mixing now :P

I was planning on doing something slow and melancholic, partially orchestral, partially slow rock, with some real solo guitar.

i'll assist with the mixing half of things, if tensai writes the good arrangement. that's what taucer and i usually do.

you know, you should really use something not as annoying as putfile for this kind of stuff. even yousendit is better for this sort of thing.

  • 2 weeks later...

I have updated the first post with some relatively pertinant information, as well as removing some superfluous information.

Basically, from what I can tell:

the prophet of mephisto is done his faceshrine mix.

The joker is essentially done his dreamshrine mix.

Rexy is done her eagle tower mix.

Dafydd is done his Turtle Rock mix.

IggyKoopa is done his House by the bay mix.

Ichitootah might as well be done his Mr. Write mix. (despite the fact that it's simple, and a first wip, and I haven't seen or heard from him in a year.)

Chthonic is done his Koholint mix.

I am not satisfied with ShinnyMetal's remix. I have no solution to this problem. It is full of unnecessary repetition, and dissonance which is uncharacteristic of this project's mood.

I am not satisfied with spc1st's remix. It is far too abstract, and features very little, if any of the theme he was given.

I have yet to hear a wip from KFC (unless it's this 22 second long intro, which features none of the main theme), but he assures me that he's been workign on it...I don't know what to make of that.

I would really rather be working on my own music than remixing these songs, and so, I am releasing myself from the obligations of this project. Perhaps if I don't feel pressure to work on remixes for this project, I will put more effort into doing so.

As of today, there is no pressure to complete this project. It's almost a year old, and I don't see why it shouldn't be able to take another year or more, if it's going to take one year to get 8 satisfactory remixes of 22 tracks, with 20 remixers or so, etc.

So, finish your tracks as soon as possible. No pressure, to do it immediately (can't you guys self-start?), but DO NOT, repeat DO NOT forget about it. I am sick of remixers making good wips, and then disappearing on me. Either get it done, or go away. Remember to tell me that you're giving up though, or I'll hunt you down, and pee in your mouth. Really.



p.s. I'd really love it if this project would stop being on the threshold of a dream, and finally reach that dream stage. hm?


Hey Starky

I'm not done with my song, just almost.

Also, a warning: KFC quit my project when school started last year. Also, he's "joined" the MM4 remix project, but he "hasn't picked any songs yet", and hasn't been seen there since. He seems a bit... impulsive. You have been warned.

So, finish your tracks as soon as possible. No pressure, to do it immediately (can't you guys self-start?), but DO NOT, repeat DO NOT forget about it.

Herein lies the inherit problem with projects: They require a lot of dedication: More dedication than you seem to be willing to give at this point. If you say that you're releasing yourself from the obligations of the project, and that there's no pressure to do it immediately, you're putting the fate of the project into the hands of the remixers. You're leaving a group of people to attempt to function with very little in the way of leadership (from what I can see), which may potentially cause imminent failure of this project. instead staying on top of what your remixers are doing and ensuring the project will continue towards completion. If you want a project done, you essentially have to stay on the ball with all of your remixers and remind them, even if you're sick of it. If someone hasn't been seen in a month, drop them and find a replacement. I know it's a pain in the ass when people won't work, or when they don't work fast enough, but releasing your obligations is basically leaving the project to die. The topic may say this project is dying anyway, but you can save it: It just takes time and work on your part.

Of course, you can completely disregard what I just said and call me an idiot (which is probably true). :lol: You're free to run your project however you like, and if this is the way you want to go with it, it's your call.


I think the reason why he's not putting any pressure on us is because it hasn't helped at all so far. All deadlines have been blatantly ignored, people are dropping and joining like cheating girlfriends and so on. I think the reason why we can't just kick people is because we're afraid no one else will join. We've been sitting here for so long and no one cares about us. It's like the project is the boyfriend being cheated on and he's just too ugly and boring to have the courage to say "Enough! I've had it with you!" and go out and find someone new. After so many disappointments, I don't blame Starky for (nearly) giving up.

To me, a remix project wasn't something that should require "leadership". Remixers should consider the project an opportunity to show their skills or to develop as a remixer with the project and its deadlines being an excuse to spend more time doing so. Unfortunately, these views of mine were changed after being in this project for some time. What I have percieved as slow progress, remixer lazyness/absence and my own inability to spend more of my time working on my seemingly hopeless remix and all the problems I had learning to use Reason (many of which I still haven't overcome), along with a rather hostile atmosphere in the thread are all responsible for the fact that I'm still not done with my mix.

Starky, I know you will despise me even more after reading this post, and denounce my amazing and disgusting "flare for the dramatic", but hey, this is me. At least I haven't quit on you yet! I just work slowly. And hey, I'm almost done! WiP 9 is coming in less than... hm... 3 weeks. I PROMISE.


You work faster than I do.

I'd rather see you take forever and do a decent job, than see Shinnymetal take 3 days, and do a meh job.

Likewise, I'd rather that everyone take 3 weeks like the prophet of mephisto, and turn out somethign amazing.

But I am finding myself depressed by my feelings of obligation toward this project. I can't write my own original music, because I feel like I should be remixing first, when I don't have any original ideas for the remix.

So, since we can't work with deadlines, and we can't work without them, we get what we have here.

Edit: as yet, all replacements have ALSO disappeared, or proved unsatisfactory.


But I am finding myself depressed by my feelings of obligation toward this project. I can't write my own original music, because I feel like I should be remixing first, when I don't have any original ideas for the remix.

Yeah. I know exactly what you mean. Making music because you feel like you have to is so pointless. It's like... having sex because you feel like you have to. (Ahem. Well. :roll:) It kills the fun, and the end result is just... not worth the effort.


Too few remixers? Ugh.

If only I had become a better mixer by the time this topic came around, I would join. Well, good luck finding replacements and getting ideas for your remixes.

It's like the project is the boyfriend being cheated on and he's just too ugly and boring to have the courage to say "Enough! I've had it with you!" and go out and find someone new.

Probably because the only ones that like him are even uglier and more boring. XD

It's like the project is the boyfriend being cheated on and he's just too ugly and boring to have the courage to say "Enough! I've had it with you!" and go out and find someone new.

Probably because the only ones that like him are even uglier and more boring. XD

... I take that as an insult. ... I think.


lemon, shut up.

this is going down the tubes for one solid reason. when the project started, we didn't attract solid, dependable remixers who finish projects, normally. we attracted n00bs. Haydn, Shinnymetal, spc1st, etc.

that said, we still do have progress. 8 songs is good - we need another 4-6 for a decent project. prizm is remastering our track, it's basically done. we need the commitment to get five more songs done, and we're set. shinnymetal's track, while being quite odd, isn't really all that bad, and neither is spc1st's (i kinda like his.) that leaves three songs, approximately, from this project being completed (to an extent).

aeth, what do you have to say?


I say that 13 songs isn't enough to cover the full range of the project.

I also say that Shinnymetal's mix isn't so bad, apart from being 3 minutes too long, having one extremely low point, and being too repetitive.

I say spc1sts mix is alright, but as I say, it's not the song I asked him to do. He appears to have remixed a sound effect, which precedes the actual song, and then ignored the song.

That said, I will not include them 'Just because' if they aren't satisfactory. In their present states, they are not satisfactory.

I say, we do another canvas of the populace. If you know somebody who's bored, and doesn't suck, direct them to the first post of this thread.

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