Aetherius Posted December 10, 2005 Author Posted December 10, 2005 If you can't get on IRC, you can reach me trhough AIM. DrFrankenPhreak Usually, I'll be around to say something like 'meh, don't pay attention to what I just said' or something like that. Important news! Well, it's time to release wips. And by release, I mean 'not hide' as opposed to 'give away.' That said, We're not actually going to suddenly open the floodgates and allow all the remixes to fall into your lap. NO! We are in fact going to do nothing. Yes. Nothing. The remixers in this project are now free to post their remix wips in the wip forums here, alongside this project, and also to host their wips on vgmix or wherever. That said, Any NEW wips as of today Can be posted here (that's not compulsory, though.) Keep in mind though, that in posting your wips to places where others can comment on them, where I can't see the comments, is likely to get you comments or ideas that I may think...are not worth using. Use your better judgement, of course. What sort of thing have you been making, and what sort of thing fits into the project's guidelines, and what sort of thing do other people want to hear? I don't think I need to say that the first two elements are more important than the third, for the moment. Obviously you'll want to make something that others want to hear, yes, but don't go overhauling your song. As usual, I will still be putting my foot down every now and then to say 'holy crap, that rhodes might as well have been puked up by phil collins and used in a disney movie.' because I really fucking hate Rhodes keyboards. However, there's no accounting for taste, and you've all signed an invisible contract to say that despite there not being any accounting for taste, you will have to account for mine. The end. On a sadder note, Mr. Douggles, aka SgtRama aka Ramaniscence has decided that he will be unable to continue with the project for reasons of interestinghood. We shall see what becomes of them...*Strokes imaginary beard* in the meantime, I am forced to strike him from the list, and open up the Mysterious woods track for anyone interested. I had thought about droppping it and replacing it with Mr. Write, but as yet, I fear I will have to leave it open. After all, it is an important track. So once again, Mysterious woods is now free, SgtRama has droped the project, and you are free to release your wips.
Aetherius Posted December 11, 2005 Author Posted December 11, 2005 I've just given KungFuChicken the Mysterious Woods theme, and now the Last battle is free.
Aetherius Posted December 12, 2005 Author Posted December 12, 2005 Bump. Someone pay attention to us! We're cool, right?
ShinnyMetal Posted December 12, 2005 Posted December 12, 2005 we are so totally friggin awesome...I..think
Lemonectric Posted December 12, 2005 Posted December 12, 2005 Well, you're way cooler than I'll ever be. Yay WIPs! I love the last battle theme. Why is it open?? *cries*
Rexy Posted December 12, 2005 Posted December 12, 2005 Because it's not a popular choice, we think O_o I'm still working on mine; getting a little rough considering my going home situation on friday, but we'll see what happens from here. Elements of composition are pushing on well on my side of the gray collab too, and I hope to have something presentable by this weekend.
Eposhark Posted December 13, 2005 Posted December 13, 2005 My parents want more wips of the mixers. It's doesn't matter you got only a little further. It's just so we can listen to it, and then tell you if you own - or suckkckck. I look forward to it.
Aetherius Posted December 13, 2005 Author Posted December 13, 2005 that was one of the most bizarre posts ever... Make mixes. Join the project. I'll love you forever. maybe.
Spc1st Posted December 13, 2005 Posted December 13, 2005 Well, if you are still taking participants, I can give the Last Boss theme a shot if no one else wants to.
prophetik music Posted December 13, 2005 Posted December 13, 2005 Well, if you are still taking participants, I can give the Last Boss theme a shot if no one else wants to. hey, another RA mixer!
Aetherius Posted December 13, 2005 Author Posted December 13, 2005 Well, if you are still taking participants, I can give the Last Boss theme a shot if no one else wants to. got an audition piece?
Aetherius Posted December 13, 2005 Author Posted December 13, 2005 doublepost'd! uhm, News: Spc1st, after showing me a rather nice arrangement of one of my favourite themesongs from one of my favourite shows that made me cry like a baby has been given the Last battle. Now, just so everyone knows...we still don't have anybody doing turtle rock...Which means....I'll probably have to do it myself. Just for the record, if any of you have songs that are overly repetitive, rather than seek to find ways that will make the song be not as repetitive, an alternative method would also be to make your remix short. This would allow us to fit all of the 18 tracks we have so far fit onto one CD. That said....don't all of you go shortening your songs on me, jerks. I've already mentioned to shinnymetal that he ought to shorten some parts of his, and I know that if I'm forced to do turtle rock, it'll probably end up being pretty short too. so, everyone do your best. Gao.
Lemonectric Posted December 13, 2005 Posted December 13, 2005 He said probably around March. Hopefully a little sooner, though.
Aetherius Posted December 13, 2005 Author Posted December 13, 2005 any idea when this will be finished? *shakes fist* It'll be finished when people take the empty songs and finish them!
Hadyn Posted December 14, 2005 Posted December 14, 2005 When you say "short", what time do you mean, roughly? Like, 3 mins? Or shorter? 2? What's the shortest a mix should be? Mine should fairly easily break 3 mins, but I'm just curious to know for sure.
Aetherius Posted December 14, 2005 Author Posted December 14, 2005 When Isay short, I mean between about 2 and a half minutes to 6 minutes. Longer than six minutes is bordering on hogging everyone else's time.
Lumpy_Otaku Posted December 14, 2005 Posted December 14, 2005 I can't wait until this is finished. Best of luck finding people to fill empty slots.
The Joker Posted December 14, 2005 Posted December 14, 2005 Mine is around... 3:09 right now. It's fairly minimalist, & ambient. I haven't settled on percussion yet, but I'm thinking filtered spy-ish drums. Anyway, it's past the 3 minute mark.
Aetherius Posted December 14, 2005 Author Posted December 14, 2005 I'd say everyone should shoot for around 4 minutes, give or take.
Spc1st Posted December 14, 2005 Posted December 14, 2005 Well, I'll get the ball rolling I guess - here's what I've sketched out of the Last Battle remix so far: The bright-side of insomnia
Aetherius Posted December 14, 2005 Author Posted December 14, 2005 Well. The thing about that mix is that it's well arranged...but it's using some really...not good horn sounds. The drums are alright, but as I usually end up finding myself saying...Almost all of this stuff sounds like a General MIDI soundbank. ...Unless of was your plan to write in midi first... Either Way, I think if you gave your project files (depending on what you're using to make this) to someone-- i.e. me-- they could switch up some of the sounds so that they come out sounding less synthesized. I also think that some of your brass stabs could be replaced by a live guitar, if someone else were interested....i.e. me. Of course, if this is just preliminary, allow me to add ketchup to the foot in my mouth.
Spc1st Posted December 14, 2005 Posted December 14, 2005 Funny you should mention that - nearly all the samples were actually from the Konkakt 2 Libary (the percussion sets used Sam Demos, and the ensemble strings is some freebie I've found somewhere). I guess it might be that I haven't quite gotten the hang of effectively using them - especially the VSL ones with their "stuffy" ambience and perhaps overly specialized articulations; I've stuck with the "sfz" ones for the brass hits for convenience, though I'll try to see if the other articulations provide for more realism. I'm using Sonar to make this, but here's the MIDI version (stripped of the non-GM percussion). As for the guitar thing, if you can pull off those chords, give it a try and we can see how turns out.
Ichitootah Posted December 16, 2005 Posted December 16, 2005 You're capable of much more than this sound quality and much richer texture with Kontakt 2. The composition sounds good, I don't know what to say really. Needs more equalizing and effects work most likely, but pretty good job so far with the arrangement.
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