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Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening: Threshold of a Dream - History

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Just for a bit of overkill, If The Prophet of Mephisto's derision wasn't enough for you:

The website is useless. There's no info on it that's not in the first post, and all the info in the first post is up to date, and important. So read the first post. Read it, and read it again, and then learn english, and read it again. That is all.


We need more mixers, and we need more of the mixers I have listed actually informing me that they're working. So, if you're a mixer listed on this project, just drop a post that says that you're actually doing something, or at least planning.

Once we have that sorted out, we'll know who's doing what, and we can get out of the requests forum and into general discussion.


I'm planning to get the last track to be a collaborative remix between a couple of the mixers.

Primarily, I would like one person (preferably not me) to do a basic lay-down of the whole song, say on piano, (I'm looking at you Iggy) and then the other remixers can add parts like guitars or synths, or beats to it that will improve the mix and flesh it out. That way, We'll have something fittingly climactic for the end. I'm looking for Epic and exciting without being frenetic or eccentric.

In mind, I have Iggy (on piano), MagiNinja (on violin), Myself (on atmosphere and percussion, possibly guitar) and Maybe Taucer or Prophet of Mephisto on guitars and saxophone respectively. If anybody on the project is interested, and if anyone who can contribute live instruments is interested, let me know, and we'll get on that.

This idea is secondary to the remixing of all other tracks. SO, Primarily, work on your own track, and in the off time, or when you're done, work on this track.

Wait until I've secured a person for the main-layout, though.

That is all.


I'm planning to get the last track to be a collaborative remix between a couple of the mixers.

Primarily, I would like one person (preferably not me) to do a basic lay-down of the whole song, say on piano, (I'm looking at you Iggy) and then the other remixers can add parts like guitars or synths, or beats to it that will improve the mix and flesh it out. That way, We'll have something fittingly climactic for the end. I'm looking for Epic and exciting without being frenetic or eccentric.

In mind, I have Iggy (on piano), MagiNinja (on violin), Myself (on atmosphere and percussion, possibly guitar) and Maybe Taucer or Prophet of Mephisto on guitars and saxophone respectively. If anybody on the project is interested, and if anyone who can contribute live instruments is interested, let me know, and we'll get on that.

This idea is secondary to the remixing of all other tracks. SO, Primarily, work on your own track, and in the off time, or when you're done, work on this track.

Wait until I've secured a person for the main-layout, though.

That is all.


i can do vocals, also, if you need them. I've got a lower voice, but i can still help out. also, I can do bass guitar, if we so feel the urge.


if you are relativley new to the mixing community, is it alright if you submit a WIP as your audition due to lack of other material to submit?

edit: by WIP I mean a WIP of the song you want to mix for this project, not some random WIP.


ok, so I managed to get in contact with Gray concerning the collaborative effort.

<Rexy> vgmix: rock bias or pure coincidence?

<Rexy> if it is, I need to collab with prizm :P

<Rexy> speaking of collabs, got any thoughts on what tracks we might do together for the link's awakening project?

<GrayLightning> i thought you already picked it

<GrayLightning> ?

<Rexy> nah, I thought you said that we need to figure out what to do together

<GrayLightning> hmm

<GrayLightning> when is this due again

<GrayLightning> i should find time to listen to the soundtrack

<Rexy> the first WIP date is dec 10

<GrayLightning> but worst case scenario, i'm willing to do whatever one you want

We discussed ideas on how to put the mix together, and in what style too. I have a feeling we might do Tail Cave, although the word is still waiting to be official on what track we're doing.

But as soon as more info is available, we'll be back in touch :)

if you are relativley new to the mixing community, is it alright if you submit a WIP as your audition due to lack of other material to submit?

edit: by WIP I mean a WIP of the song you want to mix for this project, not some random WIP.

That's fine, but I would worry that being so new, you might not have the skills required for this scale of project...

however, that's not to say I won't check out your wip :)

Rexy and Gray:

Just pick a flippin' song, and be awesome. If you have time, though, rexy...I'd like for you to do an Eagle Tower Remix too, though, cause...like...damnit, I want someone good to do it. haha.

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