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Would anyone be interested in doing a Pokemon G/S album?

When Missingno Tracks came out, only about 6 or 7 songs from Gold/Silver were included. While the songs were very, very well done, some being my favorite on the album, I feel like it could/should be represented better! I originally was going to do a solo album myself, but I think this could work strongly as a community-made album. Styles and track list could be decided later if said interest could be generated, but I figured I'd find out how people would like a Gold/Silver album.

So, who'd wanna do it?


Maybe. We'll see. By OCR's standards, Pokémon's got a lot of remixes. For now, I'd love to see Pikmin or Luigi's Mansion or Fire Emblem get some attention. Or maybe an album of songs from Mario RPGs

Would anyone be interested in doing a Pokemon G/S album?

When Missingno Tracks came out, only about 6 or 7 songs from Gold/Silver were included. While the songs were very, very well done, some being my favorite on the album, I feel like it could/should be represented better! I originally was going to do a solo album myself, but I think this could work strongly as a community-made album. Styles and track list could be decided later if said interest could be generated, but I figured I'd find out how people would like a Gold/Silver album.

So, who'd wanna do it?

Depends on when it's happening. If it's something that's happening not very soon then I will be happy to help because by then I hope to have improved at music immensely and I would love to do a piano rendition of the Lance/Red battle theme I have been working on.

Gen 2 is overrepresented as it is. It got a third (10 of 28 ) of The Missingno Tracks, and there are other albums that cover Gen 2 even more.

Golden Sun And Silver Moon, which covers most of the series, but also has a lot of GSC. 9 remixes from Gen 2, to be exact. And then there's THE MEDLEY OF POKéMON RGBY+GSC -3PBs-. Lots of bass and not much in the way of remixing, but it's almost half GSC music.

Hell, even Pokemon Reorchestrated has some GSC stuff in it, but it's less remixes as it is orchestral versions, similar to what you might find in a movie soundtrack or concert.

I do have plans for a sequel album, of course... but we'll see how the GameBoy one goes first. I call tell you right now that I already have some GCS themes picked out for it, though.


I was going to suggest a MissingNo sequel as opposed to a G/S album. Glad to see it's already being considered. The other games have a lot of great music that MissingNo missed out on. Sootopolis comes to mind, as does Eterna City. And it seems everyone forgot all about the Orre Region, home to some of the best music in the franchise!


Personally I think Black and White has some of the best music in the series.

Truly returning to the melodic stylings of the earlier games. However, this isn't sustained as much throughout.


Pity. I love Village Bridge to the point where I play the game just to go there and listen. Heh.

I think the plan is to call it the Special Pikablu Edition, actually.

DING DING DING! Exactly. Specifically, "The Missingno Tracks: Special Pikablu Edition" like the English language version of Yellow was titled.

I was going to suggest a MissingNo sequel as opposed to a G/S album. Glad to see it's already being considered. The other games have a lot of great music that MissingNo missed out on. Sootopolis comes to mind, as does Eterna City. And it seems everyone forgot all about the Orre Region, home to some of the best music in the franchise!

There is only one good thing about Orre, and that is Miror B. Everything else sucks.

thing about that entire series. Even his pokémon dance to it. See?


But yes, there could be some in there. Remixers on my projects are free to choose their source materials, provided it doesn't go against any rules set up specifically for that project (for style, content, etc.)

Maybe. We'll see. By OCR's standards, Pokémon's got a lot of remixes. For now, I'd love to see Pikmin or Luigi's Mansion or Fire Emblem get some attention. Or maybe an album of songs from Mario RPGs

I put my support for Fire Emblem. It's one of my favorite series of games and there is only one remix on the site.

Personally I think Black and White has some of the best music in the series.

Truly returning to the melodic stylings of the earlier games. However, this isn't sustained as much throughout.


Pity. I love Village Bridge to the point where I play the game just to go there and listen. Heh.

I too would love to see Black and White get some love on the site. The Missingno tracks was created in celebration of the games release, so I see it only fitting that some of Black and Whites tracks get some remix action, most notably the Ending theme!

I do have plans for a sequel album, of course... but we'll see how the GameBoy one goes first. I call tell you right now that I already have some GCS themes picked out for it, though.

Well, in that case, nevermind. I thought it was said and done for Pokemon albums.

If they didn't say that for the Sonic ones, I don't see why it would be so for any other ones.

Well those were for individual games, this was a series project. However, if BadAss is getting a sequel, I suppose I shouldn't have ruled it out.


Does Special Pikablu Edition have any specific goal at the moment? I know D/P and B/W could use some remixes, but I think at this point, a Pokémon spinoff album would be much more fun. Colosseum, Snap, Mystery Dungeon, there's a lot of great Pokémon music to be heard outside of the main regions.

Dude. Mystery Dungeon needs it's OWN project. The soundtracks are incredible.

It is also, to this day, the only game to ever make me cry. (Which generally isn't hard.)

And the album will be called: "Dungeons and Dragonites"!

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