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GOT! Needed 250 votes to contend for $250K grant (Keep voting!)

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My friend's small business is applying for a 250k grant. One of the requirements for being elligible is having 250 votes on facebook. We are most of the way there, we just need a little push to the finish line. I've been trying to refrain from posting here but voting ends at 9PM Pacific, which is kind of close. They are awarding 12 grants to small businesses across the country, and due to the fact that we've just released our first game and it has a 4 star rating on the app store, I think there's a possibility we'll make the top 12. We do visual effects, 3D animation, film production, and most recently game development. Despite having big name clients we are in fact a very small operation that wants to branch out into original content. This would be a huge opportunity to make our own game and have some extra budget to finish Dust, our proof-of-concept short film set in a world of rapid evolution and speciation. I deeply appreciate the help I have received here in the past and I hope I can trouble you less with this stuff in the future.

If you have 30 seconds to help, please go to:

1. https://www.missionsmallbusiness.com/

2. Click the blue “LOG IN & SUPPORT” button (use facebook log in)

2. Search for EMBER LAB and hit vote

You can check out our reel here: http://www.emberlab.com/

(just click "reel").

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