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So I went back and listened to my Aquatic Ambiance remix from a while back. I heard a bunch of things I could improve on (also I have subwoofers now, which really helps). So I decided to remake it, except better.


Remix: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/37768120/ambient%20robots.mp3

Be extremely nit-picky and harsh! Point out anything you don't like or you think could be better.

Update 2

-Messed with the drums a bit

-Main lead synth has slightly more vibrato

Update 1

-took the resonance off the filter at the beginning

-made the lead synth less ear-piercing

-cleaned up the solo synth a bit

-cut out a few measures in a couple spots - tell me if this messes up the flow of anything!


I had listened to this a couple of days ago when you uploaded it. Had a lot of little things to say about it, so was waiting till I could organize all my thoughts.

Overall it's pretty good, nothing stands out as being too out of place or awkward sounding. With the good out of the way, here's the criticism:

- On your intro sweep, lower the resonance a bit. once it starts reaching 2k-500 it tends to sound too sharp.

- Your lead @ 0:55. Hmm, it sounds slightly too distant. Too unsure of itself. It doesn't want to stand out and take lead, but it doesn't want to hide in the background and blend with the pads. I'd probably lowpass it a little bit and make it blend the background a bit more. It also has too strong of a release or decay that's really noticeable when the notes play quick quarter notes (1:07). I suppose the synth itself could use more tweaking in that regards.

- Your main lead. Like the intro pad, when it swells the 1k~ freq get to be really sharp and piercing. Slight eqing or lowering a res should fix it. Possibly lowering the volume a bit too.

- The lead at 3:47, which I'm assuming is the same lead at 0:55, works better here. Same issue with the decay or release. It also has some attack on it that I don't think quite works, as in some places it sounds slightly off.

- Drums drums drums. It's minimal sounding. I think it works with the piece. They do tend to get a little boring as the song progresses though, since you're using pretty much the same 3 samples (kick snare hat) through-out the majority of the song.

I feel the song itself could use some trimming too, clocking in at just over 6 minutes. If you condense it to something like 4, I think it would make the mix sound a lot stronger.

Beyond that, it's a pretty good OC contender. You added your little spin to the arrangement which I'm sure the jdgfgts are looking for. Little more polishing in the mixing, and I think you're golden.


Little to add to what skryp already said. Your leads need work. Sweet soundscaping. Drums get boring, some additional minimalist synth drums would be cool. Original intro, conservative parts, long remix, a part I recognize but don't know where (could be way later in the same source, could be another dkc source, or something else, idunno, can't remember, too lazy to check...), rewritten source (which is too quiet, btw), the same unknown part again, and end.

Yeah, still agreeing with skryp, a pretty good shot at getting posted, tho not without its flaws.


I really liked the laid back feel to this track. I'm not even really sure what to call it but, the moving synth line really gives it a lot of uniqueness that's still reminiscent of the original track and it keeps everything flowing and moving while still being calm.

That feeling grinds to a halt though at 1:10 and doesn't pick back up until the drums pick back up around 1:30. My suggestion would be to keep the drums going at 1:10 and let them lay back and provide the drive while nothing else is really going on. Taking away that low synth sound only will take out a lot of the drive but not all so you'll still get some dynamic feel to it.

The spot around 2:30 is a nice change of pace. I like what you did with the melody here and it really feels like the track is about to pick up into something with a bit more energy, especially with the part at 3:05. That gets stopped again though a little after, going back to being really chilled out and picking up the pace into the reprisal of 2:30 where the energy is back (and it's back into what I think is the best part of your mix).

In summary, I think you have a lot of good parts going here and some really cool, serene sounds that are really relaxing to listen to. The issue that I want to highlight is how the tracks energy and drive feel really jagged at times, which really messes with the flow of the sound. There also is a really large range between your maximum/minimum drive in the track. I feel like if you would reduce that range a bit, the changes would feel less jagged and the track would be able to have a better flow. Other than that though, I agree with the others that you've got a really strong contender for a submission.


Nice mix!

The first lead is good but I feel you could add more vibrato or effects on the long notes. Also, they kind of fade away too fast. Maybe add a little delay?

There is a bass note at about 3:15 that irks me a bit. I think it is intentional though. Tbh I think the bass line could be slightly better. The octave at 3:23 sounds a bit odd, I would make it return to the low note. Some bass notes are cut a bit too early too. I like the lead in this section, and the drums changing is also cool.

I'm just being nitpicky on my comments though, since I really like how this sounds!


I dig it!!

The first lead is good but I feel you could add more vibrato or effects on the long notes. Also, they kind of fade away too fast. Maybe add a little delay?

I agree with both suggestions here; vibrato and a bit of delay could definitely make that lead sound more interesting. Also, nice bass! Is it a plugin, or what? Love how it sounds.


Another update!

-Messed with the drums a bit

-Main lead synth has slightly more vibrato

This is the point where the song enters mod review stage, but a mod already reviewed it! I'm not sure if that counts or not. :P


Good job!

However, It's not easy love it because the several great Aquatic Ambience remixes I have heard.

So, I would like to listen some extra effects, some minimal details here and there that provides little surprises to the listener.

I like the song, but I think it is a little boring and sleepy.

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