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It sounds very eerie and I like how it starts off with very silient and grows in volume. I like the background chant-like noise. But would say that the bass is a little higher than it should be. Around the 2:30 mark is when it gets really good.

I would also say that it changes into a different type of music syle, like rock-type style and then a guitar playing, it just doesn't keep the flow for the song and will distract the listener when they switch. It's like when a song stops suddenly for the ending and switches to the next song, it's similar to that, in my opinion anyway.


Wow I love this!

My only complaint is that, like korak said, the acoustic guitar is just completely out of place. I think you should just take it out and work on a transition for the gap.

But seriously, nice job! :-D


I honestly liked the transition, it was pretty sweet, it just doesn't feel like the acoustic guitar should have taken up all the space like that so suddenly. Maybe have the chords it plays come in a bit earlier or something.

Also, you could try maybe playing a filtered drum groove over that section. IDK if it'd work, that idea just sort of stuck in my head. If you don't do anything though, I won't hate you. This is a good remix overall, and the transition didn't bother me too much.

Thank you so much for picking this source! Happens to be one of my favorite by Kenji Yamamoto, and the Remix itself is absolutely awesome. Very well produced, and fun to listen to.


Very nicely built atmosphere.

I think one thing kinda glares (not what everyone else talking about)... The highhats... Or the initial ones... Just a little more velocity tempering could help them blend a tiny bit more, I know what you're going for w/ them but the water-sprinkler effect in some places just stood out to me.

Also this song is very slow... It takes a long time to build... It's nicely done, peaceful... But it's missing something... It took a bit for me to figure out what, but I think it's an instrument or something that will keep it all cohesive as a package... It sectionizes too much I think... So to counter that, maybe pick out a synth lead (something real subdued) and have it playing throughout most of the song, however you want... It needs to be something distinctive that carries everything.

I don't really know how to describe what I mean here, but maybe just experimenting w/ this idea, you can see what I mean.

Also maybe the tempo overall is a LITTLE too slow... I don't think it could hurt to get a bit more pacing into the piece w/ a slight tempo alteration... And also maybe some rhythmic synths could help keep it from being sluggish (more than what you already have going)

I agree about the acoustic guitar, out of place. Maybe some weird filtering on it (hate to say it) could help it sound more like a Metroid instrument... Also IMO you could certainly introduce guitar elements before this part, and that could be the "cohesive" instrument that you may be looking for.

ANyway, just brainstorming some ideas for you. Good luck in however you approach this!

Thanks for doing that dude! Much better transition IMO.

You gotta post the final version when this is done (if this isn't it). <3 this remix.

It's pretty much done. If I can think of little tweaks going forward I'll make them, but I'm pretty comfortable sticking a fork in it. On to the next tune.


Wow, so, this is awesome dude. The only thing I have to complain about is the lead about halfway through. I'd like to see either more reverb, sine accompaniment (similar to the actual game OST), or maybe just a sine lead taking that line. If it's the same lead after the guitar part, it works really well, I'm just not too fond of it at the halfway point.

This is awesome man, reeks of detail and atmosphere. Love all the subtle glitches and the crushed stuff in the beginning. Awesome work!


EDIT: do you intend to sub this?


I applaud anyone with the nads to remix the Prime trilogy, it's very tough. The soundtrack was already perfectly suited and the music so ambient that changing anything seems to detract from the original form, so when I see it accomplished I smile very stupidly, and you should too...wait...you know what I mean. It's good, very good. And the guitar works, it's what you wanted, it worked. Kudos.

BTW, is it supposed to stop so abruptly? If it is, SWEET! If not, DONT keep working on it!

Can't believe there were people who disliked the guitar section.

It wasn't that I disliked the guitar section. I was that it seemed to break the flow of the song. It doesn't anymore. The song is alot better than the original post of it.

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