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Contact Information

Your ReMixer name

PsyNES & Elrinth

Your real name

Jari & Nicklas

Your userid (number, not name) on our forums, found by viewing your forum profile

PsyNES = 20309

Elrinth = 23898

Submission Information

Name of game(s) arranged

Mega Man 2

Name of arrangement

Acid Flashbacks (MM2 Flash Man ReMix)

Name of individual song(s) arranged

Flash Man Stage

Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc.

Elrinth picked up one of my unfinished remixes and merged it together. Then he send it back to me and I got pepped and made the rest of the tune awesome.

We made this with Renoise and this is a taste of what's to come under 2012.


  • 4 weeks later...

Quite the attention-grabbing intro and build. A little cramped at :56 when the melody kicked in at and the soundscape was at its fullest. I do wish this had more high-end frequencies for a sharper overall sound. Not a big deal, and one's mileage may vary.

Really awesome combination of chiptune sounds with modern instrumentation and techniques to create some intriguing textures. Loved all the tasteful SFX touches as well.

Never a dull moment with this one; things NEVER stopped evolving with this arrangement. All panel votes should be this fun to listen to and this easy to make a decision on. Brilliant concepts and execution with this one, Jari and Nicklas! :-)


  • 2 weeks later...

Right off the bat, my interest is definitely captured with your energetic and lively writing. Even though things stay relatively simple, and there's not very many instruments going at once, the overall balance/levels sounds pretty pleasing. Fun transitions all across the board, you really cover a TON of ground before the track is over.

Very cool hybrid style, I don't have much to say here but what I'm hearing definitely sounds over the bar to me. Had a lot of fun listening to this!



Yup, loving the energy. Loved that little trasition to the melody at :58. Really liking the energy here. Bass sequencing really shined at places 1:32 - I love the little details thrown here to move the root note and give a bit more interest to the section. SFX were sprinkled throughout, but felt tastefully done.

This arrangement makes me think of some of the old school ocr tunes, but with a facelift in the production and some instrumentation. As Larry said, never a dull moment here.

Good stuff guys. I want moar.



Yes I like it.

Fun, energetic, nostalgic... yep its awesome, I love the creative touches on the arrangement, and the production is pretty steller.

Wished it had a better, more creative ending, but thats a small needle in a haystack of awesome.

Submit moar plz, this is great.


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