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Motorstorm wasn't given any kind of chance even though it was a truly kickass game.

Tabula Rasa's problems are well documented.

COH had a decent run but they shouldn't be giving up on it. My experiences with NC soft have been bad. Not the games themselves but the main company itself. They've just really done a disservice to mmo players.


Motor Storm, Tabula Rasa, now COH. May NC soft finally fall it has destroyed three incredible games.

Never Mind...GW and GW2...it'll never die. Ugh. These guys are nearly as bad as EA and people pay for their games...

In other news Funcom is in serious trouble after TSW is severely underperforming.

^ implies CoH was a good game


It was good for the first couple of hours of gameplay.

It got very repetitive, very quick.

wait are we talking about city of heroes or are we talking about every single mmo ever made

There was a car based MMO that was pretty damned original, Post apocolyptic earth. I forget what its name was.

I would be interested if you end up remembering the name of it.

The only other car based MMO I have experienced was Drift City through.

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