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so it's time for YE OLDE WINTER BULKE!

I have increased my calories to a 400 cal daily surplus and already have seen huge increases in gym performance. I am hoping for some exciting PR's in the net few months, and am feeling pumped to give it a strong shot. Shoulders, back, and arms are my main focus, as I am hoping to compete in May, and my chest and legs are in a pretty good spot for that. I have never actually trained arms isolated, which is why they are somewhat lagging compared to other stuff, but I think I will get there!

so it's time for YE OLDE WINTER BULKE!

I have increased my calories to a 400 cal daily surplus and already have seen huge increases in gym performance. I am hoping for some exciting PR's in the net few months, and am feeling pumped to give it a strong shot. Shoulders, back, and arms are my main focus, as I am hoping to compete in May, and my chest and legs are in a pretty good spot for that. I have never actually trained arms isolated, which is why they are somewhat lagging compared to other stuff, but I think I will get there!

Yay for calorie surplus! I'm just about to finish up prep for the Six Month Before/After challenge on Fitocracy, so after I take my pic in about a week, I'll be joining you. I'm doing the Jim Stoppani "7 Scientific Steps to a Camera-Ready Body." Sodium-loading and cutting, carb-cutting and loading, water loading and cutting, the whole nine yards. We'll see how well it works.

Yay for calorie surplus! I'm just about to finish up prep for the Six Month Before/After challenge on Fitocracy, so after I take my pic in about a week, I'll be joining you. I'm doing the Jim Stoppani "7 Scientific Steps to a Camera-Ready Body." Sodium-loading and cutting, carb-cutting and loading, water loading and cutting, the whole nine yards. We'll see how well it works.

oh interesting, i'd love to hear your opinions on the different aspects of it, and what worked/failed for you, etc. :-)


Yes count me as interested as well! And I'm excited to see what PRs you get, OA; it's been over 140 days of cutting for me... I must bulk vicariously through you.

Speaking of cutting, last update I posted I was at 181.8. Now I'm at 176 pounds and still dropping (though 176 has been a tricky plateau). I'm also ecstatic that size 36 pants are way too big for me now. I'm easily a size 34 - for the first time in my adult life - and even with that I need a belt.

Other fun news: I came in 1st place in the mixed doubles tournament at my local badminton club. Last year I came in 15 out of 16 so I'm very happy about that. I attribute it partially to improvements in general skill, hand-eye etc, but mainly to way better conditioning.

Yes count me as interested as well! And I'm excited to see what PRs you get, OA; it's been over 140 days of cutting for me... I must bulk vicariously through you.

Speaking of cutting, last update I posted I was at 181.8. Now I'm at 176 pounds and still dropping (though 176 has been a tricky plateau). I'm also ecstatic that size 36 pants are way too big for me now. I'm easily a size 34 - for the first time in my adult life - and even with that I need a belt.

Other fun news: I came in 1st place in the mixed doubles tournament at my local badminton club. Last year I came in 15 out of 16 so I'm very happy about that. I attribute it partially to improvements in general skill, hand-eye etc, but mainly to way better conditioning.

That is awesome progress, being aware and consistent is super powerful, and having a sort of 'trophy' for your efforts in CRUSHING THE COMPETITION at badmitten is a good reward. :-)

Speaking of cutting, last update I posted I was at 181.8. Now I'm at 176 pounds and still dropping (though 176 has been a tricky plateau). I'm also ecstatic that size 36 pants are way too big for me now. I'm easily a size 34 - for the first time in my adult life - and even with that I need a belt.

That is some quality, steady progress my friend. Kudos for scaling (dropping off?) the plateau. I will definitely let you guys know how well the 7-step plan works. Taking the photos Oct. 7.


I'm down to 161 lbs from an all time high of 195 lbs. My pants don't fit no'mo. I can only imagine what would happen if I started doing more strength exercises.


Does anyone else have, like, outdated body images of themselves? Despite working our regularly and having more muscle mass than ever in the past, I still feel like the skinny teenager I used to be. Not complaining or anything, I just find it strange how I hang onto things from the past.

Does anyone else have, like, outdated body images of themselves? Despite working our regularly and having more muscle mass than ever in the past, I still feel like the skinny teenager I used to be. Not complaining or anything, I just find it strange how I hang onto things from the past.

You aren't alone, I honestly don't even really know what i look like right now, as ridiculous as that sounds.

I'm down to 161 lbs from an all time high of 195 lbs. My pants don't fit no'mo. I can only imagine what would happen if I started doing more strength exercises.

You would go back up to about 170 (muscle gained) within a couple of months with heavy resistance training and proper eating.

Oh newb gains, how I miss thee.

New personal records at the gym today!!! So happy, especially considering I've been cutting for ~150 days now.

* Bench press: 6 reps @ 180

* Squat: 6 reps @ 280

* Deadlift: 8 reps @ 190 (first time doing them, so PR by default :P)

Yay deads! Work your everything in one movement. Strong PRs, too. Be proud of your squat/bench separation, my current (more like six weeks ago) 5 rep max is 230 for BOTH exercises. My squat got a really late start compared to my bench though, because I was never properly taught about any leg exercises. At all. (Thank you high school and college "lifting coaches" who were more clueless than Professor Plum).

Go, Zoltan! Run and stuff. I get along with long-distance running like a bad mexican lunch gets along with heavy squats. But kudos to you!


I finally got a barbell. I've been doing dumbbell bench presses but have maxed out the weight I have. I am not comfortable trying a barbell bench press without a rack to hold it, though. So in the meantime I think I'm going to try deadlifts. I'm a little concerned though because I have a 10-year history of bad backs. Is a properly done deadlift hard on the lower back?

I finally got a barbell. I've been doing dumbbell bench presses but have maxed out the weight I have. I am not comfortable trying a barbell bench press without a rack to hold it, though. So in the meantime I think I'm going to try deadlifts. I'm a little concerned though because I have a 10-year history of bad backs. Is a properly done deadlift hard on the lower back?

Yes and no. The majority of the load is placed on the hamstrings, but if done correctly, there is a chance you will have typical muscle soreness in your lower back for a few days after, depending on the strength of your lower back. With your history I'd say that's more likely a guarantee you would be sore.

Just be very careful and ensure your form is good; watch videos and have someone knowledgeable critique your form. One of the most common errors that leads to back issues is having the bar too far away from your legs, for example.

If you really want to mitigate back problems as much as possible, look into sumo deadlifts. They put a bit less pull on the back and a bit more on the inner thighs and glutes. You could also do rack pulls (deadlifts from a height above the floor) to get leg activation with less back action.

Yes and no. The majority of the load is placed on the hamstrings, but if done correctly, there is a chance you will have typical muscle soreness in your lower back for a few days after, depending on the strength of your lower back. With your history I'd say that's more likely a guarantee you would be sore.

Just be very careful and ensure your form is good; watch videos and have someone knowledgeable critique your form. One of the most common errors that leads to back issues is having the bar too far away from your legs, for example.

If you really want to mitigate back problems as much as possible, look into sumo deadlifts. They put a bit less pull on the back and a bit more on the inner thighs and glutes. You could also do rack pulls (deadlifts from a height above the floor) to get leg activation with less back action.

I don't mind being muscle sore, in fact strengthening my lower back muscles would probably be desirable. I just don't want to be out of commission for days from lifting heavy shit badly, which is how it always happens. So yea, I definitely want to get the form correct.

Posted (edited)

Double-post: got my pics ready for the 6 month challenge. Check it out, guize!

Edit: Hmmm...pics not working. Does the site have issues with DropBox links or something? Anyone know why they won't show up?

Edited by Soul Splint
This happens to me pretty frequently, so it's a good chance that was the culprit.

I am definitely sore from deadlifts on Monday. particularly in my legs which I usually neglect, but also in the back. that's ok with me, means it's working a lot of things that I usually don't.

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