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I've now been steadily hovering from 80-100 grams of protein a day. (I weigh 130.6, so that's anywhere from .61g / lb to .76g / lb)

Going to be buying some greek yogurt when I get more food money from the parents, then I can make my calories more efficient (instead of what I'm doing right now, which is eating cookies when I'm below TDEE). I have to say, after getting through that "COUNTING CALORIES IS SO TEDIOUS AND ANNOYING" hurdle, I've noticed that just sheer memorization has allowed me to just passively judge what I can eat without rushing to a calculator and figuring shit out for every single food item I ingest.

In other words, it was really hard getting here, but now that I'm in, it's pretty easy. Feels good, too. I get to eat tasty things and not feel bad about them! Also my body is slowly but surely shaping up from "chubby skinny" to "defined skinny". Gonna hit the gym tomorrow. :)


Dear February,

You are a bastard. This is now the fourth time in just over a week that we are under a winter storm warning. You have severely impacted peoples' lives, robbed me of therapeutic gym time, elevated my heart rate and blood pressure, and trapped my wife in her car for ten hours in what was easily the most worrisome night of my life, which has subsequently brought on bouts of depression and near-panic at the thought of more bad weather. You are not funny, you are pissing me off, and you need to just back the $* off.

Seriously, February. QUIT YOUR SHIT. NOW.


My protein bar literally tastes like giant Reeses cups.


.... Getting small results in definition/tone finally. Pushing myself to the bleeding edge, gym every day, losing 1 or 2 hours of sleep some nights. Sprinting to the finish.

Glad to see you Soul Splint <3


I am down to 10.3% BF and can already tell I had a pretty good year in improving shoulders and upper pecs; I took some progress pics yesterday and did a bit of analysis. My arms are a bit lagging, as are lower lats and quads, but otherwise I am feeling pretty good about stuff.

I also got my 6pack of Nando's Peri Peri sauce, which will hopefully last me about 6 months. the one bottle I brought home from magfest was finished in about a month of casual use, so this should work out decently well. I cannot wait for warmer weather so I can start grilling with it though, OMG~~ I think we can all agree that we are done with winter, and it's time for snow to melt.

Dear February,

You are a bastard. This is now the fourth time in just over a week that we are under a winter storm warning. You have severely impacted peoples' lives, robbed me of therapeutic gym time, elevated my heart rate and blood pressure, and trapped my wife in her car for ten hours in what was easily the most worrisome night of my life, which has subsequently brought on bouts of depression and near-panic at the thought of more bad weather. You are not funny, you are pissing me off, and you need to just back the $* off.

Seriously, February. QUIT YOUR SHIT. NOW.

Yeah this winter's been one cold bastard. We had an ice storm here in WNC last week. That's like even more BS than a snow storm. Seriously, my porch was a death trap until the day before yesterday...and then more snow this morning. And tonight. And tomorrow night. Pretty tired of it. Like a few years ago, I was tired of it. And for you poor bastards in the Northeast, my heart goes out to you.

For reals though, spring will be here pretty soon. March 1st is Sunday. Keep calm and lift on, my bros.

Yeah this winter's been one cold bastard. We had an ice storm here in WNC last week. That's like even more BS than a snow storm. Seriously, my porch was a death trap until the day before yesterday...and then more snow this morning. And tonight. And tomorrow night. Pretty tired of it. Like a few years ago, I was tired of it. And for you poor bastards in the Northeast, my heart goes out to you.

For reals though, spring will be here pretty soon. March 1st is Sunday. Keep calm and lift on, my bros.

Yeah, you're not far from me, I'm in northern Georgia. And here comes storm number five. Just...yay.

Just got up from a nap and felt like skipping exercise. Did the exercise anyway and broke my circuit personal record for reps completed.

Nice one! In my experience, the only bad workouts are the ones you don't do, or you overdo.


Gotta share my derp from Friday, where major cool points were lost (if ever they were gained).

I'm setting up for OHP. A month ago, I managed 165 on OHP for several doubles. So I set up with 165 with the goal of getting a triple on my first set. (Disclaimer: at this point, I am about 6 weeks into a calorie cut).

So I unrack and go to press. I get about halfway up and a very, very unmanly grunt, reminiscent of the consequences of too much cheese and not enough fiber, involuntarily bursts out of my mouth, followed by the weight falling back to my chest.

That's right. Not. Even. One. Rep. Pure awesomesauce, I exude it everywhere. People were slipping in it and falling. Maybe that's why they were laughing. Yeah, that had to be it. No way it was the girly-toilet scream. Nah.

Gotta share my derp from Friday, where major cool points were lost (if ever they were gained).

I'm setting up for OHP. A month ago, I managed 165 on OHP for several doubles. So I set up with 165 with the goal of getting a triple on my first set. (Disclaimer: at this point, I am about 6 weeks into a calorie cut).

So I unrack and go to press. I get about halfway up and a very, very unmanly grunt, reminiscent of the consequences of too much cheese and not enough fiber, involuntarily bursts out of my mouth, followed by the weight falling back to my chest.

That's right. Not. Even. One. Rep. Pure awesomesauce, I exude it everywhere. People were slipping in it and falling. Maybe that's why they were laughing. Yeah, that had to be it. No way it was the girly-toilet scream. Nah.

i feel your pain

about a year ago, during a bulking phase where i was doing a high weight/low rep regimen, i tried to force myself to do my chest routine on a really, really low energy day (just one of those days where even my pre-workout stim didn't do shit for me). i somehow finished up a decent workout and was wrapping up my day when, as i was walking away ready to grab my shit and go home, i walked past the bench again and noticed that the previous person to use it had left the plates on... a mere 30 pounds above my max at the time

i was tempted. then i hesitated. then i committed, jumped under and went to power through one final to-failure set and my body was like FUCK YOU DUDE, WE'RE READY FOR BATH and the damn bar and weights slipped through my hands barreling towards my head. i luckily have catlike reflexes (kinda... more like a stoned cat, really) and was able to slip out of the way fast enough to where the bar merely glanced off my skull rather than oberyn martell me.

the gym was particularly busy that day and gauging by everyone's reactions (a mix of WTF DUDE ARE YOU OK and DO YOU EVEN LIFTETH, BREH), i had made a total ass of myself. not to mention the headsplitting headache i would endure for another TWO WEEKS (a most definite concussion).

one of my more embarrassing moments, for sure lol i almost considered never going to that club again haha

i feel your pain

about a year ago, during a bulking phase where i was doing a high weight/low rep regimen, i tried to force myself to do my chest routine on a really, really low energy day (just one of those days where even my pre-workout stim didn't do shit for me). i somehow finished up a decent workout and was wrapping up my day when, as i was walking away ready to grab my shit and go home, i walked past the bench again and noticed that the previous person to use it had left the plates on... a mere 30 pounds above my max at the time

i was tempted. then i hesitated. then i committed, jumped under and went to power through one final to-failure set and my body was like FUCK YOU DUDE, WE'RE READY FOR BATH and the damn bar and weights slipped through my hands barreling towards my head. i luckily have catlike reflexes (kinda... more like a stoned cat, really) and was able to slip out of the way fast enough to where the bar merely glanced off my skull rather than oberyn martell me.

the gym was particularly busy that day and gauging by everyone's reactions (a mix of WTF DUDE ARE YOU OK and DO YOU EVEN LIFTETH, BREH), i had made a total ass of myself. not to mention the headsplitting headache i would endure for another TWO WEEKS (a most definite concussion).

one of my more embarrassing moments, for sure lol i almost considered never going to that club again haha

Damn. You win, have my badge.


Whew, landmark one of my cut is basically here, as PAX east is in a few days and i'll be mostly shirtless for our group costume thing! I'm reading at about 9.8% bf right now, which is a little higher than i'd like, but is about 2% lower than I was last year, which is pretty good.

I'll get some pics of our group from the convention up here on Mon or Tuesday!

Posted (edited)

An update on my goals!

As to goals, I need to get on that Fitocracy thing, I reckon. I was on Fitlinxx (somewhat similar but just at the Y pretty much,) but now that's went away, so some goal/progress tracking might be nice.

On Fitocracy and consistently tracking my stuff! Next up will be to track my nutrition.

Most of my goals are not lifts, but sure, let's put em down in writing:

-275 1rm bench

Just put up 210. Feel like I could probably do 215, 220 if I just went straight in with no other working sets beforehand. Getting there, but this one will be hard if doable.

-315 1rm squat

Put up 265, with decent form. I feel like my form in general is improving, and I feel pretty good about hitting this goal.

-bodyweight push jerk

Did 155 last week. My form is getting there. Explosive lifts are tough to do right. That 155 was almost more of just an OHP than a true push jerk, but ce'st la vie. I feel pretty good about meeting or exceeding this goal, so that's good. I might change it out for deadlift at some point, though man, some explosive movements are really what I need. Hmmmm...

-improve flexibility, particularly in my back and hamstrings

I am consistently stretching, dynamic before I do my hard work and static afterwards, and feel like I'm getting some gains slowly but steadily.

-cut 10 more lbs so I'm sitting around 165 most of the time, at which point I should have a...

-six pack

I plan to do an actual cut here in the next few months (haven't decided which.) I don't want to mess too much with improving my lifts at the moment, and I just had a birthday. My girlfriend loves to feed me delicious nonsense. And real talk, I love to eat.

Again, aestheticism and even pure strength take a distant back seat to ability to perform martial arts/fight, so my main goals are as follows:

-Improve (really learn any) grappling

Joined a grappling club! I plan to go every Wednesday afternoon. Those guys are badass. I got tapped out so much and so easily. They were super nice, though, and I feel like I can get some good learning, so I'm excited.

-Get some cage experience with my betters and have the cardio/muscular endurance to consistently roll with competitive fighters


-Finish my pudao form and concurrently become decent with the weapon

-Learn how to do a kip-up (just for fun)

Haven't really worked on any of these. I got plans, though.

My number one fitness goal for this year, though? Become a personal trainer/MA instructor. I got a plan, don't worry.

So I took the plunge and bought my ACE Personal Trainer exam material. A voucher for the exam plus tons of study material, all just for the low, low price of $850. Lol. Ouch. If you do it that way, though, at least you get to spread it out over 4 months, which is what I'm doing. Still, I'm getting it done now.

As for becoming an MA instructor? Welll...I've had a couple of offers, but I couldn't take them up for schedule conflicts. We shall see where my schedule is later in the year.

I'm getting there...

How are you guys doing? I know winter was fubarred for a lot of ya'll. Almost was for me, but I managed to get some work done.

OA, good job on your body fat cut! You're a manster. :nicework:

Edited by RealFolkBlues
NWG had to be in there...
I am awesome, behold all my progress and shed envious tears.

Some serious forward movement there, bro. Way to go! Making progress on just about everything it looks like, and the ones that you haven't begun yet are in preparation. Is awesome to see:nicework:.

Man, becoming a PT (the right way) is not cheap. I'm betting you'll see some good returns, though. Kudos for making the leap!

I plan to take a look at my goal progress in about three weeks, because I expect to make another lunge forward in my progress right about that time.

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