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Well, welcome to the forums, then! :-)

Given that I'm not a huge metal fan, I've gotta say I found this a very enjoyable medley cover - not once was I tempted to hit pause or stop listening. The one criticism I can level to give you something to look at improving would be to maybe take a second look at some of your transitions; some of them worked really well, but some not as much.


Pretty cool stuff, I actually really like most of the transitions here. A few things I noticed while listening:

- There are many times I wish you would bring the orchestral elements out a bit more and let them shine as much as the metal. This rarely if ever happens, but I think it would help provide some contrast - which is one of my bigger critiques with the piece, i mean - its a 5 minute mega-metal-medly, which is freakin' awesome..

- However, things tend to start just droning on and on without much of a change. Things really start to pick up at 4:20ish, and thats the change of pace that's needed, but before that, during the mid section, things get a little stale.

- I'm honestly not a huge metal fan - but this is genuinely enjoyable, so kudos on that! Nice guitar work all around. It's not the best or the cleanest ive heard, but everything sounds as it should.


As a huge Final fantasy 9 fan I feel confident saying this does the game some honor. I agree with k-wix that the orchestral could use some more work but that's just a minor thing. The opening was well done and the little changes and solo fit quite well. The transitions were pretty good but at 2:50 where transition back into heavy it kinda caught me a bit off guard and I think a guitar slide might have helped transition better into the next part. Overall its a great track and quite enjoyable! Welcome to OCR!


Guitar sounds great! And it's a great medley too.

Not a huge metal fan anymore but I enjoyed it all, I agree with some of the other posts about the mid section feeling a bit same-same but overall it's awesome.


Well I have to say as a huge metal fan, and Final Fantasy 9 being my favorite FF game and soundtrack, that I thoroughly enjoyed this.

I'll agree with what Melbu Frahma said in that some of the transitions didn't work quite as well as others. I should say transition though - the only one that felt off to me was going from Hunter's Chance to Theme of the Tantalus. Maybe it's just the different music style in general for those two pieces, that's about all I can think of.

Overall great piece. Will definitely have this on repeat for a while.


I can't decide if the introduction of the piano around 2.20 is to sudden or too slow, either way I'd definitely say that's the one transition that seems a little 'off' to me.

Otherwise a great, great track. More of a medley than a remix but still, it remains a great interpretation. Great job :)


Wow, thanks! I'm glad that some FF9 fans enjoyed this. I was a bit worried that since I didn't even play the game I may have butchered some of the songs haha. Basically, I made this to study how Uematsu writes his songs in order to help me with my own writing. I see that transitions and orchestration are some of my weak points, and now I know what to focus on improving, so thanks for those comments.


I rly dig this!

It's amazing! Great guitar lead tone!

I love the gran finale! The battle song is an excelent source to harmonize guitars. I intend to make a remix of this Battle theme someday.

My critiques part go to the drums. IMO, drums in a metal song need to be impactful, in the front, hitting the ears. The cymbals are properly highlighted, but the snare has a very plastic tone.

In my phone I can't hear the bass, but these phones here aren't good.

Tell me, what hi-gain tones did you use?


Thanks,Dan. For the guitar tone, I am using my Fender Frontman 212r (the only amp I have =/), which isn't a very metal or gainy amp, so I run it through a digitech rp1000 effects box where I have a noise gate, compression, tube screamer, and some EQ. And that goes direct in to my computer. Oh and the guitar is a Schecter Hellraiser c7. (which has emg pickups)


If this is a one-man gig it is well done for sure! You might benefit from having a second pair of ears/hands who is more specialized in arrangements and mastering. Overall very enjoyable though very guitar-focused. A good technique for a balanced mix is to bring all your faders down. Then raise your kick to about -10 dB on the Master meter then balance the other drums. Then bring up your lead(s) (in this case guitar) up so you can hear it well but not over the drums. Then bring in your other instruments one by one in order of importance, starting with the highest importance.

Use L/R pan for instruments in similar frequency ranges (e.g. lead guitar and strings, hi hat and cymbal, etc.) for more definition.

Great job overall!

  • 3 weeks later...

When I started this song, my first thought was that it came from Lufia II, as the guitars were just like that. That's a compliment, because it's a good game.

I agree with just about every other poster that the drums need some work. Even if you made the trivial change of raising their volume, I think this mix would be improved significantly. While I didn't look at frequency curve, I have a feeling that it would be biased towards the high end of the spectrum.

Also, at times, it sounded grating, almost as if there was clipping. The waveform doesn't show clipping, but I wonder if increasing the dynamic range a little bit might improve upon things. It is a metal mix, but surely everything doesn't have to be at -3db. I don't know if I would listen to an album of songs like this, because they are just too loud.

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