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Just need Hemo and Prophecy's emails now. I can get Hemo's all right, but Prophecy seems to have disappeared from the internet, anyone know where I can contact him?

Also, I'll send out an email to everyone with some instructions for the first WIP deadline a couple of days before the first deadline. All of you should have at least started your mixes by now and have something to offer that's indicative of the direction of the piece.

Let's keep powering on, people.


Yeah, I was about to give you Proph's mail address (and if all else fails there's also PMs). He even told me he was fighting a bug this past month, but I'm very optimistic that he will pull through for the album.

My side of the deal is coming along okay. I should have plenty of time to work on it some more this week now that I don't have to do a damn thing in the PRC :)


Deadline's coming up, I'll send out a mass email soon to go with it.

If anyone has their WIP finished, they can start emailing it to me at the_orichalcon@hotmail.com. Attach the file to the email if you can. I'll listen to all WIP's from Feb 6th and give you all direction. If anyone's sent me a WIP so far, resend it as an attachment to that email address, even if you've already sent it over the last few weeks, just so I don't accidently leave anyone behind.

Remember, I'm looking for the elements of your remixes for now, the basics that shows me what style and what direction you're going with the piece.

I'll send the email out over the next week.


Received :)

Just out of clarification, I know that in the first WIP you want where the track is going, although are you looking for the sketch of a full arrangement, or a fleshed out portion of the song, or something like that?

Haha, too many commas :oops:


TO, I had an idea!

As much as I hate crossfading, I still think this would be cool. Basically it involves Prophecy, my song, the text at the end of the game, and the track order. I was thinking our songs could tie together and stuff.

Of course, I haven't really cleared this with Prophecy yet [who I hope reads this message!], but if you don't like the idea then we wouldn't do it anyway.

Anyway I have a question. Crossfading, yes or no?

Also you never answered the question from my email, but that's ok, I tire of the existing sample anyway. However I would like you to do me a favor: Could you get the End Boss vocal sample? The one that's just Romero's voice pitched down and backwards? If you could, that'd be great ^___________________^

Also you never answered the question from my email, but that's ok, I tire of the existing sample anyway. However I would like you to do me a favor: Could you get the End Boss vocal sample? The one that's just Romero's voice pitched down and backwards? If you could, that'd be great ^___________________^

I can rip that from the game and send it to you pretty easily. That's the beauty of wintex :D I can rip any number of effects from the game too for anyone who wants them. However, make sure you don't rely on sound effects to carry the piece.

As for cross-fading. I am planning to have the music link together from track to track as smoothly as possible. However, I haven't decided on the track order yet, so don't bother contacting anyone about crossfading just yet. Stuff like that can usually be quite easily edited in towards the end of the project. Once I know the style of the pieces, I'll do what Myth did for DSoP and divvy the tracks up so there's a variety on both CD's.


^^^ because its very important to make the whole PROJECT as enjoyable to listen to as possible. If there happens to be a bunch of slow mixes in a row with the standard level order or a bunch of fast ones in a row, etc then it doesn't keep the variety across the board as evenly and would lead to an unbalanced overall product


I've started sending feedback to people, and I've posted a new column in the first post and this post. The WIP column states whether the artist has submitted a WIP to me, and the "Checked" column states whether I've sent feedback or not. As you can see, I still need a lot of people to even submit their WIP.

Trk #  - In-Game Level     - Track Title                - Artist(s) Covering              WIP / Checked

* / 0 - Intro - Title - (The Orichalcon) YES / NO
* / 00 - Inter - Intermission - (Sir NutS) NO / NO
* / 01 - Entryway - Running from Evil - (EvilHorde) YES / YES
* / 02 - Underhalls - The Healer Stalks - (Txai) YES / NO
* / 03 - Gantlet - Countdown to Death - (Rexy) NO / NO
* / 04 - The Focus - Between Levels - (Cubed777) YES / NO
* / 05 - The Waste Tunnels - DOOM - (nousentre) YES / YES
* / 06 - The Crusher - In the Dark - (The Orichalcon & Nasenmann) YES / NO
* / 07 - Dead Simple - Shawn's got the Shotgun - (RoeTaKa & EvilHorde) YES / YES
* / 08 - Tricks and Traps - The Dave D. Taylor Blues - (EvilHorde) YES / YES
* / 09 - The Pit - Into Sandy's City - (Joker) YES / YES
* / 10 - Refueling Base - The Demon's Dead - (Prophecy) NO / NO
* / 18 - Courtyard - Waiting for Romero to Play - (The Orichalcon & Bladiator) YES / NO
* / 20 - Gotcha! - Message for the Archvile - (Mazedude) YES / YES
* / 23 - Barrels O Fun - Bye Bye American Pie - (RoeTaKa) YES / YES
* / 25 - Bloodfalls - Adrian's Asleep - (Mythril Nazgul) NO / NO
* / 28 - The Spirit World - Getting too Tense - (Hemophiliac) YES / YES
* / 30 - Icon of Sin - Opening to Hell - (OverCoat) YES / NO
* / 99 - Readme - End Game - (Prophecy) NO / NO


I'll check the rest of the mixes that I haven't checked yet shortly. New WIP deadline will be decided once I've checked everyone.

The next WIP phase will need the most work, I expect a close-to-finished piece by the next deadline, from which point I'll check them all again to point out things that might need drastic-changing before we finish up. You guys can run your pieces by me if you need help or need to check it over that time period.

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